Making things difficult, it doesn’t exist! (two)
Xiazhiqiu Shiyu frowned lightly, slightly bent her index finger, resting on her smooth chin, her raised long legs trembled slightly.
After pondering for a moment, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said in a firm tone: “Take my original case as the script draft, then discard the new characters, and focus on the two heroines, two weeks…”
After hearing Yuu’s response, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu narrowed her eyes slightly, and a thought slipped through her mind.
‘Maybe, can it work? ! ! ! ’
Although she had a certain degree of certainty in her mind, what Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said was another scene.
“Even if most of the workload is cut… I need three weeks.”
Hearing this sentence, You frowned slightly, with a sinister smile on his face, and responded decisively: “Okay, then the deadline is set in three weeks, and the manuscript will be delivered on July 6!!”
Although Yu understood that with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s ability, the two weeks proposed earlier were enough for her to complete the preliminary script.
However, that is almost the opponent’s limit level, that is, the level of explosive liver at the expense of rest time.
Make a girl stay up all night for two weeks? Doing so will definitely be hated for a lifetime, right?
Therefore, from the beginning to the end, his goal was to get the other party to agree to the three-week delivery time.
In the final analysis, whether a fan game can be successfully produced depends mostly on the deadline.
After all, people’s laziness is there. With deadlines, people will be motivated, right?
Of course, don’t blame him for being ‘cruel and merciless’ if the deadline has passed and the work has not been completed.
“Well, I understand.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded slightly, then leaned on the sofa, frowned, and began to think about the general plot of the script.
Three weeks to submit the manuscript, for her, the pressure is not insignificant.
This is also the huge promotion effect that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu has on her own work after she understands the success of the game, otherwise she would not be so concerned about a fan work.
After all, for a literary girl, there is nothing more exciting than her debut as a hit and her ability being affirmed.
Seeing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sinking into deep thought, Yuu’s mouth slightly hooked.
‘The scriptwriter will handle it. ’
After glancing at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, You turned his head and locked his eyes on Yinglili.
“Hey!!” Seeing the malicious smile on Yu’s face, Ying Lili froze immediately and said uncomfortably.
“What do you want to do? Why are you looking at me with such disgusting eyes.”
“Disgusting dead house?” The corner of Yu’s mouth twitched, and his face darkened slightly.
Yuu took a deep breath, resisting the urge to shoot Yinglili to death, and said with a gloomy face: “Miss Eri Kashiwagi, how long will it take you to draw your character portraits? And those original game CG pictures?”
Seeing Yuu’s extremely gloomy face, Yinglili subconsciously shrank towards her side.
“Hey, it’s already so crowded.Why are you still crowding in! ! “The Yamada Fairy who was pushed aside glared at Eiri angrily.
Suddenly, the Yamada Fairy felt as if her hair was caught by something, and turned her head strangely.
“Who, what are you doing with my hair?”
Looking at Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, who was holding a strand of blond hair in his hands and had a kind face, the Yamada Fairy swallowed.
“Can you be quiet? While I’m thinking about the plot.” Kasumigaoka Shiyu raised her hand and stroked the Yamada Fairy’s face, revealing a ‘sweet’ smile.
“Hey!!!” The Yamada Fairy shuddered suddenly and responded hurriedly.
“If it’s quiet, the six offices upstairs are still empty, with computers and printers.” Hearing this, Yu pointed to the ceiling above his head calmly.
The wine-red eyes lightened slightly, Kasumigaoka Shiyu patted the Yamada Fairy on the cheek, and said with a smile: “Fairy-chan~ As my assistant, do you want to express it?”
“Yes, I’ll take you there right away!!!” The Yamada Fairy wanted to cry without tears.
Looking at Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, it is estimated that she is going to be used as a typewriter…
… God is pitiful, last night she just finished writing the manuscript overnight, and now she has to code again, she feels a little nauseous when she sees the computer, okay?
However, looking at the smiling black long straight girl beside her, she glanced at the height of the other party, Hun Yuezhu, and the Yamada Fairy who compared the ‘combat power gap’ lowered her head in frustration.
Glancing at the two who were leaving, Yoo turned her head away, avoiding the resentful gaze of the Yamada Fairy, and focused her gaze on Eiri again.
At this moment, the girl was holding a sofa pillow and a pair of well-kept white, tender and flawless jade legs, stepping on the sofa, looking at the Yamada Fairy who glared at her with embarrassment.
Speaking of which, if she hadn’t squeezed the Yamada Fairy over, Kasumigaoka Shiyu probably wouldn’t have thought of the time-saving method of ‘pulling a strong man’.
‘It seems to have made the opponent miserable. ‘ Eri Riri thought with an embarrassed expression on her face.
“Don’t look at it, report the time, how long will it take to close the manuscript? It’s also three weeks?” Yu beckoned, signaling Yingri to return to Shinto.
Hearing this, Ying Lili’s mouth twitched sharply, she squeezed the pillow in her hand tightly, and said with a smile.
“Come on, just beat me to death, how could it be possible to submit a manuscript in three weeks!!!!”
At the end, the girl had turned into a roar and smashed the pillow in her hand.
Yu casually hugged the pillow and said with a wicked smile. “Isn’t it just a joke to see how absent-minded you are!”
Through Izumi Sagiri’s daily work, Yuu knows a little about the difficulties of painting.
In terms of sheer workload, Eiri’s task is estimated to be more than five times that of Shiyu Kasumigaoka, and three weeks is almost impossible.
Of course, this is when only Eiri is working.
Yu pondered for a moment, then asked softly, “I’m only responsible for the line drafts, how about outsourcing the rest of the work?”
The so-called line draft refers to the general lines of the painting, without coloring.
Basically, the refinement of the original game painting depends on the line draft, and of course the coloring also has a large proportion.
However, in this country where ACGN is developed, there is a dedicated coloring team, so Yocai came up with the idea of ​​outsourcing redundant work.
Wen Yan Ying Lili pursed her lips. After thinking for a while, she said uncertainly, “I’ll try it.”
“In that case, let’s try it first. Black cat, take Ying Lili to the office upstairs.” Hearing this, Yu stood up and said to Wugeng Liuli.
Wugeng Liuli was stunned for a moment, then blinked. “…Understood.”
“However, brother, you are…” Wugeng Liuli said with a puzzled expression as she looked at Yu who was walking out of the hall.
“The script and the original artist have been arranged. As the planning director, I am ready to get the music and programmers done!”
Yoo waved his hand and said playfully.
“I’ll find a musician first~!”

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