Let’s Go on a Date! 【Extra】
At the exit of a subway station not far from the Resurrection Society, Yu raised his head in a daze, looking at the wooden signboard of “Kurume Ramen Shop” above, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.
“What are you doing, aren’t you following?” The blond girl standing at the door of the store frowned slightly, and a hint of doubt flashed through her lavender eyes hidden under the mirror.
“This is the place you came here on purpose?” You twitched your eyebrows, pointed to the signboard of the ramen shop above, and said with some surprise.
Xingming Gebei narrowed his eyes, looking a little angry. “Do you have an opinion?”
“Yes, don’t look at me like this, mine is very busy.” Even though he said this, Yu still took steps and stepped into the shop.
And when he passed by Xingming Gebei, You heard an explanation sound as thin as a mosquito.”I didn’t have lunch.”
You was stunned for a moment, then stopped suddenly, looking at Xing Mingge with a bit of tears and laughter.
However, when Yuu stopped, the girl had already stepped into the ramen shop.
Looking at Xing Minggebai’s swaying ponytail behind her head, Yun shrugged and said helplessly. “Did you tell me earlier? It’s not like I won’t accompany you.”
The store is a typical Japanese-style wooden house. The only bright spot in the store is its cleanliness. After taking a glance at it, Yuzuo turned sideways and looked at Xing Mingge who was standing in front of the vending machine with a smile on his face.
In Japanese-style roadside shops like this, you almost always pay before you eat, and the way they pay is in the form of vending machines.
After putting in a thousand-yuan bill from the delivery port, click on the ramen to eat, and the machine will spit out the bill as a certificate, and those pastry chefs make ramen according to the ticket.
The blonde girl with a single ponytail bent her body slightly, her green jade fingers lowered her chin, and frowned slightly, looking at the options on the vending machine, as if she was struggling with what to buy.
Wearing a sweatshirt with hot and spicy shorts, the girl with fair and long legs is very beautiful, especially the little tangled face hidden under the sunglasses, which makes people want to take care of each other.
Suddenly, Xing Minggebai turned his head, looked at Yu with a trace of search in his eyes, and said with some anticipation. “Can you take the spicy tonkotsu ramen?”
“Okay!” To Yu, spiciness is not an unacceptable taste, although he has already eaten lunch, but seeing Xing Mingge’s expectant expression, his choice is self-evident.
“Then, it’s two points perverted.” Xing Minggebai pressed the purchase button with a smile.
You blinked his eyes, he seemed to have heard something just now.
Perverted and spicy? ! !
Looking at the smiling blonde girl who was looking for change under the machine, an ominous premonition rose in Yu’s heart.
“Let’s go! What are you doing?” Xing Minggebai shook the two bills between her fingers.
Yoo’s eyelids twitched and he followed behind Xing Minggebai.
Since the meal time passed early, there were no other customers in the store besides him and Xing Minggebai.
However, under the guidance of Xing Minggebai, the two of them sat in a corner of the store facing the stove.
Looking at Yu who was a little puzzled, Xing Minggebai explained with a smile. “For me, this is the best location. If it is a shop full of customers, it is the most difficult place to be found by the outside world, and the view is very good. Even if it is secretly photographed, it can be found quickly.”
The corners of You’s mouth twitched slightly, and she looked at Xing Mingge with some pity. “Is it really hard for an artist?”
Isn’t that right? After eating the noodles, you have to study the angle to avoid being photographed secretly by the media. It’s tiring to eat a meal.
Saying this, you froze for a while, and said in surprise. “You come here often?”
Gebei admitted without the slightest shyness. “Well, the ramen here is the best in Chiyoda.”
You froze for a moment, feeling a little admiration in her heart. From this sentence alone, he can guess Xing Minggebai’s efforts to find the best ramen shop.
After a long time, this well-known singer is still a foodie? ! !
A popular idol who often goes to roadside stalls to eat ramen?
Yu wanted to laugh a little in his heart, not because of Song Chan, but because of the other party’s dragging him to the ramen restaurant he often went to, which made him want to laugh a little.
This kind of behavior that allows me to intervene in each other’s daily life is basically something that is only done to boyfriends in an island country where privacy is extremely important.
After slaughtering Xing Minggebai’s stepfather, the other party kind of acquiesced that he was her boyfriend? If he had known it was so simple, he would have taken a few dozen meters of Gram to chop people.
“Guest, what kind of hardness do you want for your noodles?” The pale-bearded master came to the two of them with a smile.
In ramen shops in island countries, the hardness generally refers to the time it takes for the noodles to be put into the pot. There are 5 seconds, 10 seconds, and 20 seconds. The highest is basically two minutes, which is the time when the noodles are the softest.
“The guest looks familiar?” The old master frowned slightly, looking at Xing Mingge and chanting.
“As usual, five seconds is enough, Master Dashi.” Xing Minggebai took off his sunglasses, handed out the two bills, and smiled at the master.
“Oh!! Miss Xingming, I’m sorry, but you changed your hairstyle, but I can’t recognize it. I’ll do it right away.” The master laughed and took the ticket.
At the end, the old master glanced at Yu and blinked at Xing Minggebai.
Xing Mingge was stunned for a moment, and turned her head with a blushing face.
“Haha~!!” The old master seemed to understand something, he laughed, turned his head, and asked Yuu. “What kind of firm noodles does this guest want?”
“Mine? It’s all the same as Geba.” Yuu, who came to this store for the first time, made a conservative choice.
The old master froze for an inexplicable moment, and then gave Yu a solemn thumbs up, with an expression like I respect you as a man.
“Give me 1 minute!!”
1 minute later, looking at the ramen in front of her with delicate shapes, many ingredients, and the soup was red as fire, Yu’s face turned dark.
The reason that made him turn black was naturally the red-red soup. That appearance, Yu, who had been exposed to authentic Sichuan cuisine, knew exactly what it was.
Turning his head, Yoo saw the ramen next to him, which was also red as fire, with garlic and pepper powder added, and a look of anticipation.
At this moment, Yu’s face turned blue.
At this moment, the in-storeThe voice of a conversation between two young shop assistants came to Yuu’s ears.
“Ah, I knew that Miss Xingming’s criteria for picking a boyfriend really is this, right?”
“Don’t mention it, I tried it last time, and I had a spicy anal fissure for three days. With this bowl of noodles from the old man, I thought I should go to the gall test!”
The corner of You’s mouth twitched.
Xing Minggebai, who was about to speak, raised her head and looked at Yuu with some doubts.
“What’s wrong?”
“No, it’s nothing.” Yu turned his head, took a few breaths, and his expression gradually calmed down.
Yuu understood that with his physique a thousand times that of an ordinary person, he was just a mere chili, so he shouldn’t be able to pull him down.
So under the admiring gaze of everyone, Yu used chopsticks and put the ramen into his mouth.
咻~~~~~! !
The taste buds exploded.
‘I should have thought of it long ago, while my physique is a thousand times stronger, my sense of taste is also a thousand times that of ordinary people…’
Yuu actually doesn’t know what it feels like to be a thousand times perverted.
It’s just that after eating ramen with Xing Minggebai, Yu took the initiative to send out a ‘date’ invitation.
“Let’s go to the hospital!”

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