Bankruptcy 【Extra】
After getting a satisfactory answer, Machida Sonoko left first.
After the work of the next stage is confirmed, as a staff member, she still has a lot to deal with, and there is not much time to waste.
But from Yu’s point of view, the more reason is probably feeling uncomfortable.
Yuu tilted his head, resting his chin with one hand, and looked at Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who stared at Machida Sonoko’s back with extremely resentful eyes.
Under such resentful eyes, Machida Sonoko, who had already walked to the entrance of the coffee shop, turned around and blew a kiss to Kasumigaoka Shiwa.
Miss Shiwa’s movements of stirring the coffee stopped immediately.
She calmly picked up the coffee, took a sip gracefully, then raised her legs and said:
“It’s decided. Add a supporting role to the volume 3.5 swimsuit, with short hair, burgundy eyes, bold clothing, and the bright career will be edited.”
“Bright occupation?” Yuu grasped the point sharply.
“Secretly, she is a low-level hostess who wanders around the major Kabuki in Shinjuku District.”
Xiazhiqiu Shiyu made no secret of her strong resentment and malice.
“Low-level wine hostess…” The corners of You’s mouth twitched slightly. To put it bluntly, it’s that kind of business.
“Hmph, you dark bastard, you’re still as vicious as ever.”
Yinglili snorted, her face was full of contempt, as if her moral character was infinitely elevated at this moment, far surpassing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.
“Women who draw fandom behind their backs are not qualified to speak.” Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sneered.
Ying Lili suddenly pressed her hand on the table, stared at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and said:
“What’s wrong with the fandom? Are you interested in meeting 060? Believe it or not, I will exhibit an official pure love book of the love metronome in the next comic!”
“Oh, children are threatening like this.”
Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s face was full of contempt.
At this time, Yu, who was opposite, looked at the two with a strange face, and said with a strange expression:
“I remember that the prototypes of the two heroines of Love Metronome seem to be…”
You didn’t say anything later, but since everyone involved was present, he could naturally understand.
Ying Lili was taken aback for a moment, then sat down with a dazed face.
One of the prototypes of the two heroines of Love Metronome, Sayuka and Shinyui, is Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Eiriri.
Then the ones who draw the heroines are not the ones who draw themselves and Shi Yu?
She wants to draw herself and Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s colleagues?
Ying Lili’s complexion suddenly darkened, and she said with a look of disgust:
“Why are you so disgusting!”
“I will return this sentence in place.”
Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also looked disgusted:
“Only a woman like you who specializes in painting lily books would have such disgusting thoughts, Teacher Eri Kashiwagi!”
In the end, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s tone didn’t have any respect, but was full of sarcasm.
Ying Lili was suddenly out of breath, even her two ponytails were trembling with anger, she opened and closed her mouth, but she didn’t say a word, as if she was out of words.
And at this moment, You suddenly interjected:
“Shiyu, you know so well. Have you read the fanfic of Yinglili’s paintings?”
Now Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and Ying Lili were both dumbfounded.
I saw Ying Lili sat back on her seat with a bang, kicked the floor with her calves, leaned back, and looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu with a three-pointed expression on her face:
“You guy, do you like to read my fanfic?”
She remembered that what she drew were all those orange things, right? Xiazhiqiu Shiyu likes to watch these, so doesn’t that mean that this dark woman has this tendency?
No way? impossible?
Ying Lili’s face became more and more flustered.
She suddenly remembered that the dark woman in front of her often liked to bully herself, verbally bully herself, and tear herself down. This kind of appearance, to paraphrase the words of those love magazines…
Could it be that this guy has a crush on me?
Yinglili’s brain circuit was spinning rapidly at this moment. Finally, she stood up, as if she understood the truth, took a deep breath, and solemnly said to Kasumi Hill Shiyu:
“I’m sorry, you are a good person, but we are really not suitable. You know that, I like men…”
Ying Lili subconsciously glanced at Yuu, but saw Yuu’s strange expression.
what happened? Ying Lili suddenly didn’t know how to continue talking.
“Eh?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was dumbfounded.
Who am I, where am I, and what have I done? Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s head buzzed for a while, and finally sorted out the order.
She took a deep breath, kicked Yu Yu under the table, and then looked at Ying Lili speechlessly and said:
“I always feel that you have misunderstood Sawamura, but having read your fanbook doesn’t mean you like it, right?”
“Why do you think that as a light novel writer, I don’t know about the works of my partner painter?”
Ying Li Li was stunned, her face suddenly turned from white to pink, from pink to red.
She hurriedly sat down, stretched out her hand and grabbed You’s coffee. After drinking it, she laughed loudly:
“Haha, how is this plot? You’re scared, this is a fan script I’m going to use for the next Comic Con!”
The smile is true or false… Yu and Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn’t help but think so.
“Ah~ Generally speaking, it’s very boring, and there is no humorous plot.”
Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu responded somewhat perfunctoryly.
To be honest, she was very curious about how Ying Riri came up with that possibility.
However, judging from the current situation, it is better not to ask. Shiyu Kasumigaoka looked at Eiri who was grinning, silently burying this matter in her heart, preparing to use it as a ‘dark history’ that threatens Eiri in the future .
But before that, it’s better to collect some small interest.
Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu thought about it, and looked over her head, looked at Yu’s watch, and said casually:
“It’s 11 o’clock. It’s almost time for lunch. I just have to discuss the 3.5 volumes later. Let’s have lunch together?”
After Yu heard this, he immediately raised his hand, looked at the time, and nodded:
“Speaking of which, it seems that we didn’t even have breakfast. It’s good to have lunch ahead of time. By the way, what do you want to eat?”
“Sushi.” Kasumigaoka Shiyu dragged her cheeks and looked at Eiri with a smile.
Ying Li Li was stunned, and after a moment of reflection, she remembered that she had promised Yuu a sushi meal.
After thinking of this, she looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s face again, and immediately read the word ‘threat’ from that dark and vicious face.
Ying Lili sighed fiercely, thinking stupid, and stared at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu full of resentment and said:
“Sushi, right? That’s fine. I’ll treat you to a restaurant in Shinjuku, but I can’t guarantee whether you can eat it or not.”
“Ah, don’t have to run so far, I remember the shop of the disciple of the god of sushi, which is nearby.”
Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Eiri with a beaming smile, and said the shop that slaughtered Machida Yuanko a while ago.
Ying Lili’s eyelids twitched, and she said without a smile:
“Isn’t that just right? It just so happened that I also wanted to ask Teacher Xia Shizi about the character design of the extra volume.”
You looked at the two of them silently, and in the eyes of these two guys, he saw the word ‘harming each other’.
Even if I didn’t provoke much, the two of them fought on their own.. Yu took out his vibrating mobile phone while sighing. After seeing an application for adding a line, he nodded and said:
“Then go over there to eat and chat.”
The three of them immediately decided on a place for lunch.
at the same time.
Inside the shopping mall near Mitsuha Bunko.
Chishoumura Sei sat next to the female clerk at the mobile phone store, looking at the friend request that was passed, he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Did you pass? It’s okay, luckily I caught up.”
“You are lucky, guest.”
Although the female clerk didn’t know why Chishoumura Sei was so anxious about adding line friends, she still smiled and handed the phone to Chishoumura Sei.
“Do you need any other services?”
“Well, no more.” Qianshou Village took over the phone solemnly, and then shook his head.
“Okay, then grant 50,000 yen.”
The female clerk’s smile was extraordinarily sweet.
Qianshou Village Zheng nodded, reached out and took out the wallet from the small bag. After opening it, he suddenly stopped.
Inside the wallet, 2,500 yen was silently talking about something.

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