The Banquet of Azathoth (six more)

The power brought by the burning of the uncertain future is very small, and the stars gathered little by little appear behind Yuu.
However, the little bit of starlight gathered more and more, and finally gathered into an unimaginable starlight ocean.
Yi, Zhao, Jing, Gai…Yu has burned almost all the future that Avogomon can observe.
Under this enormous power, Yu broke through Nyarlathotep’s blockade and briefly regained his power.
His figure appeared strangely with multiple images, as if they were overlapping one after another.
By distorting the concept of quantity, Yuu has distorted the only self to an order of magnitude beyond the Enyis Forest.
Nearly every slender arm stretched out from the Enyis Forest was surrounded by more than five yogis.
And such a huge number is aimed at the next.
The power of Beelzebub unleashes its might.
That is the power of [dullness], which destroys the spirituality of all things, sums everything up in matter, and destroys wisdom and intellect – the twisting power.
At this moment, Yu has worn away the not powerful intellect of Enyis Forest, making it a fake allowed by instinct.
The black-haired, red-eyed woman with a delicate and beautiful face responded to this scene with silence.
She is still suppressing atheism and filling the gap.
In the face of Yuu’s current strength, she has lost the bargaining chip.
Black Pharaoh stopped fighting with Nayiko and looked at Yu’s overlapping figures silently.
About ten seconds later, He gritted his teeth and called out a name:
The “favor” of the All-for-One is beyond the Black Pharaoh, beyond all Nyarlathotep’s expectations.
At this point, even Nayiko was confused.
It was completely beyond her expectation that the One Who All Things Alive, who had already declared that she refused to help her, had established a chance to win at such a time.
Don’t you mean refusing to help?
So what’s the matter with the possibility that this almost burns the entirety of an incarnation to cover it?
The vast possibilities involved in Yuu cannot be achieved by just sacrificing an Afogmon. Among them, there must be Yog’s secret hand.
Wait, it doesn’t seem like this is assistance… After all, Yavgomon was sealed in Dirac’s heart as early as the dawn.
Yuu burned the sealed Avogmon, and regained his power for a short time.
To be honest, it really doesn’t have much to do with Yog.
But now so, kissing himWhat’s the difference between doing it yourself?
At this time, Yoo, who had already severely damaged Enyis Forest, turned his head and looked at Black Pharaoh.
The latter’s roar suddenly became slow, and the shouted name seemed to echo around for more than ten years. It was long, redundant, and full of deep ridicule.
And at the first moment of the change, the black pharaoh realized his mental stupidity.
It was not a direct attack, but a simple interference, a vicious interference against the spirit.
He didn’t dare to be careless, and quickly turned his own existence into chaos.
The gray-white solution filled the air. Relying on these chaos, the black pharaoh broke free from Yu’s interference in the spirit.
And at this moment, relying on her current strength, Yuu seduced Dirac’s heart and stimulated the power of atheism.
Arriving at the second particle point, he truly grasped the power of Dirac’s heart, and indirectly showed the supreme power.
Chaos is forced to generalize.
Clouds of gray-white mucus were forced to form the body of the black pharaoh.
His movements are restricted, and his movement is also forced to limit the speed. He can only make changes close to the speed of light in the universe, which is a stark contrast to the innocence of coming and going in the past.
Just like a domineering emperor!
Yuu listed a rule called ‘substance’ here, and any manifestation of power must obey the physics he set, and it cannot be surpassed in the slightest.
Roots, concepts, original pillars, time and space, quality and energy, everything is defined by Yoo.
The Black Pharaoh was forced to stay in place, which was the result of the failure of the ability of the latent Chaos to move.
This kind of power that only speaks her own truth, she has only seen similar but more powerful powers in Yog-Sothoth and that majesty.
Just as he couldn’t resist the “dream” of the Supreme Demon and the “space-time” of Yog-Sothoth, he lost the power he relied on in front of Yuu’s “matter”.
On the other hand, when the enemy was limited, Nayko was agile to the limit.
She swaggeredly sneaked into the chaos in front of the black pharaoh, came to the side of Nyarlathotep with black hair and red eyes, and penetrated it with one hand.
The black-haired, red-eyed young girl gave a bitter smile, and after winning most of Yuu’s attention with her charm, she was taken into the body by the jealous Naiako.
Under the shroud of a little gray light, Nayko forcibly accommodated this avatar.
Immediately afterwards, He came to the side of Enyis Forest again, and did the same for this avatar, whose body could no longer be controlled.
And just after she was accommodated, her face suddenly showed surprise.
In contrast, the black pharaoh, who was restricted and even locked in the space-time box because Yu blocked the space-time, roared for the first time:
Black Pharaoh never imagined that Naiako’s experiment on Avogmon would actually give birth to a secret technique that could successfully devour Nyarlathotep.
And such a secret technique, except for Yu who achieved the highest achievement through [All things return to one], no one can help Naiako achieve it.
Yog’s almost obvious favoritism made the Black Pharaoh furious.
This messenger, in an ugly gesture of fury, vented his hatred towards the One Who Returns to All Things:
“My beloved son will eventually go into madness.”
“I will wait in his dream to wake up, waiting for the day when I become a whisperer again.”
Whisperer…Yu’s eyes flickered for a moment.
Afterwards, his eyes that were almost insightful into the future and comprehend the past reflected a scene.
It was a scene where a figure who couldn’t see his face, but could feel ridicule and play, knelt down beside the ear of an unobservable figure, whispering in a low voice.
And after this scene, there are hundreds of millions of stars gathered in the unity of all things, looking at the three surrounding existences that are exactly the same as him, indifferent and speechless.
This is the scene where Yog splits into three incarnations… Yuu suddenly understood.
At the same time, he was sweating coldly.
Was Yog-Sothoth’s split by Nyarlathotep?
He whispered in the ear of the unobservable, suspected Supreme Demon, causing the One Who Unifies All Things to differentiate into four individuals?
This is… how blasphemous? !
Yog-Sothoth, who achieved the highest achievement with [All Things Return to One], was actually divided into four parts because of Nyarlathotep’s actions? !
Subconsciously, Yu took a shot at Pharaoh Black.
He couldn’t tolerate the other party’s continued existence for a second, and he couldn’t ignore the obvious danger of the other party.
The body of the black pharaoh was again controlled by remote control, and his spirit showed a very obvious ablation.
Even consciousness is no longer able to maintain existence.
At the same moment, the time and space around Black Pharaoh froze.
The power that came from nowhere fixed the Black Pharaoh and gave Naiako a gap to sneak in.
Naturally, Nayiko will not miss this great opportunity.
After three downs, five out of two rooms, the black pharaoh’s figure melted into Nayazi’s belly.
At this time, Yun stared at Nayiko’s flat stomach, did not say anything, and did not ask why the black pharaoh believed that his madness would eventually come.
He silently distorted the space, and with Nayiko, boarded the box boat through the back door.
On the box boat, he saw the happy faces of everyone who successfully escaped from the box garden.
“Master, you came back successfully.”
Bai Yasha couldn’t help but win.
Yu nodded, and smiled respectfully at Taichi, who was standing beside Index with ‘passion’ on his side.
The latter responded with a helpless smile, turned his head to face Index, but showed an obvious provocative gesture:”The method is pretty good, the only god, don’t you mind continuing to play with me?”
“Where are you playing? On the bed?”
Seeing that Yuu was safe and sound, Index made a powerful speech with innocent-looking words.
Taiyi’s face was suddenly a little embarrassed, especially after hearing Shiroyasha’s undisguised laughter, it was even more difficult to accept.
After suppressing Bai Yasha with her fist without hesitation, she clapped her hands happily and commented:
“Nice sandbag.”
The Queen of Halloween responded with laughter.
At this time, Yu looked around the crowd, and after seeing all the members except Shakya, he sighed quite relaxed.
Gu Limo, who was originally happy, suddenly paused when he heard the sigh, and rubbed his head with some doubts.
“Strange? Why was I happy just now?”
On the side, Omega and Alpha whispered:
“It’s strange, sister, I seem to want to settle accounts with someone?”
Alpha took a small bite of a biscuit, then tilted his head, and looked at Ahriman who was beside him.
“Ariman, what’s wrong with you? You look happy, but also at a loss?”
“I do not know…”
Ahriman hesitated for a moment, looked around, but had a strange feeling that there seemed to be a few people missing here.
But who is missing…
“Wait a minute, what about Hakoniwa…”
Shiroyasha suddenly exclaimed, and everyone forgot about it at random, but found that Hakoniwa Universe, which was originally behind him, was wrapped in pure white mist until it disappeared into the vast sea of ​​mist.
On a rectangular table.
A white cloud was placed on the white plate, and above the cloud was an irregular piece of spherical delicacy.
It was surrounded by mist, and at the same time, there was a dragon turtle that was so small that it was invisible to the naked eye, and it was moving slowly and hard towards the outside of the dinner plate.
At this time, the edge of the long table, a total of six seats on the left and right sides were already full of figures.
The one on the left.
The leader is a beautiful woman with dignified and elegant clothes and long silver hair fluttering.
Next is a young girl with silver hair and green eyes and a smile in her eyes.
The last one to attend was a gentle woman with black hair and red eyes, full of intelligence, and a good figure.
These three people are:
[All things are one] Yog Sothoth
[Crouching Chaos] Naiyazi
[The Black Goat of the Forest] Shabu Nicholas
And opposite the three of them, on the right side of the long table.
Tai Yi, who is located in the last department, stared at the center of the long table with her pair of bright eyes, staring straight at the owner’s seat, without concealing her peeping.
Index, who was in second place, seemed to be indifferent, smiling the most besides Naiako.
You sat in the first seat silently, looking at the dinner plate in front of her with deep and complicated eyes.
Previously, he temporarily interfered with the memories of the acquaintances, in order to allow everyone to leave safely and avoid this dinner.
Now it seems that he is on the right track.
Lost the impression of the three of them, lost the impression of the old days, facing the cornerstone of the audience’s sense of self-existence at this moment, only the sentient beings on the box boat will be safe and sound.
That was the temporary peace brought about by ‘ignorance’.
You sighed slightly with peace of mind, and then looked at the head seat.
Behind the owner’s seat.
The king in yellow, Hastur, has already picked up his long-lost violin, and silently played a sad tune.
Kegetuya, who was covered in flames, stared at Naiyazi angrily and beat the big drum in front of him.
With the weakest breath, Cthulhu, who was crushed to a height of half a meter by all the bullies, held a suona and played cheerful tunes, as if celebrating the defeat of Nyarlathotep.
Of the three, one was playing dirge, the other was beating drums, and the other was singing worship songs, making the entire court of chaos extremely noisy.
In Sanyuanzhu’s view, such a scene is the normal state of this Court of Chaos, the supreme palace also known as the Court of Azathoth.
As long as the person on the main seat does not come out to sing a song, Sanyuan Zhu will not be shaken in the slightest.
While sitting in silence, the three members of the band had different thoughts.
The figure on the chief seat appeared slightly, and expressed his warmest feelings with the movement of spreading his hands:
“There are actually three cornerstones this time…”
Surrounded the court of Azathoth with words of emotion.
[Supreme Demon] descended into his courtyard.

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