I knew it would be like this [Spoiler]
The sun has not yet risen from the east, but the sky in the distance has already turned white. The time is about 4 or 5 o’clock, which is the time when most people are sleeping.
The cool breeze in the morning blew into the room from the window with the curtains drawn, causing Dongma Hesha to shudder, leaning against the warm body beside him, hanging like a koala. go up.
She rubbed it, Dongma Hesha, who noticed something was wrong, suddenly woke up, looked at the figure lying beside her in horror, saw the familiar and unfamiliar silver hair, and the girl who almost screamed hurriedly covered it. Shut up.
Memories roll over, shame. Astringent, bold, and unspeakable scenes flashed across Dongma Hesha’s mind, and the vigilant blue eyes gradually relaxed, and lay on Yuu’s body with a look of nostalgia.
“Did something happen?”
Yu, who wasn’t sleeping at all, opened his eyes slightly, cast a glance at Dongma Kazuya, who was lying in his arms, and said in a doubtful tone.
“No, nothing, what time is it?”Dongma Kazuha buried the slightly reddened deep into Yu’s arms, “suddenly found myself sleeping with the opposite sex, and was scared” such an oolong, the girl is really hard to say.
After all, they fell asleep hugging each other last night, but in the morning they were frightened by each other’s existence. How do you think it is a strange reaction?
“What time…” Yu frowned slightly, sensing her biological species, and said with a certain expression. “About 4:27?”
Dongma and Sha’s face froze, and hurriedly picked up the clothes on the ground, not taking care of Yuu’s presence, and put them on directly.
“I said, what happened?”
Looking at the girl who was in a panic, even buttoning the wrong button, Yu raised her eyebrows in surprise, raised the pillow, leaned against the bed screen, and asked strangely.
“Yoko usually wakes up at 6 in the morning, so I have to rush back…” Dongma Hesha hurriedly put on a skirt and took care of her split hair.
“Go back?” You froze for a moment, then looked at Dong Ma and Sa Dao with a strange expression. “Did you sneak out?”
Without the girl’s answer, Yuu already knew the answer just by seeing the girl’s sudden freeze.
“If she sneaked out, Sister Yaozi should have known it long ago…”
Yuu said with a slightly unnatural expression. After the meeting with Sayuri Sawamura, the equation that a mother-in-law equals trouble had already formed in his mind.
With Dongma Yoko’s shrewdness, it is hard for him to believe that the other party will not find out that his daughter ran out of the house. It is even possible that Dongma and Sa ran away from home yesterday. It may have been planned by the other party.
Hearing Yuu’s words, Touma Kazawa was silent for a moment, and then he denied it as if to cheer himself up.
“…No, I usually hide in the room and don’t come out, and I deliberately avoided her before I came.”
“Okay, so what do I need to do?”
A person who pretends to be asleep will never wake up. Knowing this, Yuu can only sigh in the face of Dongma Hesa ​​at the moment, and gets up from the bed and says.
“Drive me home, if it’s faster, there should be enough time.”
Dong Ma and Sha put on their clothes briskly, then stepped on the floor barefoot, bang bang, bang bang, and ran out of the room, running towards the bathroom.
“I’m a little hopeful that it’s too late.”
With a murmur in his mouth, the dressed man went downstairs leisurely and walked towards the garage.
After hurrying up, at 5:45, the white Lexus stopped in front of the Touma Yoko Office in Chiyoda Ward.
Snapped! With a sound, Dongma Hesha opened the car door, and a pair of ivory-white slender legs stepped on the floor tiles by the roadside.
The window of the driver’s seat was pulled down slowly, Yu poked his head out of the car, and said to Touma Kazusa.
“Be careful, don’t worry too much.”
“I see.”
Dongma Hesha, who was trotting forward, responded with a sound, then paused, turned back, came to the car window, bowed his head, and her pink lips were printed on Yu’s face, and it scattered when touched.
Looking at Yu’s surprised expression in front of her, Dongma and Shazui tickled slightly at the corners and said with a light smile.
“This is the reward you brought me back. And…”
After a pause, Dongma Hesha said with a low expression.
“…Mom’s ticket is for 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.”,
After speaking, Dongma and Shaqiang held their smiling faces and waved their hands.
“You must be careful on the way back, you know!”
When the voice fell, the girl turned around and hurriedly ran to the door on the first floor of the apartment.
Looking at Dongma and Sha’s leaving back, You smiled dumbly. “…Don’t you want to go after just one night? The speed of a woman’s change of heart is really fast enough.”
He picked up the mobile phone on the side of the car and dialed a number that he hadn’t contacted for a long time.
Accompanied by the beeping busy tone, the prompt sound of the call connected immediately rang.
Without reminiscing about the past, Yu simply and directly stated her requirements.
“Alice, I have something I want you to deal with in Vienna…”
Before he could finish speaking, Yu, who felt a strange gaze, suddenly raised his head and swept his sharp gaze towards the sky.
When he saw Yoko Touma, who was leaning against the corridor railing and wearing pajamas, the corner of Yu’s mouth twitched slightly and he waved to the other side.
“I knew it would be like this!”
In the corridor, Yuko Touma looked at the silver-haired boy in the car with a smile, and waved his hand to the other party very casually.
Picking up the phone in the pocket of her pajamas, she sent a message to Yuu’s number, ‘Good luck! ’ After that, Touma Yoko turned around, looked at the elevator that had reached the third floor, and quickly hid in the house.
Not long after, the elevator door slowly opened, Dong Ma and Sha crept out of the elevator. After confirming that there was no one in the corridor, they fluttered to the bedroom door.
Gently twisting the door lock with the key, Dongma Hesha pressed the door panel and slowly opened the door while trying to reduce the sound of the door opening.
The moment he opened the door, a joking eye widened infinitely in Dongma Hesha’s pupils.
In an instant, the girl’s scream resounded through the sky.

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