The girl who needs a lifetime of care
There is an endless stream of people coming and going.
“Is it Miss Shiina Mashiro?” Yu said to the girl softly. Although it was an interrogative sentence, Yuu’s tone was very certain.
Without a photo, Yuu can confirm the identity of the girl in front of him who seems to have come out of a painting, that beauty that seems to have come out of the second dimension, no, the beauty that is more ethereal and ethereal than the depiction of the second dimension was imprinted into him at the first time. heart.
Shiina Mashiro gently tucked her hair that was blowing in the wind, turned her head slightly, and turned her gaze towards the plaque to Yu’s face.
Yu’s face was reflected in her clear eyes without a trace of fireworks.
When the dark gray pupils and those beautiful eyes met, Yuu seemed to feel that his filthy mind was purified.
This is a holy girl who can’t help but think of the white lotus.
However, for the Demon King whose heart was already polluted, Yuu wanted to paint his color on this holy girl even more.
After a while, Yuu, who couldn’t get a response, repeated it again, emphasized his tone, and called to Shiina Mashiro. “Miss Shiina Mashiro?”
“Yeah.” Shiina Mashiro nodded slightly, and the delicate Qiongbi snorted softly, as if responding to Yuu’s call in this way.
“I’m Kasugano Yu who is in charge of picking up the plane. Princess Alice should have reminded Miss Shiina, right?” Yu took the heavy suitcase in the girl’s hand and said softly towards Shiina Mashiro.
“Alice, I said it. The big bad wolf to stay away from.” A soft cloud-like voice came out from Shiina Mashiro’s mouth.
However, the meaning of those words gave Yuu the urge to beat people.
“Now that you know me, it’s easy to handle. Let’s leave the airport first.” The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, looking at the crowd that was gradually approaching, Yoo suggested softly, pulling his suitcase and striding forward.
Shiina Mashiro followed Yuu’s pace step by step, without the vigilance that an ordinary girl should have. In Yuu’s three words, he didn’t even check his identity, so he obediently followed Yu and left the airport.
Although he was walking ahead to lead the way, the only corner of his eyes was the ethereal girl Yuu. When I saw the girl’s behavior without a trace of vigilance, I was both angry and funny.
As if he were a human trafficker, it must have been very easy and pleasant to kidnap Shiina Mashiro.
The girl’s strange behavior lacking common sense made Yuu’s first ‘meeting’ very impressive, and he also clearly understood that this is a treasure that needs to use all means to ‘theft against theft’.
Thinking like this, Yu deliberately slowed down his pace, accommodating Shiina Mashiro’s buoyant, slow-moving way of moving forward, as if he was about to fall at any moment.
As the pace started, the two stepped into the relatively sparsely populated parking lot one after the other, away from the noisy hustle and bustle of the airport exit. It was at this moment that Yucai stared at the girl’s face with all her heart.
In the afterglow of the setting sun, the girl’s golden hair like golden sand drifted gently with the roaring wind. Judging from the luster of the hair, you can be sure that it must be comparable to the most delicate silk. Smooth and beautiful long hair.
When her eyes focused on Shiina’s face, Yuu noticed that the girl’s skin was unusually fair, but it wasn’t.Sickly pale, but delicate and transparent like suet white jade.
“Huh?” Seemingly aware of Yuu’s understanding, Shiina Mashiro tilted her head slightly. Although she still had that otherworldly and indifferent expression, Yuu could see her from the girl’s vivid movements. Doubts in my heart.
“Zhenbai is very beautiful.” Yu said sincerely with a sideways face, full of admiration on his face.
The girl’s long and narrow red phoenix eyes enlarged slightly, as if she was surprised why Yu praised her, and then, her ethereal voice reached Yu’s ears. “Yu is pretty too.”
Shiina Mashiro called Yuu’s first name in a natural tone, completely ignoring the complicated and strict names in Japan, just like an unfettered and free white cloud.
Yuu, who was walking in front of him, suddenly stopped, and Shiina Mashiro, who followed behind him, lightly bumped into Yuu’s right hand, and the girl’s immature and elastic little pigeon rubbed against Yuu’s arm, and then lightly Bounce softly.
However, Yuu didn’t notice this ambiguous scene at the moment. Instead, he spoke to Shiina Mashiro behind him who was wondering why he stopped suddenly with a dumbfounding expression. “Boys can’t be described as beautiful!”
“Can’t you?” Shiina Mashiro tilted her head and asked with a blank expression.
“If you want to use it, it’s better to be handsome.” You sighed softly, and had some mental preparations for her daily life as a nanny in the future. Since she is not willing to give up this unusually sweet ‘ration’, she must protect her consciousness for the rest of her life.
“Well, Nayu is very handsome.” Shiina Mashiro nodded slightly, and said softly.
“I really don’t know whether to be happy or cry now.” Yuu smiled wryly, and took another step. Shiina Mashiro said that he was handsome and he was naturally very happy, but when he thought that this sound came from his way of deceiving, his heart was full of mixed feelings.
Shiina Mashiro followed Yu gently, her face like the most delicate doll was full of doubts, and with a simple mind, she naturally couldn’t understand the complexity in Yu’s heart.
After walking for a few minutes, Yu came to his parking space, walked to the trunk of the Porsche, opened it, and put the unusually heavy suitcase into it.
As the suitcase was put in, there was a low-pitched collision sound, and the heavy suitcase even shook the car slightly, showing its unusually heavy weight.
“I really don’t know how your arms are able to pull this suitcase.” Yuu closed the trunk, looked at Shiina Mashiro’s slender and delicate white lotus arms in surprise, and his tone was full of doubts.
“Painter, you need wrist strength.” Mashiro Shiina said softly.
Yuu suddenly showed a clear expression, holding the pen holder for several hours of painting, it’s strange that he doesn’t need wrist strength.
And it’s not just wrist strength, I’m afraid Shiina Mashiro has worked hard to study things related to transformation, such as force technique and arm stability.
Shiina Mashiro’s light and slow footsteps earlier reminded you of the elegant posture of Luo Hao practicing Wu Qinxi that he had seen by chance.
“I seem to have discovered something extraordinary.” The corners of Yuu’s mouth twitched slightly, shaking off the strange thoughts of martial arts master Mashiro Shiina in his mind, and stepped forward to open the door of the car.
Shiina Mashiro walked into the passenger seat with a small step.
Yuu took the driver’s seat, and when he was about to start the car, he saw Shiina Mashiro’s calm eyes staring at him.
“Hey, what color does Yu want to be?”

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