Man, Is It Bad To Live? 【Extras】
“Yuan Yin is lost, and the body is still stained with the husband’s Yang Yuan. Is it a new concubine?” Luo Hao narrowed his eyes, and his voice was like a white cloud in the sky, mysterious and unpredictable.
“Yes!!” Yamada Goblin stood up tremblingly, imitating Kasuga Nokome, but made a blessing in a strange posture.
Compared to Kasuga Yeqiong’s death-free gold medal named ‘sister’, she, the girl who poached the corner of the leader of the Demon Cult, had an extremely miserable ending no matter how you look at it.
As soon as I think of the Lord in front of me, “When you see his face, you go to his eyes; when you hear his voice, you go to his ears!” ‘The rumors made Yamada Goblin’s heart twitch.
She hates herself so much now, why did she run home to play games with her sister-in-law? It’s not a few days before we have a good relationship, why did she run back.
‘Man, why do you want to die! ! ! ’
“Very good.” Luo Hao sized up Fairy Yamada, nodded slowly, and said calmly. “Although she is young, she is still pretty, barely qualified to be a concubine.”
Hearing the sound, Fairy Yamada froze, and after struggling to understand Luo Hao’s words, her eyes brightened immediately.
Although the words are a bit harsh, doesn’t Luo Hao’s words mean that she has survived the disaster?
However, in the next second, the world wobbled for a while, and by the time Fairy Yamada realized it, she was already at the gate of the house, looking blankly at the white clouds in the sky.
“But you girl who doesn’t know the rules, you’d better get out and serve tea.” The ethereal voice came from all directions.
“Hiss——!!!” Hearing the sound, Yamada Goblin suddenly gasped, and the pain and vague memories in her body kept telling her.
She really rolled out of the house from the living room just now.
Thinking of this, she opened her mouth, and her mournful voice immediately resounded through the sky.
“What the hell did I do wrong!!!”.
“Noisy!” A faint scolding sound came.
Fairy Yamada quickly covered her mouth, completely ignoring her suffocated flushed face, looking at the sky with tears in her eyes, a tear of ignorance slowly flowed from the corner of her eye.
If God gave her another chance, she would definitely make out with You in front of Luo Hao, and be mad at this woman who dared to bully her. Is the leader of the Demon Cult amazing? She is still a master of light novels with millions of fans!
Really think that she is a soft persimmon, you can handle it casually! From now on, the heroines of the plots in this book will all be…
“Very good, you have great ideas.” The light and fluttering voice slowly entered the ears of Fairy Yamada.
There was a hint of despair in the girl’s innocent eyes.
“Why? How did you hear it!!!”
“Although he doesn’t use Xintong very often, it’s also within the scope of this seat’s intensive study.” A sighing voice sounded from all directions.
“Since you’re young, then you’ll be punished a little bit, and you’ll accept it?”
“Please rest assured and leave it to me, no matter it is once, twice, or a hundred times, I will complete it.” Yamada Goblin showed a crying smile.
“That’s a hundred times.” A voice with a hint of comfort rang in the girl’s ear.
“I…I…” Yamada Goblin opened her mouth, but finally remained silent, looking at the sky in despair.
A crow that was rushing to the garbage dump flew by, lowered its head and showed that mocking bird face.
“I @#[email protected]&%!!!”
In the room, Luo Hao leisurely savored the green tea brewed by Kasuga Yeqiong’s hands. Although the technique was a bit immature and the tea technique was poor, but for the sake of her husband and sister’s well-behaved faces, she didn’t care about it.
“My lord, are you satisfied with this tea?” Kasuga Yeqiong stood behind Luo Hao with lowered brows, and almost tried his best to massage Luo Hao’s soft and delicate shoulders through the Hanfu.
“It’s unbearable, practice more in the future.” Luo Hao put down his teacup, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said calmly.
The taste of the tea is so-so, just so-so. Luo Hao doesn’t bother to use those secular polite words to motivate Kasuga Yeqiong. Anyway, he didn’t make any progress afterwards, so he just needs to be trained.
“My sister knows, I will definitely contact you as soon as possible.” Kasuga Yeqiong pursed his lips, and his innocent smile was very cute.
Luo Hao glanced at the wall beside him, looked through the wall, and saw the grinning Yamada goblin on the road, and narrowed his eyes slightly.
“Zizi is stubborn and needs to be polished.”
The corners of Chung Yeqiong’s mouth twitched slightly. She remembered that when Luo Hao said this last time, he looked at her and said it, right?
Inexplicably, she felt pity for Fairy Yamada. After all, facing this elder sister, the fate of disobedience is really terrible.
‘Human, isn’t it good to live! ’ Kasugano Dome sighed with emotion.
In fact, if she hadn’t belonged to Luo HaoSister-in-law, if you have some backing, she is very sure that the grass on the grave can be one meter tall.
“Let the two people upstairs come down, and the two people next door also let them come over.” Luo Hao instructed lightly, with an irresistible charm in his words.
“Understood, big sister.” Kasuga Ye Qiong nodded. Of course she understood that the two Luo Hao was referring to were Izumi Sagiri and Shiina Mashiro who were on the second floor. In the face of this master’s summons, she really didn’t dare to neglect.
The girl had an elegant demeanor and left the living room lightly. After she disappeared from Luo Hao’s field of vision, the girl hurriedly ran up to the second floor.
“This girl, her temper still needs to be polished, how frizzy she is.” Luo Hao squinted his pearl-like black eyes and shook his head with a smile on his face.
Compared with the little girl who dared to compete with her for other than the main wife, she still likes the now well-behaved husband and sister, even if she is just well-behaved in front of her, that’s enough.
At the same time, there was a knock on the door on the second floor.
‘Sagiri, don’t fall asleep and get up! If you don’t get up, you will die! ! ! ’
‘What happened? elder sister? ’
‘No, is it true that you are also lying in bed? ! ! ’
‘Hu~~ huh~~ Baumkuchen? ’
Luo Hao raised his eyebrows slightly, blew the tea indifferently, and said softly.
“Oh, are they some girls who don’t know the rules again!”
Two hours later.
The white Lexus stopped at the door of the clean and tidy house.
With a loud sound, Yu opened the car door briskly, and walked out of the car holding Xing Minggebai’s little hand.
Looking at the door on the first floor, You moved his neck and said lightly.
“I’m home!!”

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