The Princess Sister Preparing to Go to School [Extra]
“Hey, Yu. How is this outfit?”
In the bedroom on the first floor, the dressed Kasuga No Dome stood in front of Yuu, walking in circles.
Yuu, who was chatting on LINE, raised his head and looked at Kasuga No Dome.
A dark blue women’s suit was put on Kasuga Ye Qiongjiao. The girl’s slightly developed body, matched with a small suit, looked energetic, just like a high school girl who was upright in bloom.
Especially the blue bow tied to the neckline, matched with Kasuga Ye Qiong’s puppet-like delicate and beautiful face, and the silver hair flying in circles, like a fairy falling into the world.
Compared to the future female knight with the bronze black cross, Yuu at this moment felt that her younger sister was more suitable for the title of ‘Silver Fairy’.
Seeing Yu’s dazed look, Kasuga Yezong nodded with satisfaction, his face quite contented, as if he was happy that he had fascinated his brother.
However, after turning around, Kasuga Ye Qiong frowned slightly, stretched out his hand to press down the hem of the skirt that was floating up, and at the same time lifted up the pair of slender jade legs with knee-length black stockings, and pulled the well-flexed legs. nylon socks.
“Although it’s very good, the length of the skirt seems to be a little short, and the quality of the stockings is not very good, and it’s a little uncomfortable to wear.” Kasuga Ye Qiong frowned slightly, and his face was slightly disgusting.
Although she was a girl from an ordinary family a few months ago, after several months of brocade clothing and jade food, the girl inevitably brought some extravagant style, so she naturally brought a bit of disgust for the school uniform with good workmanship .
“Then find a special tailor to customize one.” Yu put the phone in his pocket and said casually.
The culprit that caused Kasuga Nozomi to suffer from luxury disease obviously doesn’t mind the girl’s pursuit of luxury.
Although Kasuga Yezong is the younger sister and has already registered her marriage with him, the possibility that her younger sister will be hooked up by the poor boy is something that Yuu naturally wants to avoid.
Even if he had already given the order to kill him when he saw a man who hooked up with his sister.
“It’s very strange~” Kasuga Ye Qiong leaned slightly and looked suspiciously at Yuu sitting on the sofa, his tone full of doubts.
“What’s wrong?” Yu touched his cheek strangely, is there any flower on his face?
Looking at the puzzled Yu, Kasuga Ye Qiong shrugged slightly and smiled. “Usually I wear short skirts like this, and Yuu will definitely make me wear safety pants, but today she didn’t say a word, so that’s weird~”
Hearing this, you were stunned, and he spread out his hands unequivocally. Indeed, he was a macho man, and he didn’t want any male to see the beauty of his delicious sister’s absolute domain.
However, today’s exception is naturally a special case.
“You’re going to go to a century-old girls’ school, so I don’t care~” Yu, who was sitting in the chair, stretched and sighed.
“Girls’ school~” Kasuga Yezong tilted her head, but she had no objection to the girls’ school. Anyway, Yu let her go to school, in fact, to make friends and live a normal high school life.
So, for her, girls’ schools are more convenient.
After stretching, Yu stood up, patted his pants, and then walked towards Kasugano Dome.
“After you’ve changed your clothes, let’s go.”
Hearing this, Kasuga Yezong nodded and followed Yuu out of the bedroom.
In the living room, next to the dining table, the fairy Yamada sat upside down on a nanmu chair, folded her hands on the back of the chair, and looked at Sagiri Izumi, who was bitter and hated in front of her, with a smile.
“What’s wrong, eat? ! ! ”
Looking at the green pepper on the chopsticks in her hand, Izumi Sagiri pursed her lips, and looked at Yamada Fairy with tears in her eyes. “Do you really want to eat it? Can you not eat it?”
“You can choose to go to your brother and say no, and then listen to him, what are you going to do with you?” Xing Minggebai, who was sitting beside Hequan Shawu, held a small bowl, sipped the hot soup, and half-closed her eyes. Said indifferently.
“Kebai sauce~” Izumi Sagiri moved her arms with a bitter look, trying to put the green peppers on her chopsticks into Xing Minggebai’s bowl.
“Come on, if you solve it for you, your erotic brother is going to stare at me again, and I don’t want to be pushed into the corner by him again.” Xing Minggebai put down the small bowl in her hand and refused sternly.
“Hehe…” Heizumi Sawu laughed dryly, and silently retracted the chopsticks.
At this moment, the door from the bedroom to the living room was gently pushed open.
Izumi Sagiri’s face changed slightly, and he quickly put the green pepper on the chopsticks into his mouth, and took two bites of rice along the way, pretending to be eating seriously.
“Oh?!” Yu Wei, who suddenly saw this scene after going out, said with a surprised look on her face. “I thought Sagiri you were picky eaters again, didn’t you think you’d be good this time?”
Sagiri Izumi, whose mouth was filled with rice, puffed out her cheeks, and nodded her head obediently.
“How about the taste of the dishes, is it acceptable?” Yu asked, walking over to Izumi Sagiri.
“It tastes… very good, very… delicious.” Izumi Sagiri, who had swallowed part of the rice, muttered. What she said was the truth. The taste of the dishes is really good.
However, due to the habit of hating green peppers that she cultivated as a child, the girl is still not very cold to green peppers.
“Really? It seems that the herbal master named Makoto Shinto still has some brushes, and then Sagiri will provide him with your dietary supplement plan.” Yu rubbed her chin and nodded.
Heizumi Sagiri’s face froze slightly after hearing this, and after swallowing the rice in his mouth, he said cautiously.
“Can I put less salt and oil? I still want to keep my figure…”
Hearing this, Yu suddenly turned black and said in a low voice. “If you eat it with less salt, less oil and less calcium, I’m afraid that one day you will die in the delivery room.”
“Uh…” Heizumi Sagiri looked at Yuu blankly, she died in the delivery room, why did she die where.
“Cough, cough, cough!!!” Xing Mingge slapped Xiongyue’s mouth, and the girl who understood the connotation of You’s words in seconds, choked on the rice sadly.
“Ahahaha… You guy, you are really straightforward.”
The Yamada Goblin looked at Yu with tears in her eyes, with a hint of eccentricity in her tone. She could not shy away from announcing her relationship with her sister. She really couldn’t find anyone other than this sister who controlled the demon king.
At this time, Sagiri Izumi, who had understood the connotation of the words, blushed, picked up the rice silently, and kept her mouth shut.
“It seems to be obedient and obedient.” Seeing the obedient appearance of Izumi Sagiri, Kasuga Ye Qiong nodded very satisfied. As for Yuu’s previous molesting the girl, as the girl of the elder sister, he generously let go of Izumi Sagiri. One yard.
Only the same sister, Izumi Sagiri, who is also silver-haired, can get the pardon of the brother-controlled girl. As for the others, how can there be such a good face.
“Huh?!!” The Yamada Fairy turned her head slightly, looking at Kasuga Ye Qiong dressed in a school uniform, her eyes suddenly turned, and she said gloatingly.
“Aiya, is the prince of our family finally going to be detained by the demon called the school? Would you like me to send you a prison meal tomorrow~”
Hearing this, Kasuga Ye Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, turned his head, and said towards Yu. “Aren’t you going to take this elementary school student to the school together?”
“Huh?!!” Yu raised his brows, and then he remembered that a certain Miss Emily seemed to be a troubled child who dropped out of school after graduating from elementary school.
“I’ll let Xiaosan arrange it again. This girl also needs to be sent there.”
“Uh…” The Yamada Fairy stared at Yuu, who was solemnly deciding her future, her face full of confusion. Well, she shouldn’t make fun of Kasuga Ye Qiong, now it’s alright, it seems that she is going to pit herself.
“Well, I still have a job at the publishing house, and I still have to deal with the animation of the work…” The Yamada Fairy desperately explained the reason why she didn’t go to school, but she got cold eyebrows from the silver-haired siblings.
The corners of her mouth twitched, and the Yamada Fairy said in a pleading tone with a sad face. “At most, I’m going to be named, I don’t want to go to school, absolutely not!!!!”
Finally, the blonde loli fell to the ground and started rolling around, expressing a strong protest.
Looking at the blond girl who was suffering from ‘school refusal syndrome’ and kept playing tricks, Kasuga Yezuku nodded with satisfaction.
“Putting your name~ What do you think, Yuu?”
“Anyway!” Yu shrugged, took Kasuga Ye Qiong’s hand, and walked towards the door. “You three, stay home, I will come back when I go with Qiong.”
“Hi~~” X2
“Cut.” Xing Minggebai pouted and held up the soup bowl.
“It’s so hot~” The girl stuck out her tongue and said.
An hour and a half later, Yuu pulled Kasugano Dome to a door with a sign of the chairman’s office, and knocked on the door.
Boom! Boom!
“Please come in.” A gentle female voice came from the room.
As Yu opened the door, the flax-haired woman sitting in the chair raised her head and smiled gently towards the two at the door.
“Welcome to Otono Wooden Academy~”

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