Writers are not speakers! 【Extra】
“Can you please change the voice line?”
With a tone of non-rejection, it was transmitted to the voice actor’s recording studio along with the equipment.
Qingshan Qihai bowed somewhat cautiously towards Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, and the hair on his temples showed gleaming beads of sweat.
She took a deep breath, adjusted her breathing, turned her eyes to the script full of annotations, raised her tongue slightly, deliberately changed her voice, and then said.
【What are you looking at? What’s on my face…]
The voice that suddenly sounded almost didn’t make Qingshan Qihai bite her tongue, and made the girl raise her head, looking at Shiyu of Kasumigaoka with some fear.
In the previous 10 minutes, Akasaka Ryunosuke passed the dubbing almost all at once, and even went to the chat and put on headphones to listen to music, but she was stopped by Shiyu Kasumigaoka dozens of times in a row.
Seriously, no matter how good-tempered Qingshan Qihai was, he was a little broken at this moment.
The lady opposite Kasugaoka, shouldn’t she really have a grudge against her?
“Hey, dark girl, are you crazy? Xiao Qihai is obviously a good match!” Ying Lili glanced at Qingshan Qihai, who was about to cry without tears, then turned her head, frowned, and protested with some displeasure .
Although she doesn’t understand the voice acting, she heard it from Masami Deda next to her when she was doing the voice acting. Although she was a little immature, her evaluation was not much different from those of professional voice actors.
In the end, she and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu are just here to supervise, and they don’t know how to dub. Professionals say it’s good, but they’re still nitpicking here. Isn’t that making things difficult for people?
“The voice is a little more mature and a little lower.”
NoIgnoring Ying Riri’s complaint, Kasumigaoka Shiyu just gave orders to Qingshan Qihai on her own, ignoring the embarrassed and aggrieved face of Miss Deta, who was the supervisor.
To be honest, if it wasn’t for the fact that Shiyu of Kasumigaoka was brought by the president, Yuu, she would really like to ask if Shiyu of Kasumigaoka was here to make trouble.
You don’t put forward specific and clear voice requirements, you keep asking the voice actors to change their voices, and don’t mention hurting their voices. Just this behavior can easily make people collapse, right?
Deta Masami, who came from a novice voice actor, can’t really understand the mentality of those newcomers.
Not to mention, Qingshan Qihai’s current expression is really a little broken.
Masami Deda cast a sideways glance at Yuu who was standing silently and wanted to say something, but because of her status, she still didn’t dare to say it.
“Hey, Yu, don’t you care about her?”
Ying Li Li on the side had no scruples like Deta Masami, her face was full of dissatisfaction, she simply and directly pushed Tuyu’s arm and said.
Yu, who was pushed away a few times, frowned slightly. To be honest, he was also a little speechless by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s request, but due to the relationship between the two, he kept silent.
Of course, secretly, he was somewhat thankful for Shiyu of the Hill of Xia, who had brought the Qingshan and Qihai into a state of collapse. This opportunity to show his goodwill was presented to him, which really surprised him.
However, since the sympathetic Eiri spoke up, it would be a bit too much for him not to stop him.
“Shi Yu, what kind of voice do you want? Can you describe it more specifically?” Yu frowned and asked pretending to be unhappy.
“Sorry, I’m a little unsure myself.”
Xiazhiqiu Shiyu uncharacteristically apologized directly. In fact, she also knew that her behavior was really making things difficult for others, but to be honest, although the voice of Qingshan Qihai was suitable, she was not satisfied.
The most suitable voice for the heroine kept popping up in her mind, but what she kept hearing in her ears was Qingshan Qihai’s imperfect voice, which somewhat made her, who was pursuing perfection, dissatisfied.
The girl standing pretty beside Yu shook her legs, looking at Qingshan Qihai with her voice on the other side with a tangled expression.
She sees the other party’s efforts. In fact, she has to give a thumbs up to the terrifying basic skills of Qingshan Qihai’s dozens of voice changes in 15 minutes. However, if the voice is not suitable, it is not suitable. !
“If you’re not sure, it will make it difficult for seiyuu to do it.” Yu frowned, looking at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s anxious face, and said in a lightly scolding tone.
But Yuu also knows that, to put it bluntly, Shiyu of Kasumigaoka is too concerned about his own works and has too high demands on his voice. This is only for the original author, but it is a normal behavior.
After all, who doesn’t want to make their work more perfect.
However, unfortunately, the girl who has no knowledge of seiyuu does not know how to instruct Aoyama Qikai to match the appropriate voice.
In the final analysis, the author is also very good at writing. I really want to talk about the ability of oral expression. Sorry, that belongs to the ability of politicians or speakers!
In this case, Yuu could only pause the dubbing first, to give Shiyu of Kasumigaoka and Qihai Qingshan a buffer.
“Okay, let’s take a 10-minute break first, Shiyu, you have thought about it, Miss Detian, can you help me with some books about seiyuu?”
“Hi!” Masami Deda, who was sitting in front of the machine, immediately got up and bowed, and then quickly walked out of the dubbing room.
Qingshan Qihai glanced at Yu with some gratitude, pinched his sore throat, walked to the rest chair beside him, and took out the mineral water from his backpack.
“Wait for Miss Detian to retrieve the information, look it up and think about how to explain it.” Leaning beside Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, Yoo reminded her softly.
“…I understand.” Kasumigaoka Shiyu sighed, cast a glance at Ying Lili, and leaned on Yuu’s body calmly.
Seriously, if she goes on like this, her head will be as big as a bucket. Listening to Yuu’s words and sorting out her thoughts a little is a good choice.
“If you didn’t ask too much, would you be so tired?” Casting a glance at Yingri, who was a little concerned about the two of them leaning together, Yu made a patch casually, handed warm water by the way, and said righteously.
Well, these two sentences made the two girls feel good about each other, and they were so close to each other that no one noticed something was wrong. So far, the progress seems to be good.
Of course, this method was probably played in front of Eiri, and the current Shiyu of Kasumigaoka probably noticed something was wrong.
“No one wants a woman who is too demanding. The marriage rate of highly educated women has always been the lowest.” When Ying Lili heard this, she subconsciously said sarcastically.
“Ah, is it so easy for Sawamura-san to get off the list? Is this really reasonable?” Kasumigaoka Shiyu sipped warm water and cast a playful glance at Eiri.
“Oh, that’s when…” Ying Lili pouted, just said a few words, then blushed and roared with anger. “Bastard, are you calling me stupid?!”
“Do I have it? Sawamura, your associative power is really rich?” Kasumigaoka Shiyu turned around, leaned her back on Yu’s shoulder, and said with a playful smile.
“You!!” The blonde girl jumped in anger.
Qingshan Qihai in the dubbing room subconsciously covered his mouth, his shoulders trembled faintly, and it was very hard to hold back his laughter.
The scene was joyful for a time, as if the previous unpleasantness was washed away.

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