Her Royal Highness The Princess
Masamune Izumi stared blankly at the silver-haired girl who appeared in front of the store. “Hey, it’s really fake. In reality, there is actually such a posture of super young lady appearing. Although it has been described countless times in light novels, it is really domineering to watch it live.”
A salty-wet look appeared on Izumi Sagiri’s face, which was broadcast live by computer viewers. “Silver-haired, petite~ petite, lolita-style, super lady, wow~~ so cute, na na, brother, can you go and get her gang up?”
“Damn it! X2” Izumi Masamune and Takasaka Kyosuke clearly saw the gaze of the bodyguard closest to their seat watching over.
The black-clothed bodyguard stretched his right hand into the jacket pocket of the black suit, as if he was holding something.
‘Fuck, you definitely want to draw a gun, absolutely! Just a joke! Brother, don’t worry about it! ‘ Takasaka Kyosuke and Izumi Masamune roared frantically in their hearts.
“Go back.” The silver-haired girl’s faint commanding voice came.
“But, Your Royal Highness, your safety.” A buzzing voice came from the bodyguard in black who was about to draw a gun.
“Go back, Captain Kuyuan. I don’t want to repeat it again.” The silver-haired girl’s face changed from calm to indifference, and her words carried an air of indifference.
“Hey! Close the team.” The black-clothed bodyguard bowed 90 degrees, then straightened his waist, waved his hand, and exited the cafe with the other men in black.
However, everyone in the cafe obviously saw the other party going out and slowly surrounded the cafe, and even a sharp-eyed customer said that they saw a sniper rifle aimed at it in the distance.
“Well, is the party underground here? That house girl gathers?” The silver-haired girl’s crisp voice came over.
Saori Bagina’s body froze, and she didn’t recover until the girl repeated it, and hurriedly gave a strange Japanese military salute. “Yes, I’m the person in charge of the otaku collection. You, what’s the matter with you?”
“Don’t be so nervous, I’m Kasuga Nozomi, oh, it seems that the party is going to sign up for an online name. I’m sorry I haven’t participated in this kind of event. My online name is Yuzhikong.” Kasuga Yezong looked at Saori Ba, who was trembling in front of him. Jina reluctantly said that thanks to a certain idiot brother, the number of bodyguards arranged was too large, scaring these ordinary people.
1 regiment of heavy firepower, plus several martial arts masters (upper level of the great knight) who had been mixed in the original guests of the cafe, plus several power crystals of self-defense, it can be said that it is enough to defeat any god of disobedience. The defense level of life-saving in hand.
“Ah, okay, please, please, our reserved seat is in the innermost part of the store.” Saori Bagina calmed down his emotions and led Kasuga Yezuku and the trembling otaku girls into the store On the back side, there is a group seat that uses several tables side by side.
As the girls sat down, there were whispers in the dining room.
“Who is that person, who will use the army to defend it, this is a regiment-level armyAlright. ”
“Didn’t you hear that sentence, His Royal Highness, the emperor’s daughter and granddaughter are only called.”
“Hey, the real thing, His Highness Ji Jun?! It’s real or not.”
“It’s a lie, a real princess would join that kind of social chat group.” Kosaka Kyosuke covered his face, he was a little calm and unable.
“Only a real princess will become a house girl. Locked deep in the palace by her indifferent father, a princess who can only admire her beauty can only be addicted to the Internet…” Hequan Sagiri’s voice came from the computer. Obviously one hand is constantly drawing, but staring at the computer screen intently, and can also interrupt the conversation, where did this skill come from?
“Shut up, Sagiri, I was almost killed by you just now, and don’t you all pay attention to the news reports, the deep lock palace has long been a thing of the past, it has been abolished in the Meiji era, and the princess can go shopping long ago Ah, but, having said that, it seems that Jun Ji really hasn’t met many people.”
Izumi Masamune looked at Kasuga Nokome who was at a loss after being surrounded by curious housewives after a brief shock.
Hequan Sagiri stared at the picture on the computer screen, dazed. “If it’s a royal princess, you should know some secret information. Really, can you really be resurrected…Dad, Mom…”
“It’s going to happen!” Kosaka Kyosuke looked at the gathering of house girls in the back of the cafe, and whispered to himself.
“What’s wrong? Kyosuke.” Izumi Masamune looked at Kosaka Kyosuke suspiciously, and Izumi Sagiri looked at Kosaka Kyosuke suspiciously at the same time.
“See, the one with light brown hair, earrings on both ears, and bright nail polish on her long nails is my sister, Kirino Kosaka.” Kyousuke Kosaka pointed at Kirino Kosaka in the crowd Said.
“I’m completely alone. Although there are reasons for everyone to surround the princess, is she very out of gregarious?” Izumi Masamune asked Kyosuke Kosaka with doubts.
“That… what’s your sister’s screen name?” Izumi Sagiri asked in a low voice. Fortunately, Izumi Masamune had already used a loudspeaker, which was the reason why Izumi Sagiri’s voice could always be conveyed perfectly.
“It seems…probably…it’s Xiao Tongtong.” Kyosuke Kosaka said in an uncertain tone.
“Hey, she is very talkative in the chat group, and she is quite gentle, why?” Izumi Sagiri stared at the direction of Kosaka Kirino on the screen strangely.
Kosaka Kyosuke carefully inspected Kosaka Kirino, and then said in a tone of hatred. “Using that kind of princess posture, exuding the aura that strangers should not enter. It is obvious that the real princess sitting next to her is not as high as she is.”
Izumi Masamune saw Kosaka Kirino, who scared off the girl who spoke to him after seeing the conversation of just a few words, and said in a sympathetic tone. “You have worked hard too, to have such a younger sister.”
As time passed, “Saori”, the manager of the community and the convener of the online gathering, stood up and began to make a speech to end the gathering.
“Thank you for your cooperation. This memorable first tea party is coming to an end here! I thank you all from the bottom of my heart! Especially His Royal Highness Ji Jun who came here specially, I am very grateful!”
There were cheers in the shop. As expected of the manager of the online community, her appearance and way of speaking are obviously so strange, but it is strange that she is quite popular among nerds. Since she is the only one who is very tall, she looks like a teacher with middle school students. “This is the end of today’s tea party! Although it will be disbanded soon, those who still have time, and those who want to chat more with friends who have a good time with each other, can take them away to continue the second or third meeting! And Regarding the next event, it will be posted on the community homepage again, please be sure to join us again! Then—disband!”
The crowd became noisy. Everyone said good-bye to each other, and it was like, “Let’s go to the bookstore, Ji Jun, do you want to go together?” ’ ‘Would you like to talk more about the pairing of Gundam SEED? ’ Waiting for the sound of dialogue inviting each other to come and go.
“That, brother?”
“What’s wrong, Sagiri?”
“Can you get close to that princess, I have something to say to her.”

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