Two people who are essentially the same [Special]
On the soft fabric sofa, the blond girl kneeling in front of the sofa raised her head in discomfort, revealing her face full of drunken redness.
“Cough, you bastard…cough~!!”
Covering her pink cherry lips, Eri Ri glared angrily while holding back her retching feeling. Yu had a relaxed face in front of her, like a wild cat whose tail was stepped on.
Seeing this scene, Yuu, who was in a good mood, hurriedly stretched out her left hand, and gently patted Eiri’s back through the rough jersey.
At the same time, with his free right hand, he hurriedly took out a few tissues from the tissue bag on the low table, and handed them to Eiri.
“Cough, you guy, you’re really bad!”
Ying Riri, who took the tissue, endured the discomfort in her throat, wiped the corner of her mouth, widened her blue eyes with tears and rouge red face, and stared at Youdao fiercely.
“Sorry, sorry, I’ll pay attention next time.”
Yuu patted Eiri’s junior while raising her pants, with an apologetic expression full of annoyance on her face. No matter what, Yuu naturally chose to show weakness in the face of Yingri who had just vented for him with her cherry lips.
“Humph!” The girl who was full of displeasure snorted coldly.
For men only, this way may be a great pleasure, but for girls, this kind of thing is just suffering.
At least Eiri, who tried it for the first time, didn’t think it was a comfortable thing. If she wasn’t afraid that the guy on the other side would “lose his mind” again, she wouldn’t take the initiative to use this method.
The feeling of retching came again, and Yingri, who was a little nauseous, narrowed her tearful eyes, patted her knee angrily, and said with a bitter expression on her face.
“How long have you been holding on to such an excessive amount!”
“Huh?!” Yu’s expression stiffened for a moment, he was really not easy to answer, and there was a big problem with talking too much.
Yingri, who didn’t get a response, was stunned for a while, then glanced at Yu with a little embarrassment, and then asked in a low voice, “Could it be from then to now?”
Yu’s face changed slightly, and she immediately chose to deal with it silently, letting the girl in front of her think wildly.
“This kind of thing should have been said earlier.”
Eri, who didn’t realize what bad words she was talking about, held a tissue impatiently, wiped her cherry lips, and rolled her eyes angrily.
Suddenly, Yingri’s movements stagnated slightly, and the girl who was a little embarrassed by the strange gaze in front of Yu finally realized what she had said, and her face suddenly flushed like a persimmon.
“Don’t, don’t get me wrong, this is just a girlfriend’s obligation, isn’t it?”
“I’m curious, would girlfriends in that country take this kind of thing as an obligation?”
Without Yu Yingri’s usual arrogance, Yu, who sorted out her clothes, muttered with a speechless expression.
Ying Riri, who was refuted, blushed, tangled and embarrassed for a while, she whispered softly.
“Isn’t the story in this book always like this? Boys and girls can do whatever.”
Yu’s ears moved slightly, and when he heard the muttering, he glanced at Yingri in surprise. Although he felt some pity for Yingri who was checked for poison by various books, as a beneficiary, Yu expressed that he was happy to see it.
Should it be said that she is a girl who came out of an orthodox otaku? Even if you come from a famous family, even if you don’t have any experience, the small and sharp teeth and theoretical experience are still there.It gave Yuu an extraordinary sense of pleasure.
Nothing is more suitable for Yuu’s appetite than Eri, a partner who can improve with just a reminder.
Thinking of this, Yu narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the girl’s cherry lips uncontrollably.
“It stinks, I’ll go take a shower.” Seeing Yuna’s hot eyes again, Ying Riri’s face panicked, she got up quickly, kicked Yun lightly as if in revenge, and then hurriedly ran to the side. Wash room.
Yu, who had just been fully released, didn’t care about Eri’s escape, but took a deep breath and slumped lazily on the soft sofa, her eyes half-closed.
The faucet burst out! sound of water.
Ying Riri, who had rinsed her mouth again, raised her head and wiped her lips with a dry towel. She looked over her glasses, and looked at the blond girl with red cheeks on the glass mirror, with an amazingly charming look, and sipped it a little tangled. pursed lips.
“It’s too soon, it’s only less than two months…”
Ying Riri picked up the comb, pursed her lips, and straightened her blond hair with some split ends. Touching the soft strands of hair, Eiri fell into silence.
She understands that the progress of her relationship with Yu has been abnormal, but after thinking about it carefully, after the night of black history at the banquet, the progress of the relationship between the two is strange enough.
If the self more than a month ago, seeing that he actually took the initiative to do this kind of thing for that vile scum, it would be possible to vomit blood with anger.
But now, this kind of thing happened naturally under the circumstances that she proposed.
Rather than saying that she chose to face the reality in a self-defeating way, it would be better to say that she was forcibly opened up by the other party.
Miss Qianjin’s fake mask was taken off by You, and the hysterical fanartist was looked at by the other party. Just when he was worried about being targeted, he found out that the other party was a lunatic who was even more ‘hysterical’ than himself.
It took less than 2 months to make a high-quality fan game when the main script and artist were students. To be honest, this is the first time Yingri has seen such a fool.
However, after a large number of outsourced unimportant work regardless of the cost, the process has steadily entered the semi-finished stage.
“That guy, how many things did he do behind the scenes!” Inri murmured slightly complaining.
Even if you know a little about the production process in the industry, it takes at least half a year, or even a year of engineering, to 2 months, which requires ‘wasted’ manpower and material resources, which is estimated to be enough to make a regular game company go bankrupt.
However, the other party didn’t blink, and he poured out money like a rich man. At the same time, he was extremely strict with the quality of his works. If he was not too deep, he would recreate it, just like a crazy writer.
This is the first time she has encountered such a ‘madman’ who takes shortcuts when there are shortcuts, regardless of cost, just to win.
But I have to say, only such crazy people can succeed, right?
Maybe it is because of the same paranoid desire for success that she gradually accepts a ‘boyfriend’ who forcibly enters her life?
Similarly, she hides paranoia and madness under the surface of kindness. She has common interests and can promote each other. To a certain extent, it is completely in line with the ideal object she once imagined.
At this moment, the clattering sound that had been lingering in her ears gradually disappeared. Eri turned her head and looked at the gradually stopped heavy rain outside through the slightly open glass window.
“Is the rain going to stop?”
“Zhai Lili, have you finished washing?”
The sound of the inquiry coming from across the door made Yingri’s face darken involuntarily, and she turned back angrily and shouted softly.
“I told you to stop using this nickname!!”
“Did you say it? I don’t remember!”
Without any hesitation, Eiri grabbed a small object such as a toothbrush and rushed out of the washing room angrily.
“Sure enough, it’s not good to miss you at all!!”

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