Deceptive Appearances
“It hurts, it hurts! Brother, is your face an iron plate?” Heizumi Sagiri cursed continuously at her red palm.
Kasuga Ye Qiong frowned, with tears in the corners of his eyes, looking at his red palms.
Yu touched her unscathed cheek and said with a wry smile. “It’s not like you don’t know my situation, and you dare to put your flesh on my steel skin? Isn’t it just a kiss? Is the reaction so big?”
“You still have the face to say that you dare to kiss another woman in front of me…”Kasuga Ye Qiong’s face turned from white to black, raised his feet, stomped on Yu’s footsteps, and said in a cold voice.
“.Even if you want to kiss, you have to be alone…” Kasumi Sagiri’s face flushed slightly, and she hid behind Kasuga Ye Qiong, staring at Yu with watery eyes and said.
Taking advantage of everyone’s attention, the Yamada Fairy hurriedly stood up, lifted the blue and white strips, dressed them, and yelled angrily at the three of them. “Your family, are they all perverts! Ah!!! Sit down for me!”
The most unlucky bitter master was angry, and the three of them hurriedly sat in a row, tremblingly looking at the Yamada Fairy who transformed into a roaring body.
The Yamada Fairy held her forehead, her face full of shame and anger. “I finally understand why Erromanga-sensei can draw such super-H eroge cartoons.”
Izumi Sagiri’s face flushed slightly, she pointed at her fingers and said softly. “I…don’t know that name…sorry, I was wrong.”
The Yamada Fairy looked at Izumi Sagiri with a dark face, and forced her to change her tune.
Afterwards, the Yamada Fairy sat down and looked at Yu with a look of contempt, as if looking at some incombustible garbage. “Sure enough, you guy, you have a strong kissing addiction, you will have a seizure when you see a beautiful girl, don’t you think that even your sister doesn’t let go…”
The Yamada Fairy turned her head sharply, her blue eyes widened, and she looked at Kasuga Ye Qiong with a shocked expression on her face. “Just now, what did you say? Just the previous sentence!”
Kasuga Ye Qiong tilted his head, his delicate face full of doubts. “How dare you kiss another woman in front of me…is that so?”
The Yamada Fairy stared at Kasugano Dome opposite. ‘There is no shame~ I repeated it with no shame. ’
“Are all of your family perverted, love triangle? My sister is a male and female lead in an eroge game? Or is it the real version?” The Yamada Fairy felt that her mind was very confused, and she stared blankly at the three in front of her.
“That… Actually, we are not brothers and sisters.” Izumi Sagiri gently held Yu’s left hand and said with flickering eyes.
Hearing the sound, the Yamada Fairy looked at the three of them with contempt with eyes that contained the meaning that you were teasing me, and pointed at the top of their heads and yelled angrily. “With this identical silver hair, you tell me that you are not siblings, you are fooling the ghost! Am I so easy to deceive? Ah!”
“Ha~ha~ha!” The three of them looked at each other, looking at each other’s iconic silver hair, with an extremely embarrassed look on their faces, and smiled bitterly.
Looking at the fiery Yamada Fairy, Izumi Sagiri crept up in front of her, lowered her head, and said timidly. “I’m sorry, Yamada-sensei, I didn’t mean to.”
Looking at Iizumi Sagiri who sincerely apologized, the Yamada Fairy sighed deeply. “I’m afraid of you. I don’t intend to interfere in your family affairs. But then again. After seeing Mr. Erromanga with my own eyes, I think it’s pretty much what I imagined before.”
“Huh?” Heizumi Sagiri looked at the Yamada Fairy with a puzzled expression, waiting for her next words.
The Yamada Fairy held her forehead with a helpless look on her face. “I always thought that a teacher who can draw that kind of eroge comics is a disgusting nerd, and more likely a fat pig man. I didn’t expect to be such a petite~cute girl, just because your appearance is too good. I’m deceived, and I’ll be attacked by you, I’m really completely defenseless.”
“It’s too much to be disgusting, dead house or something, I… I’m not.” Izumi Sagiri blushed and retorted loudly, but when she remembered what she had done at home, her voice became weaker…
Kasuga Yezong looked at Sagiri Iizumi who couldn’t refute with pity. “Ah, Sagiri also found out, the behavior is exactly the same, and the disgusting house.”
“Well, Sagiri, it’s not good to stay at home all the time, why don’t you try to go outside for a while, or go to collect materials with me.” Yu suggested with an embarrassed expression. He really hoped that Sagiri could go out of the house and face the society. I just took this opportunity to mention it a little bit, if it can be successful.
Under the blows from the three sides, He Quan Sagiri blushed, turned around and glared at the three of them fiercely, and quickly ran to the bed, lifted the quilt and wrapped himself in it.
“If I don’t go out, I just don’t go out. I just don’t go out.”
A trace of cold sweat slid across the foreheads of the three of them, and they looked helplessly at the huddled and rolling Izumi Sagiri.
The Yamada Fairy sighed, looked at the splashing Izumi Sagiri and said. “Look at this, I can’t talk about cooperation today, so I’ll say goodbye first.”
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry today, Mr. Yamada Fairy.” Yu rubbed his head with a wry smile, and glared at Izumi Sagiri at the same time, I have to apologize for your fault.
The Yamada Fairy glared at Yuu, lightly opened the door of the balcony, and jumped back to the second floor of her villa from the balcony, with unusual agility.
Kasuga Ye Qiong narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the smooth movements of the Yamada Goblin, turned his head and asked. “I’ve always wanted to ask before, that Yamada Fairy’s ears, and her actions now, are really fairies?”
Yu rubbed her chin and said in an uncertain tone. “The ancestors should have goblin blood… Because I know too little about those goblins, and I can’t be sure which one is the forest goblin.”
At 5 o’clock in the evening, Izumi Sagiri’s room.
Yu looked at Sagiri Izumi, who was drawing an eroge painting with a strange expression on her face.
“By the way, Sagiri, did you and Xiaoqiong make an agreement? Why did she repeatedly reject my proposal to stay temporarily and rush back to Ou Muran?”
“That…it’s just a division of the ownership of my brother., Okumori’s is hers, Tokyo’s is mine… I have made such a division. “Is Yu’s bizarre gaze has been watching, and Izumi Sagiri can’t stand it, pointing her fingers with a shy look on her face, and said softly.
Yu suddenly had black lines all over her head. Don’t say it as if you cut me into half.
“By the way, Sagiri, I’ll go to the publishing house to discuss the issue of publishing later, so please take a good look at it. If you have something to do, press the bell I gave you, and the Koga Ninja will handle it.”
At 6 o’clock in the evening, Yu stepped into the door of the publishing house.
At this time, at the reception desk on the first floor of the publishing house, a young girl was talking to the receptionist.
With long straight black hair like ink, a white headband on her head, light makeup on her beautiful and delicate face, and wearing an unknown school uniform, the girl has an unusually tall figure, but the most attractive thing is her slender legs The long black stockings she was wearing were unexpectedly a super beautiful woman who can play with her legs.
“Excuse me, I’m Shiyu Kasumigaoka and editor Machida have made an appointment to visit at 6 o’clock.”

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