What is the date, come to the crematorium to play! 【Extra】
It was completely different from the annoyed expression she had in front of the “egoistic-lily” booth before. Eri Ri, who was walking in the front, had an overflowing smile on her face. She held Yu’s hand and moved forward in the crowded crowd. Very pleasant.
Obviously, someone’s previous anger was fake…
“Actually, you were teased and took the opportunity to escape, are you really Yingri?”
With an expression of insidious astonishment that my family’s Ying Lili couldn’t possibly be, Yu opened her mouth in a slightly stunned tone, but the depths of those gray eyes were filled with a playful smile.
“Come on, aren’t you also taking the opportunity to run away? How about it, my mother’s face is ugly, right?”
Yingri, who knows someone’s bad character well, directly debunks Yuu’s fake tricks. The longer they get along, the more easily Yingri can guess about Yu’s thoughts.
Just like before, facing his mother’s smiling face, the guy in front of him didn’t do any sophistry except for apologizing.
Of course, Eiri understood that it was for her own sake. Although she was a little warm to Yuu’s behavior, this was not the reason why she didn’t use this to make fun of him.
“To be honest, I shivered when I saw Sayuri’s smiling face, as if she was facing Hannya’s smile.”
Yun shrugged, and generously admitted his slightest fear of Sayuri Sawamura, even he himself didn’t know what was going on.
“You’re actually afraid of my mother’s type of woman?” Ying Riri stopped and looked at Yuu with a surprised tone.
After really hearing Yuu’s confession, Ying Lili actuallyShocked, she always thought that the lawless guy in front of her had nothing to fear at all?
“It’s not that I’m scared, it’s just that her smile makes me very uncomfortable.” Yu said with a weird expression about her feelings.
“Really?” Ying Lili blinked her eyes suspiciously. She only believed half of Yu’s words, but since Yu was very uncomfortable when facing her mother, wouldn’t she be bullied a lot in the future? An umbrella?
Thinking of this, Eri Riri’s mood was obviously happy.
“Then, we finally got rid of those two idiots who cheated on our daughters, shall we go shopping?” Yingri despised her parents, and then said excitedly.
Coming to the comic exhibition, it is impossible not to buy some things, especially for a heavily invisible house like Ying Lili, it is impossible not to spend hundreds of thousands of yen, after all, it is only distributed from the operator , she found a lot of things she wanted to buy.
Otherwise, she wouldn’t have found out that she woke up late in the morning, and she would have gone on a shopping spree at the comic exhibition together with the Yamada Goblin and Kasuga Nozomi.
However, because of this, on the way to shopping, the three of them, who were careful to guard against Yu, were caught by their sharp-eyed mother inadvertently.
“I don’t have any problem, what about you?” You turned his head and said to the four who had followed behind.
“Tsk, why are you following?”
For the girls who were following Yuu, Eiri pouted in disgust.
“It’s as if we shouldn’t have followed. It’s you who should return to the club, right? Yingri! If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have been caught by Sayuri-san.”
The Yamada Fairy raised her brows and said angrily. If it hadn’t been for Ying Li Ryu, would she have been dragged to work as a coolie?
“I didn’t know my mother’s eyes were so sharp. I was walking towards East 4th District, but she stood in East 3rd District and could find me across so many people.” Ying Lili said speechlessly.
“That woman… um, it’s scary.” Kasuga Nozomi touched his cheek, and said his thanks to Sayuri Sawamura with lingering fears.
The feeling of being rubbed hard in front of a doll is really terrifying.
Just as the three girls were expressing their gratitude to Sayuri Sawamura, Yu Zheng tilted his head and whispered to Touma Kazusa who came to his side.
“It’s really hard for you to come to such a crowded place?”
Dongma and Sa have always hated places with a lot of people, and the more lively the places, the more they hated them. To be honest, Yuu was really surprised that she was willing to come to such places as manga.
She was clearly resentful that the other party was surrounded by girls, but seeing Yu took the initiative to talk to her, Dongma Hesha’s face was still flushed like a rouge, she turned her eyes slightly, not looking directly into Yu’s eyes, and whispered softly. said.
“It’s nothing, after all, I’ve also contributed to that… doujinshi, so it’s normal to come and see.”
Obviously, she can’t even remember the name of the work, but the arrogant girl still uses this lame reason to respond to Yu’s inquiry and refuses to express her feelings frankly.
“Since you’re here, let’s just go shopping together. After all, my little family squat gave me a long list of shopping.”
The corner of You’s mouth twitched, clearly seeing through Dongma Hesha’s mentality, but she just didn’t take the initiative to break it, but enjoyed the girl’s arrogant appearance.
“Sagiri? Is she still refusing to go out?” Dongma and Sa had naturally seen the little house squatting in Yu’s house several times, and had a very deep impression of the other party’s housekeeping behavior.
After all, a mental illness like Sagiri’s “can’t get out of the house”, to be honest, is really rare.
“At least I’m willing to go shopping in the yard, even if it’s just for framing.” You shrugged and said helplessly.
In his opinion, his act of buying an entire street is very prescient. At least the scope of activities of his little cute things has expanded from a small room of 30 square meters in his residence to a ‘courtyard’ of tens of thousands square meters. Is there progress?
Thinking like this, Yun stretched out her hand as usual, towards Dongma Hesa’s little hand.
However, his hand stretched out halfway, and a biting gaze made his movements slightly stiff.
Yu’s expression froze, and she finally remembered what she seemed to have forgotten.
He turned his head slightly, and saw the long, straight black girl standing behind Dongma and Sha, who was looking at him with a smile, her face immediately became waxy.
It always felt like… he was going to be in a crematorium.

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