Innate Malice
“Miss, it seems that we are safe.” Xinhu Feisha, who had been listening to the communication ahead with his ears pricked up, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.
‘I have ears and can hear. ’ Nakiri Erina rolled her eyes slightly, but she was thin-skinned and didn’t have the courage to say this sentence to prove that she had eavesdropped.
But thinking of what she overheard earlier, Nakiri Erina couldn’t help sighing. Judging from what she just heard, she seemed to owe Nagisa Ichiyo another favor.
Just as Nakiri Erina was feeling emotional, Niito Hisako quickly grabbed the corner of her clothes and said in a nervous tone. “Miss, that Chef Meng is over here!”
Hearing this, Nakiri Erina shuddered, quickly raised her head, and looked at Meng Yunbing, who was walking slowly ahead, with a look of nervousness on her face.
Not long after, Meng Yunbing stopped in front of the three of them, turned her head immediately, and looked at the silent Xinhu Xiuji. “Xiao Xinhu, according to yesterday’s arrangement, you go to your father’s side to help.”
“Understood, chef.” Hideji Nido immediately bowed, then got up, looked helplessly at the two girls, and then quickly walked towards Makoto Niito.
“Tsk, I’m still not used to the behavior of the islanders bowing at every turn.” Meng Yunbing tucked her bangs into her temples, and complained a little helplessly.
Afterwards, Meng Yunbing didn’t care about Shinto Hideji who was leaving, turned her head, looked at Nakiri Erina, and squinted.He stared, as if he was thinking of something.
“Blonde girl, I remember your name is Nakiri… What’s the matter?”
“It’s Nakiri Erina, Chef Meng.”
Nakiri Erina immediately wanted to bow to Meng Yunbing, but she remembered her previous complaint and stood there awkwardly.
“Then I’ll call you Xiao Naki. You can pay attention to my reminder and stop bowing. You’re brave!” Meng Yunbing waved her hand casually and said with a smile.
Although there are factors of her previous reminders, Erina Nakiri dared to abandon etiquette and chose not to bow, which made her quite admire.
At least in her guts, she glanced at Erina Nakiri.
“Thank you for your compliment.” Erina Nakiri nodded slightly embarrassed. She felt that the famous chef in front of her seemed to have a tendency to be familiar.
However, Erina doesn’t make much sense in this regard, or that she is now arranged to be a helper by Meng Yunbing’s side, and she wishes she could be more familiar with the other person’s attitude. Slightly uncomfortable.
Not caring about Erina’s little embarrassment, Meng Yunbing turned her head, looked at Feishako Shinto, and raised her brows. “Red-haired girl, are you the daughter of Xiaoxinhu? Then it should be handed over to you Xiaoxinhu? Forget it, it’s too convoluted. Just tell me your name.”
“I’m Hishako Nito, please give me some advice.” Hishako Nito’s face panicked and nervous, and he bowed subconsciously.
She respects the holder of the “God Tongue” like Nakiri Erina. Although her personality is wrong, she feels like she is facing Nakiri Erina twenty years later.
Is this what my father once said, the most terrifying monster since Tozuki’s creation, the aura of the tongue of the complete body? Just standing in front of me makes it hard to breathe!
Nito Hishako inhaled repeatedly, relieving the pain caused by the pressure.
“Then call Feishazi directly, but do you have asthma? Have you been breathing in since just now?”
Meng Yunbing looked at Xinto Feishazi a little strangely and said. Of course, she didn’t understand that the abnormality was caused by the pressure she brought to Feishako Shinto. Instead, she thought whether the little girl in front of her had any physical disease.
“No, no, I just feel a little tightness in my chest, just a little tightness in my chest.” Hishako Nito waved his hand quickly and denied it.
At this time, Meng Yunbing also noticed that the other party seemed to be nervous, she scratched her cheek a little embarrassedly, and then continued.
“Okay, I think you all heard it just now, right?”
“That…!” X2
Nakiri Erina and Nito Hishako immediately became a little embarrassed. After all, eavesdropping on this kind of thing, if it’s on the bright side, it’s quite a bad thing.
“An Xin, I don’t care about your eavesdropping, or, in other words, we people made it clear that we want you to listen. After all, we can’t even do the basic skills of ‘listening to all directions’, and we can’t survive in Daluo’s chef industry. of!”
Erina Nakiri twitched the corners of her mouth. Is eavesdropping more and more the basic skill of a chef in Daluo Country? Having said that, why is it that you can say something like stealing a teacher so confidently and so arrogantly? ! !
“Okay, now that you understand the arrangement, it’s easy to talk about it, Feishazi, you will be by Sister Cheng’s side in the future and follow her instructions. After all, I don’t know about medicinal food, so you should just listen to her. ”
Meng Yunbing raised her hand, pointed her thumb to Cheng Xinya in front of the stove at the back, and said in a relaxed tone.
“Yes!” Xinto Feishazi bowed again subconsciously, causing Meng Yunbing’s mouth to twitch a few times.
“But today is the first day. Sister Cheng also prepares breakfast for the two princesses. You are only allowed to watch today, not to interfere, and not to ask many questions. You can treat yourself as a transparent person and follow her as you please. it is good.”
“Yes!!” Hishako Shinto bowed her waist before she could straighten up, to show her respect for Meng Yunbing.
“Stop jutting, we don’t have such harsh etiquette here.” Meng Yunbing sighed and patted Hito Hishako on the shoulder. “Let’s go.”
Hishako Shinto nodded immediately, turned around and was about to leave, but after a few steps, she turned her head and glanced at Erina.
Erina hurriedly blinked, signaling the other party to obey the arrangement honestly, then turned her head and looked at Meng Yunbing.
“Let’s be honest, you are the fifth person I’ve met, who can match me in taste!” Meng Yunbing rubbed her chin and sighed with emotion. “But out of the five, you’re the only one serving as a cook.”
“Chef Meng, besides me, have you encountered four “God Tongues”?”
Nakiri Erina’s eyes widened. She, who has always been proud of her talent, was the first to hear that there are so many people who have the same sense of taste as her.
“God’s tongue? Is it an exaggerated naming scheme of the islanders! You really love this tune.” Meng Yunbing rolled her eyes. She has seen a lot of weird titles these days when she came to the island.
It seems that the president of UnionPay is called “one person in the world”, a certain chef is called “the god of sushi”, and other titles such as the once-in-a-millennium super-beautiful girl all have tired eyes.
“Okay, let’s call it the ‘Tongue of God’. Counting you, I did meet five of the same kind, and by coincidence, there are two of them in this mansion.”
“There are two more tongues of God in this house?”
“Ah, and with those of us who have been trained for the day after tomorrow,The tongue is different. The other two are still natural products without training. Well, should they be natural products? ”
Meng Yunbing said with a slightly unnatural expression, the super-taste brought about by this godslayer’s system, to a certain extent, should be considered natural, right?
Hearing this, Erina Nakiri was stunned, and then suddenly thought of a certain silver-haired bastard, her face suddenly became strange.
She always thought that the last time Yu met, she was just provoking her by claiming to be the tongue of God, but she didn’t expect it to be true?
The kind of man who has a tongue level with her? !
No, Erina Nakiri feels that she has been severely hit. It turns out that she has been trained hard since she was a child, and she is so proud of her talent that she stands on the same level as Yuu?
Then if Yuu wants to develop into a chef and start to exercise her sense of taste, she might be overtaken at any time?
For the first time, Erina, who has always been regarded as a genius, noticed the malice brought by ‘talent’.
“Okay, the other two are not at your level, so you don’t need to think about it for the time being.”
Meng Yunbing frowned, thought for a moment, and then continued.
“Since you are now guided by me, let’s make a rule first!”
“Rules?” Nakiri Erina suddenly became a little nervous after returning to her senses.
“Yes, rules! I only have one rule at present, and that is…”
Meng Yunbing squinted, leaned down slightly, approached Nakiri Erina’s face, looked directly into the other’s purple eyes, and her tone gradually became colder.
Erina Nakiri pursed her lips nervously, ready to face all kinds of difficulties.
“That is… You are not allowed to steal it!”

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