The person behind the scenes? 【Extra】
Following the silver-haired man in a black suit, with a hideous scar on his right eye that runs through half of his face, he walked up to Takuya Yamamoto.
The program set by the computer to read residents’ information starts automatically, and a mechanically synthesized sound sounds immediately.
[Xintian City, 42 years old, height 179, blood type A, group leader of the Xintian group, president of the Guangdao Society, president of the National Essence Society… The total number of registered members of the society is 39,200. 】
Listening to the synthesized voice constantly playing Xintian City’s identity information recorded in the file, the names of the ‘societies’ that struck everyone’s ears made the five people present gasp.
Even if everyone already knew that because of Yinghuazhuang, they might be involved in the game of some big shots.
But they never expected that the level involved would be so large.
That is the Nitta-gumi, which is well-known throughout the island country, and even has a certain influence in various regions of the world.
In its native island country, its industries involve many lucrative markets such as pornography, gambling, drugs, and real estate.
It also occupies more than half of these markets, with a total annual income of 80 billion US dollars, almost the overlord of the dark side of the island country.
Moreover, during the demolition of Sakurazhuang, there was actually the shadow of Nittajo, the leader of the Nitta Group, who was at the top of the Nitta Group.
You must know that this name, in some areas, is enough to stop a child from crying.
“Teacher, is there some kind of astonishing treasure under the ground of Sakurazhuang?!” Misaki Umikusa pressed Chihiro Chihiro’s shoulder expressionlessly, and said in a strange tone.
The ‘alien’ who is fearless and fearless is also scared at this moment.
After all, the enemy is the Nitta-gumi involved in the “human trafficking”.
If you don’t want to be sold out, honestly surrendering is almost the only option.
Of course, the best choice is actually to ‘hang the southeast branch’ on the other side of the forest and sea of ​​trees.
However, those present were all high school students, the kind of students who lived a happy life. They would not dare to do the kind of behavior that required great courage or great desperation unless it was absolutely necessary.
With the movement of pushing his glasses, Jin Mitaka covered most of his face, covering his pale face, and said with a look of horror.
“Teacher, it really depends on you whether you can survive this time. If there are any treasures, antiques or something, just hand them in honestly.”
“That’s right, teacher, life is more important than money. I’m talking about it. If those Yakuza from the Nitta-gumi caught me, I’ll live my life in Kabukicho.”
Kanda Sorata crossed his arms and said tremblingly.
Even though it is a summer evening, the weather is still extremely hot, but inexplicably, he just feels cold, a cold called gloomy cold.
“Yes… yes…”
Qianshi Chihiro stammered for a while, dense beads of sweat oozed from her face covered with light-colored foundation, she roared frantically.
“… There is a ghost——!!!!”
“It’s not like you haven’t dug the land of Sakura Manor, Misaki Kamikusa, you brat. If there was any, you would have dug it out a long time ago!!!!”
“At the end of the day, who would have provoked the underworld bosses if a dilapidated dormitory that had been built for 30 years was to be demolished!!!!”
Seeing Chihiro Chihiro with a crazy face in front of him, Misaki Kamikusa and the others looked at each other and laughed dryly.
To put it bluntly, it’s really just a dilapidated dormitory. As for how to make a big fuss? Even the leader of one of the best associations in the country ran out.
At this moment, Ryunosuke Akasaka shouted in astonishment.
“Wait, there are people behind!!”
Hearing this, everyone was startled, and hurriedly turned their eyes back to the computer screen, and began to observe carefully.
As Xin Tiancheng turned sideways, a slightly thin figure quietly appeared beside him.
It was a thin young man with an ordinary appearance. He was wearing a dark suit and a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He looked like an ordinary office worker.
However, the five people around the computer screen couldn’t regard him as an ordinary person in appearance.
After all, the scheming leader of the Xintian team is bowing respectfully at this moment, as if he was a subordinate.
The boss of the head of the Xintian group, no, the Xintian group, the underworld society that dominates the country, actually has a boss? ! ! ! !
The one who attacked them was actually the immediate boss of the Nitta-gumi who could even exert some influence on the cabinet.
Thinking of this horrifying fact, Qianshi Qianxun felt as if she had entered an ice cellar, extremely cold.
Just when everyone’s hearts were cold, the computer program automatically made a match.
[Amakasu Touma, 26 years old, height 174, blood type B, head of the Toto Branch of the Official History Compilation Committee, honorary police inspector of the Toto Metropolitan Police Department, honorary general (Brigadier General) of the Self-Defense Force…]
Hearing the series of titles, except for the official history compilation committee, which is an unknown department, the positions behind it are all first-class and high-end! ! !
The 26-year-old general is also the police inspector of the Metropolitan Police Department. Even if it is honorary, he is a bigwig standing in the official first-class seat of the island country.
Just when everyone was shocked by Amakasu Touma’s identity.
The electronically synthesized voice faithfully reported the dialogue between Amakasu Touma and others on the screen.
“Nita-kun, your subordinates are dishonest?” Amakasu Touma grinnedPushing his eyes.
Even if there is no emotion in the synthesized sound, with the movements and demeanor of Tomatsu Amakasu on the screen, everyone can feel a sense of coolness rising from the tailbone and reaching their minds.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Amakasu!!!” Nitta Castle bowed again and again with sincerity and fear, looking like she was terrified.
Takuya Yamamoto on the screen was like a persimmon in the wind, constantly swaying. He looked in horror at Nitta Castle who was apologizing in front of him. His eyes were full of abyss-like fear.
“Gan…Mr. Amakasu.” Yamamoto Takuya stammered, in fact he didn’t know who Amakasu Touma was.
But he knows Nitta Castle, even the leader of the Nitta group, who is more than three levels older than him, is such a sincere person…
… Yamamoto Takuya thought of his guess from yesterday, but he didn’t know where the person behind the pressure on Nitta Castle came to him.
Amakusa Touma glanced at Nitta Castle, focused on Takuya Yamamoto, and said with a smile.
“You’re Principal Yamamoto, aren’t you?”
Yamamoto Takuya nodded again and again like a chicken pecking rice. He will be over forty next year, a whole round bigger than the young man in front of him, but judging from his actions, he is like a junior.
Upon receiving Yamamoto Takuya’s response, the smile on Amakusa Touma’s face disappeared instantly, and he said indifferently.
“I should have instructed me to only demolish the house and not hurt anyone.”
Hearing this, Takuya Yamamoto was stunned for a moment, then he looked ecstatic, as if he had found a way to survive, staring at his bloodshot eyes.
“Mr. Amakusa Touma, I didn’t hurt anyone, I haven’t touched any of the people in the old dormitory!!!”
Hearing this, everyone’s pupils shrank enormously, and they said with a look of astonishment.
“The cause of Yamamoto Takuya’s death… It’s really because of us.”

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