Full of inner drama [Extra]
(The name error in the previous article has been corrected, sorry, the code is too smooth, there is a problem.)
In the study, Kosaka Sogo was sitting on the sofa chair with his back leaning on the cushion, frowning, and his index finger kept tapping on the mahogany table top, making a slightly dull thumping sound.
In front of him, the tall, curvy Akane Kosaka frowned as well, staring at the thinking face of her father.
The scene looks like a replica of Aksaka Zhuyin facing several members in the morning, but unlike those members, Aksaka Zhuyin naturally doesn’t have too much fear of her father, and she used to ride a horse when she was a child.
Human beings, the more they grow up, the less reverence they have for their father.
But seeing her father in a state of long-term exams, Aksaka Zhuyin couldn’t help but feel a little anxious. She understood her father’s character.
After all, the opponent is not an ordinary person or the middle class, but a large publishing house that has gradually become a monopoly. Although it does not involve the main banking industry of the chaebol, the light novel industry does not have much social status, but there is money. !
If a company with a market value of trillions of yen wants to collapse, it has to consider the opinions of the political circles. After all, it involves the employment of nearly 10,000 people. The government has always focused on seeking stability.
However, she didn’t want to destroy the other party, she just wanted to take a little revenge on that cheapskate.
She obviously showed weakness in the Dachuan matter, and the other party still poached people unrelentingly. Now that she thinks about it, she still has a stomachache. It is natural to fight back.
However, this matter is simply a trivial matter. As long as Kosaka Zongwu nods, she can formulate a strategy and execute it. However, faced with such a trivial matter, his father actually got caught in a long exam?
The problem is a little bigger, her father obviously has a completely different idea from her.
Just when Kosaka Zhuyin had a big head, Takasaka Sogo had already wanted to take antihypertensive drugs, and his heart was very bad now.
When he heard Aksaka Akane wanted to maim the opponent, his heart started to twitch. This is not what he understands. Doesn’t it mean that he and his daughter have a little bit of interest in each other, and are quarreling now?
This is completely different from what Amakasu-san said! !
Moreover, the middle and lower classes of the island country do not know who is in charge of Mitsuha Bunko. Can they, the chaebols who are standing at the top of the upper class, know?
Are you crippled? Don’t be funny, it’s good that the other party doesn’t come to kill the family, the other party’s subordinate family, their immediate boss does not grab their neck to ask for credit, it is considered a preferential treatment.
The problem now is not to mutilate the other party, but how to beg for mercy to the other party in a tactful and reserved manner. After all, it is a big family, and begging for mercy also needs to be ostentatious.
Like those believers who worship the Buddha at three steps, kneel at five steps, and ask God to worship the Buddha, don’t they also pay attention to using that kind of high-qualified pomp to make the Buddha feel pity?
Otherwise, it’s just burning incense and praying in the temple. Is this kind of thing that everyone is doing to be embarrassed? Even if his Takasaka family begged for mercy, they couldn’t be so conventional.
However, how can we not be conventional?
Takasaka Zongwu fell into deep thinking, this matter is very important, he must think about it carefully.
The two generations fell into the same long exam in the study, but their ideas were completely different.
After all, the young Hongsaka Zhuyin didn’t have the skills to raise her qi. After standing for 10 minutes, her legs and feet felt a little numb, and she took a few steps forward, looking a little nervous.
“…Father, have you made up your mind?”
“not yet.”
Takasaka Sogo waved his hand, and then tapped the table with his index finger.
Akisaka Zhuyin frowned, her patience had worn off for the most part, and she spoke directly.
“This matter only needs you to nod, and I can handle the rest myself.”
‘Can you handle it? Are you trying to dispose of our whole family’s bodies in Tokyo Bay? ‘ Takasaka Zongwu’s brows couldn’t help raising his eyebrows, and his face was a little sullen.
Originally, he was not happy to provoke that master for no reason. Since March this year, he has negotiated with major government officials and chaebol families to formulate the ‘Ecological Environment Improvement Fund’.What did you use it for? Isn’t it sending money to that person, please feel at ease?
As a result, at the end of August, a friend of the committee secretly told him that his daughter had stabbed a big basket, and the donation had gone to waste, so he should be mentally prepared.
That could be a full 1.2 billion yen in cash!
Be caught off guard, really caught off guard!
Originally, I wanted to hone Zhu Yin’s temperament, but now it seems that she must be matured. Since she has her own assets, her temperament has become more and more wild.
Takasaka Zongwu took a deep breath, straightened his face, looked at Kasaka Zhuyin’s face, and Kasaka Zhuyin, who knew his father’s character well, saw this scene, and immediately lowered his head and waited for a lecture.
“Zhu Yin, you are also 29 years old. After November, you will be 30 years old, right?”
‘To suffer! ! ‘ Hearing this sentence, Akasaka Zhuyin immediately panicked. She was too familiar with this sentence. It was the magic sound that her mother talked about every day and whispered in her ear from time to time.
The next words, it is definitely time to find a “good man to join the family, the Kosaka family needs a young heir”, she bet five million, this is definitely what she said.
Under the terrified eyes of Aksaka Zhuyin, Takasaka Sogou sighed and said:
“It’s also time to inherit the family business!”
Kasaka Zhuyin’s expression was stunned, her face full of astonishment, as if she saw dog’s tail grass growing on the moon.
“What’s wrong?” Seeing his daughter’s expression, Kosaka Sogo raised his eyebrows in confusion.
“No, it’s nothing, my birthday in November this year has passed, and I am indeed 30 years old.”
Hongsaka Zhuyin just remembered that it was her father, not her mother, who was in front of her. Although his father was eager to urge the marriage, he was still very picky and would not take out seventeen or eight photos for her to choose one by one.
“Wait? Father, did you say inherit the family business?!!”
Only then did Aksaka Zhuyin react, and looked at her father in surprise.
“That’s right.” Kosaka Sogo nodded and said meaningfully.
The specific information of a certain person is subject to control. Only when he is the head of the family can he obtain specific information from the official history compilation committee. This is the intelligence control of these ordinary families by that secret circle. , but not many people will go against the unspoken rules.
Although Cheng Sheng and Wu Guang were powerful, the winner was Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, which is very telling.
But it was because of this kind of control that my daughter fell into a deep hole.
Kosaka Sogou sighed inexplicably.
“Why do you suddenly say such a thing?”
Hongsaka Zhuyin looked at her father in surprise. The other party is now nearly sixty years old. In modern society, such an age is still a prime age, and it is still some time before retirement at the age of sixty-five.
“Although you have dealt with family affairs over the years, you are too addicted to the ACGN industry. I heard that you work more than 96 hours a week. I don’t want the next generation of heirs to die suddenly on a worthless desk. This incident is a wake-up call, for a small company with an annual output value of less than 2 billion yen, you actually have to fight against a consortium with a market value of trillions, this has already gone wrong!”
Takasaka Zongwu said with a serious face, his face was ugly, and it seemed that he was taking this matter very seriously.
However, the direction he paid attention to was naturally not what he said in his words.
Let his daughter know the seriousness of the matter, and then throw this mess to her, and let her see what big movement he has made is his purpose.
Moreover, after Mr. Amakasu mentioned the matter, he also understood that he was not easy to come forward and could only let his daughter handle it by himself, so he thought of early retirement.
Of course, the handover process of retirement will definitely take a long time. After a month or two, my daughter’s small company is estimated to be empty. Presumably by that time, according to Zhu Yin’s character, if you really like which line of work, If she has worked hard for the industry she has worked hard for, she should take the initiative to surrender to the other party after she has learned the lesson.
The abacus in Takasaka Sogo’s heart thumped loudly.
Whether it is to carry it to the end, in order to keep his small business, go alone to confront that person head-on, and finally surrender; or inherit the family business, knowing that he is in big trouble, after fighting to the end with the other party with one breath, for the sake of Avoid ruining your home and surrender to the other side.
He really knew his daughter too well, and the other party would only make these two choices.
No matter which one it is, as long as one’s daughter is submissive, things will take a turn for the better. Furthermore, she is defeated in the struggle with the Demon King and is annexed by the other party. The new female head of the family chooses to obey in humiliation for the survival of the family. Isn’t this very dramatic?
Sogo Takasaka praised his new idea.
‘There are traps, there are definitely traps! ! ’
Seeing her father’s solemn and serious look, Aksaka Shuyin’s mind immediately rang out. Her family knows her own affairs, who is her father, can she not know?
Although it seems that Sogo Takasaka meant that you inherit the family business and confront each other head-on, but looking at her father’s inner drama, things are definitely not the way.
As for the one who is too addicted to ACGN, so for my own good, I should give up the company, leave this industry, and step into the upper class.
Superficial, really superficial! !
I’ve been in this industry for almost 15 years, and I’ve never seen you say such a thing. Now, when I talk about it, do you think I can’t be pretentious?Hongsaka Zhuyin’s eyes showed a bit of contempt and a bit of mockery.
However, here comes the question, what is her father’s purpose in all this trouble? It’s just a trivial matter of anger. As for how to make a big fuss?
‘and many more! ! ’
Hongsaka Zhuyin was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly the words of her father and mother were very similar.
‘Could it be…’
Hongsaka Zhuyin’s eyes froze instantly.
Could it be that her father has taken a fancy to that cheapskate and his publishing house, and wants to recruit him to be his son-in-law, so that he can gain both money and personal wealth? !
I have never seen such a brazen person! !

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