Power Crystal
Seeing the fleeting astonishment on You’s face, Luo Hao Liu’s eyebrows tugged down, looking at You Dao in surprise.
“Did your husband find something?”
The corners of You’s mouth were slightly raised, and she said happily.
“Ah, I found something, I don’t understand it, I’ll show it to you.”
As Yuu’s voice fell, a huge magic power like magma surged on his body, making his appearance appear to be surrounded by burning golden lava, and his face could hardly be seen.
In just an instant, the magic power that Yu gathered was equivalent to the sum of the magic power of a godslayer. Even Yu, after drawing out one-tenth of his own magic power at one time, was a little out of breath.
“Okay.” Yu lowered her hands and pressed her crossed legs against her crossed legs. After she looked straight, she suddenly compressed the magic power in front of her.
The golden magma transformed by the magic power slowly began to flow and gather, and finally turned into a golden sphere with ripples in front of Yu, giving a visual sense of plasticine.
Luo Hao raised a single eyebrow and looked at the golden ball in front of You with some doubts. Then, in Luo Hao’s astonished eyes, the magic power was compressing and condensing in constant fluctuations, and finally turned into a golden crystal.
Yu raised his hand, and the fingertips of his right hand seemed to look deep into the water, piercing directly into the golden crystal, and immediately exerted the power of [Life Power] without chanting the spirit of words.
With the use of power, the golden crystal lost its color in an instant and turned into a white hexahedral spar, suspended in Yu’s hand.
Knowing that he had succeeded, Yun took a deep breath and raised his head to explain to Luo Hao who was puzzled.
“Just now, I not only obtained swordsmanship at the level of the gods from the cloud of the sky, but the most important thing is to see the connection between the subordinate gods and the main gods. The finished product is this.”
Yu held the white crystal suspended in mid-air, and the corners of her mouth twitched.
“The essence of the subordinate god is the power of the main god, which is somewhat similar to the incarnation of the main god. By simulating this mechanism, the power of the god is embodied, and a large amount of magic power is used as a carrier and a power furnace to produce a one-time prop that carries power. This finished product is This crystal.”
While speaking, Yu threw the crystal in his hand to Luo Hao.
“The way to use it is to crush it. Its hardness is the first point than biscuits. It is fragile and can be used by anyone. Of course, weak chickens that cannot be crushed naturally have nothing to say.”
Luo Hao reached out to catch the crystal, opened his mouth, and seemed to want to say something, but seeing Yu’s expression as if asking for credit, he shook his head helplessly, crushing the white crystal in his hand.
The moment the crystal was crushed, the world suddenly froze, and the miracle called power unleashed its power.
At this moment, Luo Hao could feel the ‘life’ of the planet washing her body, like steaming a sauna, the life of the earth squeezed into her body, recovering.All damage and consumption.
“Power [power of life], absorbs the life energy of the earth to restore its own power. After one’s own death, it has a lot of power to extract the vitality and resurrection of the earth. The price is that the earth will become a desert of death for a period of time.”
Yoo grinned, explaining his power. Taking other people’s things to restore himself, and paying the price to others, is very in line with his liking, so the ability to show power has become like this.
Luo Hao took a deep breath, and a large amount of the earth’s life force entered her body with her breath, turning into the mantra that had been refined for more than a hundred years. At this moment, her mantra was almost overflowing.
Looking at Yu with a smile in front of him, Luo Hao said expressionlessly.
“I see. Is this power the reason why you have to fight with me in a war of attrition every time? It seems that in the future, it must be done quickly.”
Facing Luo Hao, who was seriously considering the methods of domestic violence, Yu’s expression stiffened at this moment.
Looking at Yu’s stiff expression, Luo Hao’s eyebrows stretched out and looked at You Dao with a smile.
“Reassured, until the husband’s defense and recovery cannot be broken, the concubine will not commit violent acts against women’s ethics. Of course, if the husband is defeated once…”
You’s eyelids trembled a few times, and he sensed Luo Hao’s subtext.
‘If you can’t beat me, just go back to Lushan with me and live your life. ’
Yu who understood this was a little speechless. Although Luo Hao would never get tired of playing for a hundred years, he was used to eating wild flowers in the field.
Just like the islanders eat kaiseki cuisine, it is not for ‘fullness’ at all, but for ‘enjoyment’.
“However, although this crystal has miraculous effects in developing forces and other fields, it is still too reluctant to deal with gods.”
Although it was a bit cold, Luo Hao directly reminded Yu of the drawbacks of this crystal. Using this crystal that needs to be crushed to fight against the gods, this time alone is enough for a Valkyrie to kill Yu ten times.
She, Luo Hao, didn’t want to be a widow, so even though she saw that Yu was very proud of making this crystal, she couldn’t help but pour cold water.
“An Xin, this type of crystal, I just used it to save Qiong and the others, and to develop their power by the way.” You waved his hand, indicating that he understood.
These crystals are of little use in the hands of Yu and Luo Hao, but for those below the godslayer, they are also a big killer at the bottom of the box. They are just used to develop their power, which is almost just right.
“However, it’s better to set up and study the authority and so on, so as not to be used by the subordinates.” Yu condensed a power crystal again, and once it was born and cooked twice, he got the second one in a few minutes.
“This type?” Luo Hao raised his eyebrows, grasping the main point of Yu’s previous words.
Yu Leng, who was tinkering with the crystal, then threw the crystal in his hand.
The white crystal flashed with fluorescence, and a figure exactly like Yu appeared indistinctly, and finally condensed in the dojo, while the crystal submerged in the brain and concealed it.
“This is the second application. It simulates the product created by the relationship between gods and subordinate gods.” While speaking, Yu kept repeating the previous process of making fakes.
“Nether body? It’s really a strange way to use it!” Luo Hao’s eyes narrowed, pale golden light flickered in her eyes, and in just a moment, she understood the method of this ability.
The so-called ghostly body is a secret technique only used by high-level priestesses. Commonly known as it, it is probably the ability to get out of the body.
However, the difference between the ghost body is that it uses the power of mind power to fake the materialization of the body, even if the ghost body can fight and touch objects, just like a living person.
But in essence, it is only the psychic power of the caster that simulates these activities.
“Ah, using the crystal as a power furnace and my spiritual power as a tentacle, it is probably feasible to simulate a god-killer who has only one power. It is really good to let it search for the traces of the godless god.”
Yu spread out his hands, although he felt that the two scenes were a bit troublesome in his mind, but with his mental strength, he could still use two things with one mind.
Some of the mental power disguised as a human, went to search for gods, and leisurely in the island country, even if the disguised mental power was lost.
He is nothing more than consuming some mental power to make it. While it is innocuous, he can also obtain information on the enemy. In general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Luo Haodai frowned slightly and said with some displeasure. “It’s all about getting some weird tricks. Power is enough. Only martial arts that can improve yourself are the right way to practice.”
“Yes yes yes!” Yu responded in a perfunctory manner. He killed the gods to put it bluntly, not for power, but also to get the rules represented by those gods to supplement the ‘big eggs’ in his head.
To put it bluntly, life and the big egg are one thing. To improve the power of the big egg is to improve himself. Otherwise, what would he do so hard.
And Luo Hao also understands what he thinks. It is a matter of course that the Holy Sect leader of killing gods by force firmly believes in his own strength and has a different view of power and killing gods than him.
There is no need for Yu to argue with Luo Hao because of this, and the result of forcing Luo Hao to change his mind is only the end of the first battle.
Looking at Yu’s perfunctory expression, Luo Hao’s eyes narrowed slightly. She understood that you had her own thoughts, and naturally she would not have the idea of ​​making you change her mind. The result would be that they would fight again.
The two demon kings took a step back at the same time, avoiding the possible disputes over this topic.Compared to Luo Hao who kept silent, so as not to say the wrong thing and cause conflicts between husband and wife, You chose to avoid the topic by changing the topic.
“Speaking of which, after the Susanoo War, no one in the island country can hinder my rule, but in terms of management, I’m somewhat inexperienced.”
You said haha, and began to ask for advice on Luo Hao Demon King’s ruling method.

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