Seeing Your Daughter for the First Time…【Special】
dong dong——!
As the knock on the door sounded, Nanri Hezi raised his smiling face, and spoke gently towards the closed door.
“Please come in…!!”
Accompanied by the creaking sound of the wooden door, a slim figure walked into the office two steps at a time. The next second, a sweet voice like an oriole’s soft cry sounded softly.
“Mom, call me…” Seeing the presence of two outsiders, the girl who walked into the office was taken aback for a moment, patted her head playfully, looked at Nanri Hezi apologetically, and quietly changed her words. “Chairman, did you call me here for something?”
Hearing the sudden but extremely familiar girlish voice, Yu’s movement of picking up the teacup suddenly froze and got stuck in mid-air.
He wanted to look back, but he was worried that his undisguised gaze would make the other person feel bad, so he froze in place.
“Come here, Qinli.”
Looking at the playful girl, Nanri Hezi smiled gently, stretched out his hand, and introduced Nan Qinli when she walked to the sofa.
“Come on, Qinli, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Yuu Kasugano, and next to him is Qiong Kasugano who transferred to our school today.”
Hearing this, she glanced at Yu who was on the side. Although she was a little surprised by the soft face of the young man, Nan Qinli still said that the main force was concentrated on the face of the new classmate.
“Wow~~ so cute~~” Nan Qinli, who focused her eyes on Kasugano’s face, put her hands together and put them on her lips, looking at Kasugano with sparkling amber eyes.
It seems that she is obsessed with the girl’s exquisite doll-like appearance and cannot extricate herself.
In fact, Kasugano Dome, who kept silent and had no expression on his face, looked like the most exquisite doll to outsiders, extremely cute.
Nan Qinli, who likes to change clothes for dolls, suddenly became intoxicated by the girl’s appearance, and began to fantasize about changing the other party into various princess dresses.
“Cut~” Kasuga Nokome turned his head in embarrassment, and quietly closed the distance with Yuu.
Facing a Nan Qinli whose eyes were bright, as if seeing a cute toy, to be honest, Haruka Yeqiong felt a little timid, so the girl decisively moved closer to Yuu, looking for the so-called sense of security.
“Ah, you should have heard Qinli call me mother earlier, right?”
Nan Ri Hezi put his clasped hands to his lips, and made the same gesture as Nan Qinli. Obviously, Nan Qinli’s behavior habits were inherited from this beautiful lady.
“That’s right, Qinli is my daughter, she’s so cute!!”
Like this kind of women who have children, they like to introduce their sweethearts to others, and Nan Rihezi is no exception, introducing Nan Qinli to Yuu with a smile on her face.
Hearing this, Yuu turned his head smoothly, and looked at the girl standing beside Kasuga Yeqiong, who was hesitating.
The long flaxen hair inherited from her mother was tied into a side ponytail by the girl with a light green headband, making her look lively and lovely.
Compared with the mother’s mature and pure temptation, the slightly childish face has brought out the pure and lovely to the limit, like a newborn chick, under the childish and weak appearance, there is an indescribable cuteness .
After observing it for a while, in order to avoid being regarded as an idiot, Yu decisively withdrew his gaze and said to Nanri Hezi. “The daughter is so cute~ Seeing Miss Kotori, I feel like seeing Miss Hiwako 5 years ago.”
“Ah la la, Mr. You really can talk~” Nan Ri and Zi looked at You with a smile, and his mood was obviously much happier.
With a boyish face, he praised a 40-year-old woman openly and secretly. You felt that he was really trying his best to please his future mother-in-law.
However, in fact, Yuu’s first words when she saw Nan Qinli were actually…
‘From the first time I saw my daughter, I recognized you as a mother-in-law! ! ’
Ignoring the little Jiujiu in You’s heart, Nan Rihezi smiled for a while, and then said to Nan Qinli. “Little Bird, please take Kasugano Dome to the class, and take the new students to familiarize themselves with the campus by the way.”
“Huh? Little bird?” Kasuga Yeqiong looked at Nan Ri Kazuko with some doubts.
“It’s just Qinli’s baby name, Xiaoqiong can actually call Qinli Xiaoniao~” Nan RiheWith a smile on his face, Zi opened his mouth to Kasuga Ye Qiong, trying to bring a new friend to his daughter.
“Go to class?!!” Nan Qinli looked at Nanri Kazuko with some doubts.
“Xiaoqiong and Xiaoniao are in the same class, are you happy?” Nanri Kazuko smiled at Nanqinli.
“Really~!!!” Nan Qinli said with a happy face, as if she was happy that she was in the same class as a cute girl.
“…Can I change classes?” Kasuga Nozomi whispered towards Yu with some embarrassment. To be honest, the way Nan Qinli seemed to treat her like a cute doll really made her a little scared.
“What do you think…?!!” Yu looked at Kasuga Ye Qiong with a kind face and said indifferently.
“Okay, I get it.” Looking at Yuna’s kind expression of “you dare to say it again”, Kasuga Ye Qiong decisively chose to bow his head.
Two minutes later, Nan Qinli closed the door while waving goodbye to Nanri Kazuko.
“Ksunino-san, do you want to go to the class first? Or, to get acquainted with the campus first?” Nan Qinli tilted her head slightly and asked Kasugano Dome.
Kasuga Ye Qiong glanced at Yu Yu, then lowered his head without saying a word.
Receiving Kasuga Ye Qiong’s wink, You turned his head and said to Nan Qinli. “Class.”
Nan Qinli looked at Kasuga Ye Qiong with some doubts, as if wondering about the girl’s silent behavior.
“Sorry, Qiong is a little afraid of life, so…” You said a few words selectively, and Nan Qinli made up the rest.
After a pause, Yu continued. “In the class, please also ask Miss Kotori to take care of the roommate.”
“Is that so?!!” Nan Qinli covered her mouth in surprise. Then, the girl bowed slightly to You and said firmly. “I will work hard.”
Kasuga Ye Qiong’s mouth twitched, she couldn’t believe Yuu couldn’t see that she couldn’t handle a girl with Nan Qinli’s character at all, so what was he doing now? Pushing my sister into the fire pit?
The girl narrowed her eyes and stared at Yu angrily.
“I’ve already said that, isn’t it a good start for you to come to school to make friends?” Yu said with a playful look, feeling Kasuga Yezong’s dissatisfied gaze.
Hearing this, Kasuga Ye Qiong looked at Nan Qinli who was slightly enthusiastic beside him, hesitated for a while, and nodded silently.
“Then, the two of you, please come with me~” Nan Qinli, who took a few steps forward, turned around and waved to the two of them with a smile.
Under the leadership of Nan Qinli, the two brothers and sisters slowly moved towards the class.

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