My Name Is
The Yamada Fairy seemed to be shocked by Yu’s words. She stared at Yu in astonishment and was speechless. Then, after seeing Yu’s narrow smile, her head warmed and she stammered. “Naked…naked~painted…models! That…since…it’s dedicated to art, that…that, it’s not that I can’t think about it…”
“Yeah, since it’s for art, it’s impossible for everyone to appreciate a book based on yourself. Everything is for art~~” You narrowed his eyes slightly, with a narrow smile on his face, and followed suit.
‘Sagiri, for your hobby, my brother has stopped being disciplined and lured~ abducting girls in the street. ’
“Are you going to come out with a book?!! This…this…I’ll go back and think about it first.”
With a snap, the door of the reception room was closed, and the Yamada Fairy ran out as if she was fleeing. She was clearly wearing high heels, yet she was able to run. Humans have great potential.
“Wow, I haven’t seen you for a few days. Izumi-sensei is so familiar with girls, so I don’t want to continue pretending to be innocent boys.” Kagurazaka Ayame teased with a weird smile.
“How can I tell you, you just take me as a good boy who has been disguised for 16 years, and now finally has the highest power, and let go of the hidden conspirators.” Yu looked at Kagurazaka with a big head, because he dated 3 Because of the years, the other party knows the Hequan family well, not so goodSilly character.
And the guy on the opposite side has a very bad personality. I knew about the brother-sister relationship between Izumi Sagiri and Yuu a year ago, but what was extremely bad was that he kept a secret from both parties and watched the reality version of the light novel comedy in secret. Sure enough, this book She must be the editor in charge of the book. If you don’t cheat her, I feel really uncomfortable.
“Oh! The story of the Abandoned Son of a Wealthy Family? Does Mr. Izumi have the idea of ​​publishing a book about your personal experience? I have a hunch that this will be a big hit. The story that comes entirely from the author’s real experience is very selling.” Kagura Sakacalamus looked at the silver-haired boy in front of him with a narrow smile.
“No matter how she has a selling point, it can’t be compared to Mr. Yamada just now, a best-selling author with a sales volume of 2 million copies, why don’t you take this opportunity to dig her over.” Yu held her forehead and looked at the person in front of her with a headache Kagurazaka calamus, but I find it unexpectedly interesting in my heart. It’s the first time I’ve ever crossed it with a bad joke among friends.
“Come on, the editor in charge of the other party is your own brother, and you didn’t say it before, you have the suspicion of riding the east wind. If it is a completely original writer, it is necessary to take action. After all, if you want to poach people, you will If you offend a large publishing house in the industry, you must consider the pros and cons.” Kagurazaka Ayame spread her hands helplessly.
“Besides, that little girl’s temper is too bad, with her arrogant and arrogant look, if you dig over it, wouldn’t it be asking for trouble? No matter how great it can bring the company, I just don’t dig it. People.” Kagurazaka Ayame complained again and again, and it seemed that he was clearly angry with the Yamada-sensei just now.
“Hey, hey! We’re familiar with each other, but this publishing house is now an industry under my name. Is it okay to say this in front of my chairman?” eye sight.
“Speaking of which, Mr. Izumi, I just read your manuscript. Although the setting is quite impressive, why did the protagonist’s name appear in the last

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