The high-end suite of Togetsu Li Palace.
Ying Riri squatted on the ground with a sad face and sorted out the pieces of cloth. After her unremitting efforts, the pieces of cloth were barely made up by her to look like the snow-white princess dress she wore last night.
“That pervert, torn so shredded, that these can’t be worn at all, and they can’t be repaired. This is my most high-end clothes!!”
Speaking of which, Ying Riri was already gnashing her teeth, frantically grabbing her golden hair. The messy hair that was originally messed up because of the battle last night was even more messy, and she looked extremely embarrassed with her hair disheveled.
At this moment, the door was pushed open.
Ying Riri froze suddenly, it was early morning, and only Yu, who had been pulled away by her, was the only one who would come in at this time. At this moment, her clothes were all torn to pieces, and she was completely naked.
Ying Riri’s face instantly flushed red, she stood up suddenly, jumped onto the bed, grabbed the white sheet, covered her petite figure, and wrapped herself tightly without leaving any gaps.
Although it was only a few seconds, the petite Golden Retriever’s self-imposed quick response was like a slow-motion replay in Yu’s eyes, and he could see the delicate body like white porcelain.
Yoo shrugged, walked into the room with a dinner plate, passed over the neatly pieced princess dress on the ground, and placed the dinner plate on the top of the cabinet in front of the bed.
“I’ll bring breakfast.” Yu whispered towards Eiri.
Hearing that ‘familiar’ voice, Yingri clung to the sheet tightly, covering her body, shivering like a small animal.
“Come out for breakfast, what are you doing hiding?” Yu looked at Eiri who was wrapped in a white sheet, looked for Maobe’s location, and slapped it when she found it.
In the quiet late night, the crisp sound was unusually pleasant in your ears.
“Yah!!! What are you doing~~~” Eri, who was suddenly attacked by Maobe, froze suddenly, and immediately made a harsh soprano.
“Come out for breakfast, it’s rare that I’m so kind to bring you a copy, but you dare to hide, come out quickly.” Yuu said with a smirk as she tapped Yingri’s cheeks to pour her life energy into it.
Eri Li, who was hiding under the quilt, kept swaying from side to side, trying to escape from Yu’s slapping, but with her small body how she avoided Yu’s attack, the room continued to make popping noises.
Realizing that he was tortured by Yu for several hours last night, Maobe, who was in great pain, gradually became more comfortable under Yu’s slap.
As an eroge cartoonist, she has a very clear understanding of the concept of training. After realizing that she felt pleasure under Yuu’s slap, she seriously doubted her orientation.
She didn’t know the existence of the magic power, and now she began to doubt whether she had the tendency to tremble.
“Come out, come out soon, my Yingri, huh? You don’t like being treated like this by me, right?” He said jokingly, sensing that Yingri was cooperating with her actions.
“No!!! I just didn’t have any clothes to wear and didn’t dare to come out, yes, because I don’t have any clothes to wear!! You bastard.” The voice of Ying Riri’s frying hair came from the sheet.
“Oh, we’re all in this relationship, we’re just being honest with each other, why are you shy?” Yuu said solemnly, but there was an indescribable sense of humiliation in his tone.
“Huh, relationship? Based on our relationship, you should be sentenced to more than 3 years, but not more than 20 years in prison. You are a strong woman.” Yingri pursed her lips, snorted in dissatisfaction, and sarcastically said.
“Oh, I’m going to be sentenced to 20 years, but last night I took the dry road instead of the water, so I lost a lot of money. Then Yingri, let’s continue what we didn’t do last night.” The corner of his mouth rose slightly, revealing ruffian lookWith a smile, he forcibly tore the sheets.
A smirking figure suddenly appeared in the clear blue eyes, and Eiri, who noticed that the sheet was torn, turned pale, and hurriedly shrank into a ball, trying to protect herself from harm.
But looking at Yu who was approaching her step by step, Eri closed her eyes in despair and gave up her useless resistance.
There are some things, once it was born and the second was ripe, Yingri could keep trying to escape last night, but after giving up for the last time, the bottom line in Yingri’s heart dropped a lot. At this moment, facing the crisis of truth, she… gave up resistance again.
Suddenly, Eiri felt a smooth touch, her body seemed to be covered by something, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at the bathrobe in front of her, she was stunned.
“Stupid? Did you forget that there are clean bathrobes in the hotel? Just find one and put it on.” Yu looked at Eiri with contempt and mocked.
Ying Lili’s delicate and pretty face instantly turned as rosy as a red persimmon, she yelled loudly with a blushing face. “I want you to take care of it!! Hmph.”
“If you have time to scold, why don’t you put on your bathrobe and have breakfast.” You turned around, as if giving Yingri time to change her clothes, and said with a smile while destroying the cotton rope of the bathrobe in her hand.
“Thank you~” The rustling clothes and the whispers that can’t be heard if you don’t pay attention sounded at the same time.
Hearing this~ whispering, Yu’s face showed the expression of planning to pass.
In the past, he liked Ying Lili very much, this arrogant girl. Now that he has met a real person, how can he not eat it in his mouth. With Ying Lili’s capital, he earned three years of blood, and the death penalty is not a loss.
However, even though Yu wanted to attack Yingri, the relationship between Yingli and her childhood sweetheart, which seemed fragile but was actually very strong, was too troublesome, so Yu chose to use force.
Of course, getting Eiri’s body directly would lead to a negative impression of favor. In addition, Yuu’s whim, he forcibly captured the first time behind Eiri.
For the pure Ying Riri, the front and the back are considered strong women to her, but the back will not cause her to completely collapse like the front, and she will subconsciously fantasize that she is still pure.
At this time, Yu kept expressing his determination to get Yingri’s real sex, and finally let her go abruptly. From Yingri’s whispered thanks at the end, Yu knew that his plan had initially succeeded.
Eiri should be slightly caught in the hostage syndrome by now.
The so-called hostage syndrome means that when the life and death of the hostages are controlled by the hijackers, once the hijackers express goodwill to the hostages, they will be grateful and become dependent and obedient to the hijackers.
Now Ying Riri is in a state of gratitude for letting her go.
I still have to make persistent efforts, and I have to make Eiri completely obey. Yu rubbed her chin and thought to herself.
“Bastard, I’m ready.” Eiri’s slightly hesitant voice sounded slowly.

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