It should be so [Extra]
“How are you doing?”
Domineering indifference, but also with a refusal, even if its voice is sweet and beautiful like an oriole, it cannot hide the pride in it.
“This voice?” The corner of You’s mouth twitched, and her brows couldn’t stop stirring.
Yu’s eyes froze, staring at the black-haired woman who was sitting on the sofa, with a calm demeanor and elegant manner, carrying a lingering aura all over her body.
The elegant and beautiful Chinese-style long dress, even without makeup, is as beautiful as a fairy, even if her eyes are dark and angry, she can’t hide her otherworldly beauty.
Yu’s temples were faintly dripping with sweat. He pursed his lips, wetting the somewhat dry lips, and solemnly and affectionately called out to the girl’s girlfriend, “Lian’er, you’re here.”
Just raised his hand and pointed at Luo Hao who was about to sue Heizumi Sawu, his expression froze, and the words that had just poured into his mouth were suddenly swallowed by her.
The petite silver-haired girl is not stupid, so she immediately heard the solemnity in Yu’s tone.
Although there is no famous saying, in fact, Yu’s status as the head of the family is indeed higher than that of the girls in the family.
Even if she can rely on her elder brother to spoil her and act willfully, she will not deny the fact that Yu is the head of the family.
However, now, at home, there seems to be another ‘woman’ at the top of the food chain.
“My concubine greets my husband.” Luo Hao stood up gracefully and gracefully, and Meilun gave a gift of blessing.
The so-called concubine is the self-proclaimed name of his wife. Luo Hao, who was born in the early Qing Dynasty, would not neglect her husband even if she was the daughter of a warrior family, but would follow the ancient etiquette to greet You.
The corners of You’s mouth twitched, her face embarrassed and she stretched out her hands, supporting her hands, leaning forward a little and saying, “Madam, please get up.”Facing Luo Hao who advocates etiquette, You naturally has to give the other party corresponding respect. Although it’s okay if he doesn’t return the courtesy, the thousands of craters near Oumuran speak silently about the fate of “indifference”.
After the salute, Luo Hao straightened his body and immediately shot the gun. He looked at Izumi Sagiri with sharp eyes but with a hint of tenderness.
“The husband and sister at home don’t listen to discipline. I was disciplined on behalf of my husband before. If I am rude, I hope I will forgive you.”
The corner of You’s mouth twitched a few times, and the sentence was automatically translated in his ears.
‘My sister-in-law was a bit disobedient, so I beat her up. If you have any objections, let’s have a fight. Oh, before that, I’ll beat that brat to death first. ’
“I have no objection, I have no objection.” Yuu sighed, and looked at Izumi Sagiri with a wry smile.
He didn’t even know that his sister had such a talent for killing?
It was thanks to her that she thought of pulling Luo Hao’s pants, and she dared to put it into action. Even if he did this kind of thing, he would have to be beaten into a pig’s head by thousands of slaps to make it happen.
You You was very convinced that if Luo Hao hadn’t been jealous of her husband’s family, she would have slapped Sagi to death long ago.
Gritting her teeth, Yuu glanced at Izumi Sagiri, then turned her head and said. “Sagiri is disobedient, just discipline her, as long as she doesn’t die.”
You are very clear that this wave of refusal to accept soft words, with Luo Hao’s temper, it is impossible for her sister not to taste the hell on earth, this is all a bloody lesson learned from Kasugano Qiong.
After receiving Yu’s hint, Izumi Sagiri was stunned for a moment, seeing her brother softening to Luo Hao, it was impossible not to feel astonished.
And it was precisely because of this that she realized that offending this fierce black-haired woman in front of her seemed, as if, even her brother who was a godslayer couldn’t keep her.
“Huh?” Luo Haoxiu frowned slightly, and glanced at Sawu indifferently, obviously aware that the other party was speaking ill of her.
After being cast aside by that gaze, Izumi Sagiri immediately let go of Yuu’s wrist, and stood timidly in front of Luo Hao, with the appearance of a scholar Kasuga Nokome, giving a non-standard blessing.
Hearing the weak voice, Luo Hao’s eyes showed a trace of satisfaction, and he praised: “Although my husband and sister are naughty, but I think she is still young, my husband has many things, and I will discipline him on my own.”
Obviously, the leader has a great interest in disciplining bear children. Even if Yu was just being polite, she accepted the job straightforwardly.
Hearing this, You opened his mouth, and finally closed it without a word.
It was he who said what Luo Hao taught Sagiri, and what he said in front of this leader who believed in golden words and words, would be a slap in the face!
‘Seek good fortune for yourself. ‘Yu winked at Izumi Sagiri, gritted his teeth, and ignored Izumi Sagiri’s teary-eyed face.
Outside the living room door, Xingming Gebei listened to the voices in the living room, and looked at Kasugano Qiongdao cautiously beside him in a daze.
“What’s going on inside?”
Kasuga Yeqiong hissed, motioning Gebai to lower his voice, then peeked inside the living room, and said in a low voice.
“Yu’s wife, my elder sister, came today. Sagiri and Fairy-chan were disobedient, and were educated by my elder sister. Now they are discussing Sagiri’s education rights, and then my brother was accidentally caught and lost. Well, that’s probably how it is.”
“Your elder sister?” Xing Minggebei’s face changed slightly, and he said in embarrassment.
“Qiong, bring in the woman from outside.”
Hearing Luo Hao’s voice, Kasuga Yeqiong immediately straightened his posture, his face was extremely flustered, but his body followed his instincts, walked into the room with Gebei in a regular manner, and stood behind Yu.
Luo Hao narrowed his black eyes, looked at Xing Mingge, sat down, picked up the teacup beside him and said, “You are beautiful, are you still a virgin, let’s serve tea!”
Hearing these words, he froze for a moment, and glanced at the position beside Luo Hao.
He hadn’t noticed before because Luo Hao went to the aura, but the blond girl kneeling beside Luo Hao, holding a saucer and forcing a smile, was either a Yamada goblin or whoever she was.
She glanced around leisurely, looked at Zhu Yiye and Tiannv Muying who were standing behind Luo Hao with lowered eyebrows on the other side, looked at those reddish eyes, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.
Obviously, these two have also been ‘educated’ by Luo Hao, and they have recognized their identities.
The only thing that remained intact was Mashiro Shiina who was sitting obediently beside Luo Hao, drawing, and showing Luo Hao’s appreciation from time to time. She was a normal person.
‘No, not right! ! ’ You’s eyelids twitched, looking at the portrait of Luo Hao painted on the oil painting in Zhenbai’s hand.
Looking at Zhenbai with joyful eyes and Luo Hao with a satisfied expression in front of him, the corners of You’s mouth twitched.
When Zhenbai sees beautiful things, he has the habit of drawing them down. Everyone in the room has a separate oil painting.
Although his personality is a bit too conceited, Luo Hao is indeed a unparalleled and unparalleled national scholar.
Therefore, it was almost natural for Zhenbai to paint a portrait of Luo Haohua.
From Luo Hao’s point of view, it’s probably just a show of skill.
He said how could Luo Hao let Zhenbai go with his character.
“Would you like tea?”
Xing Mingge looked at Fairy Yamada’s kneeling swollen legs, then looked at Luo Hao’s face with inexplicable oppression, and said nervously.
“What will happen if you don’t kneel?”
“Disrespecting a lady, death!” Luo Hao said indifferently.
At that moment, Gebei seemed to see a five-member ten-armed man exuding infinite divine light.The woman, the terrifying scene of ruthlessly swinging an iron fist at herself.
When Xing Mingge turned around, she lowered her head with a pale face and said, “I see.”
“Huh!” Luo Hao snorted coldly, turned his head, looked at Yu’s face, and narrowed his eyes slightly.
“Forgive me for talking too much, my husband, these days, the number of concubines is too much.”
Hearing the sound, You’s expression changed. He took a deep breath, raised his hand, unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt, rolled up his sleeves silently, and looked at Luo Haodao expressionlessly.
“Sure enough, we still have to fight!”
Luo Hao opened his green eyes slightly, and said with a smile.
“It should be so!!!”

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