No One Is Normal
After pressing the dial button of the compact Mac in her hand, Xing Minggebai raised her hand and leaned on the sofa cushion.
The girl frowned slightly, and glanced at You with those violet eyes…
Although she learned from Yuu that she had been granted a three-day vacation, she was cautious and tried to ask her agent for details.
After all, her relationship with Yu was so bad, what if she was tricked, and besides, the stepfather who was desperately trying to squeeze his remaining value would be so kind to give her a vacation?
It would be nice if he didn’t suppress himself and made room for the heir for his beloved grandson.
With the sudden interruption of a busy tone, three Yukari’s slightly rigid voices slowly came out from the handset.
“Xing Mingge? Is there anything you need to call me at this time?”
Hearing the coldness in the manager’s familiar voice, Ge Bai pursed her lower lip lightly and said in a low voice. “Miss Sanjo, I heard that the company arranged a vacation for me recently? ”
“Huh? You don’t know?… Uh, sorry, I almost forgot that I’m your manager.”
Slightly feeling how unpopular she is in the eyes of her manager, Gebei said with a little embarrassment. “It’s okay, Miss Santiao.”
“By the way, Gebai, has the idiot fan from before been dealt with?”
Suddenly hearing Sanjo Yukari’s inquiry about Yuu, Gebei’s face froze slightly.
Recalling the series of disasters today, Gebei gave You a vicious look, and said angrily to the manager on the other side of the phone.
“That guy should be enjoying electric shocks in prison.”
“Oh, that’s good… You should relax for the next three days.”
Hearing the words of concern at the end, Gebei’s face warmed slightly, and he snorted softly. “Well~”
Gebei looked at the screen of the hung up phone, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a soft smile appeared on his face. It turns out that in this company, there are still people who care about him.
Speaking of which, the three-day vacation is my first vacation since my mother remarried when I was twelve years old and I joined the company. So, do you want to go to some scenic spots?
“What makes you smile so happily? Tell me about it?”
Hearing the inquiry suddenly, Gebei responded subconsciously. “Where do you want to go?”
“You’ve been imprisoned by me, and you still want to go out to play?”
Hearing this, Gebei’s expression suddenly fell, and he looked angrily at the sofa on the other side.
Looking at the empty sofa seats, Gebei blinked and said. “What about people?”
Suddenly, Gebei was slightly taken aback, and said with a twitching corner of his mouth. “The voice just now seems to be in my ear…”
Gebei turned his head blankly, and turned his gaze to his right side. Looking at the big face so close in front of her, the girl fell into a state of bewilderment.
Looking at the stunned face full of shock, Yuu raised the corners of his mouth, lowered his head with a light smile, and kissed the slightly parted cherry lips.
Looking at the white and tender hand that blocked her big mouth, Yu’s face froze, she turned her head sideways, and followed that slender and slender wrist to see that delicate face with an angry face.
“I can’t help it, I can’t help it~”
Kasuga Nokome glared at Yu angrily, and stuffed the pineapple bun in his left hand into Yu’s mouth. “I can’t help but grow up, give me your dinner!!!”
“Really, you can’t relax at all. You’re starting to harass newcomers with just that piece of bread?! Control your lower body, you big fool!”
Bai Nen’s little hand viciously pressed Yu’s mouth~lips, and pressed the whole piece of pineapple bun into Yu’s mouth.
As if still not relieved, the silver-haired girl moved her palm viciously, ravaging Yu’s mouth~lips.
On the other side, Xing Mingge looked at the little hand lying in front of her face, and hurriedly retreated one meter to the left along the sofa, and sat in the middle of the sofa.
After stopping to move, Gebei cast a grateful gaze towards Kasuga Yeqiong.
Standing behind the sofa, Yamada Goblin lay down on the sofa cushions, lying between Gebai and Yuu, and said curiously. “Are you okay, Gebai, have you been scared by You?”
“How could it be okay, I almost scared me to death! By the way, when did this guy come here, and he almost got his hands on him again!!”
Gebei opened his purple eyes wide, patted the slightly flat little breast with his slender hands, and said in a flustered tone.
“Well, this guy is like this at home. He kissed him on a whim, and almost all the girls in the family have been tricked.” Yamada Goblin shrugged and said calmly.
The corner of Gebei’s mouth twitched slightly, trembling her delicate eyebrows. “It’s a shame that you dare to live with this guy.”
Suddenly, Gebei was slightly taken aback, and said with a strange expression. “You just said, the girls in the family? All of them have been recruited? Including Kasugano Dome and Izumi Sagiri?”
Gebei clearly remembers that the two silver-haired girls in this family are the two younger sisters of the previous guy, right? After all, it was mentioned during the introduction, and all three of them are silver-haired…
The Yamada goblin who was lying on the sofa cushion stood up suddenly, covered half of her face, and said helplessly. “See for yourself.”
Following the Yamada goblin who was blocking his line of sight straightened up, Xingming Gebei looked at the two silver-haired figures who didn’t know when they were hugging and kissing together with a look of astonishment, and quickly covered his eyes.
“You guys are messing around (beep)!!!”
Although he kept criticizing the two of them, Gebei’s face turned a strange blush, and through the gap between his fingers, he could still see the girl’s excited purple eyes.
Seeing Gebai’s confused and excited appearance, Yamada Goblin’s expression suddenly became weird. “Is it possible that you have a cute brother-sister relationship? Or the kind of close relatives?”
Gebei trembled all over, as if he had been told something, he said in a stiff tone. “No, how could I like such a disgusting thing?”
“Before you say this, can you avert your eyes for a moment?” Yamada Goblin looked at the girl who was “covering her ears and stealing her bell” with a speechless expression.
After a while, in the empty room on the first floor, Gebei was sitting in front of the Yamada goblin, stealing glances from time to time at the idiot brother and sister outside the room who had fallen into a two-person world.
“Well, do I have bad preferences?” Gebai, who had lost her previous majestic and ruthless expression, looked at Fairy Yamada with a slightly shy look.
“It’s so-so.” Yamada Goblin held a cup of black tea, half-closed her eyes, and didn’t care.said.
“Really? Don’t you think I’m weird? You don’t have an older brother, but you like that kind of brother-sister work.” Gebai looked surprised. Said differently.
“There is no normal person here!” Yamada Goblin said to Gebei with a proud face.
Hearing this explosive speech, Gebei blinked and looked at Fairy Yamada in a daze.
Seeing Gebei’s dumbfounded expression, the good teacher Yamada Goblin half-closed his eyes and explained to the girl calmly.
“It’s like the youngest Sagiri, the one who just took off your trousers. She likes to draw some erotic illustrations. She just held the cake angrily and said that she wanted to go back upstairs to draw the fanfic of us and Yu, and take revenge on the one just now. Have you been oppressed?”
“Oh, by the way, Sagiri is a well-known illustrator, and her pen name is Eromanga (erotic manga)!”
“And that one, Mashiro Shiina, who has been sitting on the dining chairs watching, is a newcomer manga artist who is currently in hot discussion. In fact, he is a super problem child who even needs help to put on his underwear.”
“Also, it’s the idiot brother and sister who get stuck together outside, you’ve seen Yu’s lust and unscrupulousness, and that guy Qiong is a complete brother control.”
“So, there isn’t a single normal person in this house!!” Taking a sip of black tea, Yamada Goblin said triumphantly.
Looking at the girl in front of her who was triumphantly scolding her for being abnormal, Gebei said with a twitching corner of her mouth.
“…Unexplainable and impossible to refute.”
“Okay, let’s not gossip, it’s already 9 o’clock, and I have to help you sort out a room to rest.”
“Hey, no need, I’ll do it myself…”
“Why are you being polite, I’m here to help you!!!”

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