The Grateful Kenneth
“Sir Lancelot, if I abdicated when the country was at the peak of its development, perhaps there would be no subsequent tragedies.”
Saber sighed lightly and said in a complicated tone. After seeing the fetters of the king of conquerors, Saber somewhat agreed with what Yuu said, because she also had those fetters.
Hearing this, Lancelot showed a shocked expression, and even the body driven by the Command Spell stopped moving in shock.
“King, why do you think so?” Lancelot said with a confused expression.
“When I drew the sword in the stone, my wish was to save Britain from the war, and after expelling the alien race, my wish has been fulfilled.” Saber said in a complicated tone.
“…” Lancelot was silent, he couldn’t refute Saber’s words, because he knew that all the Knights of the Round Table agreed with King Arthur’s dream of saving the country, and were attracted by her brilliance and gathered under King Arthur’s command with full of blood.
And after the expulsion of the alien race, after the kingdom became extremely strong, the dream was realized, and the knights of the round table who were in a daze would be corrupted by the prosperity and gradually die.
“A king once said that my kingship is only suitable for saving the country and not for governing the country. Now that I think about it, it seems to be the case.” Saber said slowly with a bitter smile.
During her reign, she dealt with all matters in the kingdom in every detail. She handled affairs without bias and punished the enemy without bias. She was like a precise scale, calculating the balance of gains and losses.
“I kept sacrificing innocent people in one village to protect the peace of ten villages…” Saber’s tone was quite complicated, and Lancelot interrupted him before he could finish his words.
“There’s nothing wrong with your approach, that’s a necessary sacrifice,” Lancelot said decisively.
Without blaming Lancelot for interrupting her narration without permission, Saber’s remarks seemed nonexistent, and the holy king narrated the result. “But I, who kept repeating this behavior, led to the demise of the country.”
“The demise of the country is our responsibility, it is the responsibility of all the Knights of the Round Table, covering all the people.” Lancelot’s tone was unusually firm.
A look of astonishment appeared on her pretty face. Saber looked at Lancelot in astonishment. She didn’t understand why Lancelot would say that the demise of the country would be the cauldron of all the people.
Aware of Saber’s question, Lancelot smiled wryly and said slowly.
“The invincible kingdom has given us more ideas. You have given us too much expectations. We think that the invincible you can bring us a war that can be won without losing one person.”
“So we began to question your behavior of killing less and saving more, and even thought it was a tarnish of the chivalry, even though everyone knew that your actions could save more people.”
“But how can there be undead in war!” Lancelot summed up mockingly.
Saber was speechless, she never thought that the collapse of the country would be the cauldron of her strong record.
“…You don’t have to feel guilty, my king, your desire to fight for the Holy Grail is to make up for your shortcomings, but it’s not that you are sorry for us, but we are sorry for you. This is the common view of all the knights who survived after your death. !”
Lancelot resisted the Command Spell with strong willpower, knelt down on the ground, and knelt down in front of Saber in a five-body posture.
“Get up, Mr. Lancelot, I don’t blame you. After all, it’s my policy’s fault.” Saber stretched out his hand towards Lancelot.
“It’s the same again, blaming yourself on your own, my king, you are too much.been holy. It is precisely because of your nobleness that we feel ashamed! “Tears slowly streamed down Lancelot’s face.
“Please let us bear our due sins!” The words of prayer came from Lancelot’s mouth.
“…Sorry, I can’t do it.” Saber said with a smile and tears.
“…” Lancelot knelt on the ground, protesting motionlessly.
“Share…the responsibility, okay?” Saber tilted his head and scratched his cheeks and said softly.
“Follow the king’s orders!!!” Lancelot got up quickly, gave a knightly salute, and said firmly.
The monarch and the minister suddenly met and smiled.
After a while, Lancelot took a deep breath, maintained the posture of chivalry, held the unrepentant lake light in the palm of his hand, and held it up in front of Saber.
“The responsibility for the subjugation of the country is shared, but individual mistakes must be punished. This is the glory of knights! Your first knight, Lancelot, here again, ask for your punishment!”
Lancelot’s words were sonorous and powerful, with a look of relief on his face, and he finally said it, his sins are finally coming to an end, and he can finally live up to his title of perfect knight!
“Mr. Lancelot…” Saber pursed his lips, looking at Lancelot with a relieved face in front of him.
Taking a deep breath, Ling Ran’s holy expression reappeared on Saber’s face. Facing the figure kneeling on the ground, she smiled with tears in her eyes, picked up the fallen holy sword, and stabbed the loyal man. Inside the knight…
The pitch-black magic sword has once again returned to its former blue color.
In the castle of Einzbern.
At a tea table in a living room of the castle, Yoo sat on a chair drinking black tea.
In order to ensure that they reach the root, Hassan, Kiyohime, and Irisviel were all arranged by Yuu to prepare for a ceremony at the place where the Great Holy Grail on Mount Enzo, the first spiritual vein in Fuyuki City, is located.
There are still several hours before the ceremony is completed, so Yocai is sitting on the sofa leisurely, and now all he has to do is to use the power of vibration to keep the little Holy Grail from collapsing and disintegrating.
“Do you want some black tea? Mr. Kenneth.” Yu pushed a cup of black tea with a suitable temperature in front of Kenneth, and carefully placed a long straw in the cup, not far from his head.
“I’m very grateful for your help, Your Majesty, El-Melloe will always remember your friendship.” Kenneston was a little flattered when he received such a courtesy, and thanked him repeatedly.
Kenneth lowered his head and took a sip of coffee, feeling the sweet and fragrant taste and the soft sofa and warm room, showing Su Shuang’s expression.
He was paralyzed by Emiya Kiritsugu in the early morning, then ran around with a bomb tied, and even encountered Heroic Spirits fighting at close range. God knows how he lived today, and now he is finally safe.
“Aqiu~~” Kenneth sneezed violently.
“Hey, Mr. Kenneth, did you catch a cold outside the forest?” Yu looked at Kenneth suspiciously.
“It seems so. After all, it’s winter. Do you have a coat and a beanie?” Kenneth said embarrassedly.
“Uh~~” Yu looked at Kenneth in front of him, thinking about Sora’s graceful body, nodded, energy and matter were converted, the military coat of forgiveness and the woolen hat of forgiveness appeared in Yu’s palm .
Looking at it, Yuu felt that her heart was broken.
“Is this… magic!!” Kenneth looked at the hat and military coat that appeared out of thin air in front of him with a shocked expression. In the eyes of a magician, creating something out of thin air can be said to be a mystery at the level of magic.
“Are you going to give me this magical creation?” Kenneth felt a little confused.
“Do you want it? Then I’ll give it to you” You said jokingly.
Kenneth completely ignored Yu’s banter and nodded again and again.
Magical creation, it is one of the secret treasures that thousands of magicians dream of. If you can study a little bit of magic from it, after countless generations of efforts, the root is not a dream.
Now that there is a chance to get started, Kenneth, a magician, will never let it go.
“Come on, I’ll put it on for you.” Yu put the forgiveness cap on Kenneth’s head with a weird expression, and then helped him put on the forgiveness coat.
“Thank you, thank you, this is the most precious gift I have ever received in my life, and I will let it be passed down from generation to generation as my Archibald’s secret treasure.”
Kenneth was so excited that he shed tears. Having lost his magic ability, he actually got the hope of obtaining magic here. Even if he can no longer study magic, the descendants of his family will be able to study magic in the distant future.
Their Archipelud family can also be called a family with a magician inheritance like the Cangqi family, the Einzbern family, and the Tohsaka family, and everything is done in the hands of Kenneth. It was a great honor for him.
Now, once he returns to Archipelud’s house with the magical creation, even if he is already a waste, he can receive the highest courtesy and enjoy the highest treatment.
Kenneth is full of longing for a better future.
“It’s about time, I need to deal with the Holy Grail War, see you later, Mr. Kenneth.” Yu waved at Kenneth and strode out of the room.
“I wish you a prosperous martial arts!!!” Kenneth said sincerely.
Watching Yuu walk to the door, Kenneth shook his only movable head excitedly, reflecting his forgiveness cap and shirt on the black tea in front of him, with a contented expression on his face.
“Hey, dear, youWhere are you going~~~” A lazy and mature voice suddenly sounded.
“Why is this voice so familiar?” Kenneth said with a strange expression.

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