Clever and cute~【Special】
“Oh, it looks like I’m being treated as a criminal suspect?”
A slightly playful voice came out of Yuu’s mouth.
Putting himself in the image, a boy of unknown origin is standing in front of Nozomi Tojo, who is like a frightened bird. Yuzi thinks that the first time he sees this, he will also imagine it.
So Yuu didn’t care at all about the warning of the girl in front of her.
And at this time, the only person who could call Tojo Nozomi by her first name was the mixed-race girl who appeared in Otonogizaka, Ayase Eri, Tojo Nozomi’s best friend.
‘I was hated just because I met? ‘ Looking at Ayase Eri, who was frowning and wary in front of her, Yuu’s heart was full of strange thoughts.
After all, the feeling of being guarded by one’s past idols seems to be a different feeling.
Although, Yuu thinks that he is someone who should be guarded.
“Is it alright, did he do anything to you?” He glanced at Yu cautiously, Ayase Eri measured her cheeks slightly, looked at Tojo Nozomi’s pale face, and frowned slightly.
Nozomi Tojo took a deep breath, and then said with a smile to Eri Aase who was standing in front of her. “I’m fine, Eri~”
“But, your face…” Erika Ayase frowned even more. After all, Nozomi Tojo’s pale snow-white face really made her care too much.
After all, two minutes ago, Nozomi Tojo was the first to pack up her books and was about to wait for her at the door, her face was still rosy and natural.
“It’s really alright~” Tojo Nozomi waved his hand and explained to Ayase Eri.
After a pause, the girl narrowed her eyes, her eyes flashed with a hint of slyness, she pressed her hands on Ayase Eri’s plump man and rubbed it left and right.
“Aah, speaking of which, I’m so happy that Erika cares so much about me~”
Nozomi Tojo’s sudden attack made the two present in a state of daze.
Ayase Eri was taken aback by the strange feeling in front of her, and the girl’s serious and unusual face instantly flushed red.
Ayase Eri slapped Tojo Nozomi’s hands angrily, and reprimanded in a stern tone.
“Hey, what are you doing!!!”
Although Ayase Eri has long known about her close friend’s strange habit of hitting her breasts, it’s not that she hasn’t been attacked by this slut, but there are still outsiders present, and she’s still a boy! ! !
Thinking of this, Eri Ayase grabbed Nozomi Tojo’s face in a hurry, grabbed the chubby little face, and stretched it left and right.
“Um… I’m…not proving…I’m okay?” Tojo Nozomi, whose cheeks were pulled, said in a vague tone, and his pretty face was full of playful smugness.
“Did I see the scene of the ‘attack’?” Yu twitched the corners of his mouth and thought with a strange expression, but just now, the shape of Ayase Eri’s chest when she was rubbed… tsk tsk, the mixed race is really predictable.
Angrily gave Tojo Nozomi a fierce look, Ayase Eri turned around and glared at Yuu with an angry look on her face.
Yu turned his head at the right time, whistling, like I didn’t see anything.
At this time, even if you see it, Yuu can only pretend that you didn’t see it, otherwise it will not be fun if Ayase Eri is held accountable.
Seeing this scene, Ayase Eri pursed her lips, and instead of pursuing Yu’s previous bad gaze, she pinched Tojo Nozomi’s face fiercely, leaving a distinct fingerprint on the flushed cheek. .
However, seeing Tojo Nozomi’s guiltless smile, Ayase Eri suddenly became anxious.
“Hey~ boy over there, why are you here as a student from outside the school?!” Erika Ayase sighed, her face tightened, and she began to investigate Yuu.
As the student council president who just took office, Erri Ayase felt that she had to check the foreign student in front of her, although the student was not wearing a uniform, but was dressed in casual clothes.
“Oh, me? I sent my sister to transfer.” Yu shrugged and replied with a relaxed expression.
“Huh?” Ayase Eri frowned slightly, a thoughtful look on her face. “Speaking of which, I did receive a notice from a transfer student in the morning. Remember it’s called Kasuga Ye Qiong?”
“Well, yes, I’m his brother Zhou You, please give me more advice.” You smiled and moved towards Ayase EeLi stretched out his hand.
“Zhou…Yu?!!” Ayase Eri’s expression was a little weird, but seeing the mixed-race face of Yuu, she stopped asking the question why the surname was different from her sister’s.
After all, as a Russian-Japanese half-breed, she herself has a Russian name.
Looking at the girls who looked around Yuu and pointed at her from time to time, Ayase Eri folded her hair in anguish.
“Really, in that case, after completing the transfer procedures, please leave the school as soon as possible. After all, the influence of a boy staying in Otogizaka is very bad.”
“Ah la la, Eri-kin, you can’t be so fierce when you treat boys. It’s alright, Xiaoyou, it doesn’t matter how long you want to stay at school.” Tojo Nozomi on the side said with a smile.
“Hope!!” Ayase Eri covered her forehead speechlessly. What the hell is Fierce Baba, she is obviously thinking about the safety of the other party!
She couldn’t believe that Nozomi Tojo didn’t see the wolf-like eyes of those girls.
“Oh, a lot.” Seeing Tojo Nozomi’s inexplicably intimate tone, Yu Wei nodded slightly in confusion.
Seeing the remaining divinity in him, and being able to get close to him like this, to a certain extent, Yu admired Tojo’s thick nerves.
“Speaking of which, I don’t seem to have introduced myself. Xiao Yu should know what I said, right?” Nozomi Tojo winked at Yu playfully.
That familiar demeanor and affectionate gestures made Yu wonder if the one from the Nikko Amaterasu Palace had sneaked down the mountain.
However, unfortunately, Tojo Nozomi’s unfamiliar and alienated eyes can’t be faked, and Yuke doesn’t think that he can still deceive with his current eyesight.
“And the person next to him is Otonokisaka student council president – Eri Ayase! Xiaoyou called her directly… um, what’s the best way to call Erri kiss?” Speaking of this, Nozomi Tojo frowned. Thought appeared on his face.
“Ayase-san is fine, what else can you call him?” Ayase Eri looked at Tojo Nozomi helplessly. It seemed that there was nothing he could do about this girl who had suddenly become familiar.
“Oh!” Tojo Nozomi clapped his hands and smiled at You.
“Xiaoyou, just call Eri-kin, ‘smart and cute little Eri’!”
Ayase Eri’s face suddenly stiffened.

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