Scientist: Lies can be divided into white lies and malicious lies, and an average person tells ten lies every day.
If the world didn’t lie
Boss: Why do you watch movies at work?
Clerk: Oh, I just didn’t see you there, what the hell.
Girl: Why do you like me?
Boy: Seeing how beautiful you are, I want to fall in love with you!
Father: Son, what were you looking at just now?
Son: I just watched a movie about a famous women’s clothing gangster, and I’m a little bit worried.
What a terrible world it is.
“Hey, miscellaneous, how did you become a heroic spirit? Logically, you should be a resentful spirit, right?” Cold sweat slid down Gilgamesh’s face, even if she was the only one, there were times when she lied. According to the appearance of Qingji’s lie and resentment, it should be the spirit of the resentful woman, how can she become a hero.
It’s a pity that Gilgamesh doesn’t know the weird views of the Japanese. They admire Kiyohime’s bravery in pursuing love, and they use positive beliefs to upgrade a resentful spirit to a heroic spirit.
“Ha~ha~” Irisviel laughed dryly, even if she was an extremely pure android, she did not lie, she was still fooling Illya in the morning.
“It’s really a ‘beautiful’ world.” Saber said with an embarrassed expression. Even a holy king of knights is not exempt, but she disguised herself as a man to become a king.
“…” Hassan expressed her silence. As an assassin, she has lived in lies all her life.
“Hey, hey, Miss Kiyohime, if there were no lies, there would be no rift between people’s hearts, but it’s extremely cold. Lies are used the most.It’s a white lie. “The King of Conquerors said with a serious face.
“Nah, my lord, do you love me or not?” However, the words of many people did not affect Qing Ji’s determination. All she cared about from the beginning to the end was Yu who accepted her love.
“Well, I like you, Qing Ji.” Yu’s eyes were full of seriousness, and she subconsciously shook her legs.
“Look, isn’t a world without lies very beautiful?” Qing Ji said shyly, covering her delicate flushed face.
The corners of everyone’s mouths twitched slightly. It’s true that he didn’t lie, but it doesn’t mean that what he said was not a lie. There is a big difference between liking and loving.
“Since you like me, give me the Holy Grail and make a wish!!!” Qing Ji pouted, holding Yu’s arm, and Feng~man hidden under her clothes kept rubbing.
All the heroic spirits looked confused, and this trick?
Hassan lowered his head, looked at the place that was completely inconsistent with his loli figure, nodded with a serious expression, and thought to himself: You can try it.
“You must bear it…” Wei Bo said halfway, he was frightened by Qing Ji’s terrifying pair of vertical dragon eyes glaring at him, and quickly covered his mouth.
Feeling the soft touch, Yu fell into a dilemma. Give it, with the magic power of the Holy Grail, it is really possible for human beings to fall into a terrifying world without lies. If you don’t give it up, isn’t it telling Qing Ji that you don’t like him.
Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, ready to directly amplify his moves.
An invisible will shrouded Qing Ji’s side, it was the will from Alaya.
“Tsk.” Sensing the warning from restraint, Qing Ji’s complexion changed slightly, and she spat softly, then stared at Yuu with her amber eyes. It seemed that even her immediate superior couldn’t stop her ambition.
“Let’s forget about a world without lies. I promise I won’t lie to Qing Ji in the future, is that okay?” Yuu’s mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly comforted her.
“Well…Since my lord husband said so, I’ll give up.” After Qing Ji puffed her cheeks and pondered for a few seconds, she finally gave up her ‘beautiful’ wish, mainly based on her husband.
If you can’t tell a lie, the couple’s life will be very difficult in the future. Everyone who noticed this looked at Yu with pity.
You looked around, looked at the pity in everyone’s eyes, secretly disdainful in her heart, who stipulates that lies can deceive people, sometimes the truth can also deceive people.
“Qing Ji’s problem is solved, so who of you will go first?” Yuu glanced at the three heroic spirits, Saber, Hassan and Gilgamesh, with a questioning gaze.
Saber’s eyes narrowed slightly, and just as she was about to say something, Hassan’s immature voice rang through the air.
“The rest are all kings. So, can you allow me to express my thoughts first?”
“The king naturally has the ability to listen to the prayers of his subjects.” Gilgamesh said with a light smile.
Hearing this sentence, Saber, who was about to say something, closed her lips, and let out all the words. If she said it at this time, it would be tantamount to self-deprecation, and she with high self-esteem would not be able to do this. kind of thing.
“Then, let me hear the reason why you, who were originally extremely loyal, did not hesitate to betray Kirei and attend the banquet without authorization.” Yuu’s eyes fixed on Hassan, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.
Previously, because his attention had been attracted by Gilgamesh, Kiyohime, and Saber, the heroic spirits exuding a strong presence, it was only at this moment that he realized that the beauty of this loli Hassan was surprisingly good.
“Although I really want to cure my schizophrenia, what I want most is to leave a name in history by obtaining the Holy Grail, not as the nineteenth Hassan Sabah, but to leave a mark with my real name. Famous in Qing History.”
Feeling the naked gaze, Hassan’s voice paused slightly, and then slowly expressed his wish.
“Oh, is it going to be famous in history like Jing Ke in China?” You asked softly.
“Yes, Your Majesty.” Hassan nodded slightly towards Yuu, responding to Yuu’s words.
“Although the background is not good, but the belief is very…strong.” You was interrupted before he could finish speaking.
Gilgamesh, who was sitting by the side, directly interrupted Yu’s words. On her serious face, there was a scrutiny in her red eyes. “Miscellaneous repair, as a bug hiding in the dark, but you want to stand in the sun and leave your name in history like a hero?”
As the King of Heroes, a person who wanted to be a hero appeared in front of him, so he had to take a school test out of his duty as a king.
“Yes, this is my wish.” Hassan turned his head, and met Gilgamesh’s eyes without fear, with unwavering faith in his immature loli voice.
“I admire people who have their own will and obey their own desires. Although they are assassins, do they have dreams of becoming heroes? Then, I will reluctantly admit that you are a hero…” Gilgamesh nodded slightly, Said softly, at the end, she froze.
“You…what are you doing?” Gilgamesh stared blankly at Yu who suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbing his chest/chest with both hands.
“Didn’t you say you like people who obey their own desires? You should have said it earlier. I wanted to touch it a long time ago.” Yuu looked at Gilgamesh maliciously.
“Isn’t it fun to interrupt me just now? I just want to play too. You Hou, it feels really good.” You scratched hard and said with a smirk.
Gilgamesh’s face was livid, golden ripples slowly appeared behind her, and anger was shining in his red eyes.
The King of Conquerors stared dumbfounded at You Xi’s chestThe scene, and then his expression changed, and he hurriedly contacted Weber through the Command Spell. ‘Little Master, let’s get ready to run! ’
Webber nodded frantically, but he could see that the oldest queen was obviously going to run wild. Are you waiting to die here if you don’t run?
Saber quietly moved the seat to Irisviel, and intuitively told her that if she didn’t run, her life would be in danger.
Hassan twitched the corners of his mouth, used his breath blocking ability to hide his breath, and quietly left the seat.
“Hit me with your hands, go to Enkidu and sue me when you hit me. She loves me very much.” You grinned, revealing a cheap smile, and squeezed hard on purpose while laughing.
He didn’t lie. Those goddesses of the earth were so indulgent that they didn’t hesitate to give them innocent bodies, but Enki in this world didn’t know about it.
Gilgamesh’s pound sign appeared on her forehead, but when she thought about the scene of Enkidu’s life with her, she forcibly held back her anger and slapped Yuzuokai’s palm fiercely.
Yoo let go of his hand, and if he was teasing, Gilgamesh would take his life. He dodged back to his seat and looked at Gilgamesh, whose face was still cold but his ears were extremely rosy, with a playful gaze.
Then, a few bright lights flashed from the corner of Yu’s eyes, and his eyes suddenly turned away from Gilgamesh and turned around. After a slight stun, he said helplessly. “I’m afraid of Mao, I haven’t fought yet, come back.”
“Oh, oh, I’ve been drinking too much to wake up and feel more comfortable.” King Conqueror scratched his cheeks with embarrassment, walked back from 30 meters away carrying Webber, and said with a smile.
“…” Saber silently returned to the seat with a blank expression on Irisviel.
The black mist surged, and Hassan sat down on the seat with a blank expression.
Yu Yu, who was sitting on the seat of the Conqueror Dynasty, gave a thumbs up. He was convinced that he was able to make fun of the King of Heroes in this way. Anyway, he was convinced.
“Miscellaneous, it’s your turn next.” Seeing the King of Conqueror’s actions, Gilgamesh’s eyes flashed with deep murderous intent, his head bulged with blue veins, he turned his head, and said gloomily to Saber.
Saber gave Gilgamesh a considerate look, then turned to look at Yu, who was still shameless after playing the hooligan, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he took a deep breath.
After a while, she spoke slowly.

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