Nakiri Mansion, the gate.
Inside the elongated Lincoln car, a girl was leaning on the built-in sofa, her eyes closed, and she seemed to be taking a nap.
She has pure silver hair, delicate and three-dimensional features, and even her figure is a perfect curve that surpasses her peers.
However, the girl at this time seemed to be very sleepy. She leaned against the sofa in the car, her head was little by little, and her eyelids seemed to be fighting, slightly opening and then closing.
When the butler standing at the door saw this scene, he called out again.
“Miss Alice.”
Nakiri Alice forced her eyes to open, and said embarrassingly:
“are you home yet?”
The silver-haired, but the meticulous butler who combed his hair, smiled indulgently:
“The commander-in-chief is already waiting for you, but you can still sleep for another 5 minutes.”
“That’s not necessary.”
Nakiri Alice rubbed her eyes, then yawned.
“Eh? Grandpa Takagi?”
Nakiri Alice only saw the butler at the door at this moment, she stood up quickly, slammed into the roof of the car with a thud.
“It hurts, it hurts!”
Looking at Alice Nakiri who was covering her head and screaming in pain, the elderly housekeeper shook her head helplessly:
“It’s been 10 years, and your problem of falling asleep easily has not changed.”
At this time, the housekeeper seemed to think of Alice Nakiri’s cute appearance when she was a child.
At that time, it seemed that she was only five years old, and she went to Europe not long after… If you think about it carefully, Miss Alice has also been away from home for ten years.
Nakiri Alice rubbed her aching head and complained with tears in her eyes:
“It’s not all my grandpa’s fault. If he hadn’t insisted on me coming back from Denmark, would I be like this? The jet lag is very painful!”
As Nakiri Alice said, she got out of the car, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly, as if all her fatigue was blown away, her face gradually filled with a bright smile:
“Grandpa Takagi, what about my cute cousin who is arrogant and doesn’t listen to people’s advice?”
“I can’t wait to see her look surprised, and then go to hell to repent for her mistakes.”
“The so-called fault, do you mean the incident of robbing your bear cub when you were four years old?”
The butler who closed the door said in surprise, as if surprised that Alice Nakiri still remembered this.
Nakiri Alice, who was told the central matter, twitched the corners of her mouth and could only force herself to smile politely:
“Grandpa Takagi’s memory is as good as ever 々〃.”
“Haha, such a trivial matter is not worth mentioning.”
The housekeeper laughed, then motioned to Alice Nakiri to go first:
“Miss Alice, the commander-in-chief is already waiting for you in the restaurant.”
“By the way, the commander-in-chief cooks the lunch this time.”
Nakiri Alice opened her eyes slightly, her face showing obvious anticipation.
“Grandpa cooks, this is really rare.”
As she said that, she walked quickly to the door, relying on the remnants of childhood impressions, and headed towards the restaurant.
“Slow down, you still have plenty of time.” The butler followed with a little helplessness.
Nakiri House, restaurant.
As the door opened, Nakiri Senzaemon, who was sitting at the head of the long table, couldn’t help but turn his head and look at the door.
When he saw his little granddaughter, the corners of his mouth twitched up and he stood up with a smile:
“I said why the weather is so good today. It turned out that my precious granddaughter came back.”
Nakiri Alice couldn’t help but hugged her arm when she heard this, rubbed it and said:
“Grandpa, your smile is very uncomfortable.” As she said, she pulled the chair to the right of Nakiri Senzaemon, sat down, and then looked at the dazzling array of dishes in front of her, and pouted slightly:
“It’s kaiseki cuisine, obviously I want to eat meat today.”
“Then remember to tell Grandpa earlier next time.” Nakiri Senzaemon sat down and laughed.
Then, he nodded towards the butler standing at the door and said:
“It’s hard work, Takagi, let’s have a drink together?”
The housekeeper smiled and bowed, and politely said, “I still have work in the afternoon, so let’s wait for the next time.”
“That’s right, business matters.” Nakiri Senzaemon laughed.
At this moment, he heard the impatient voice of his granddaughter.
“Grandpa, did you hear that?”
“Ah, grandpa is here.”
Nakiri Senzaemon turned his head, looking at Alice Nakiri, who was obviously impatient and her cheeks were bulging, and said:
“Little Alice just said something. Grandpa is a little old and his ears are not very good.”
Nakiri Alice elegantly put a stack of side dishes into her mouth, chewed it, swallowed it, and then said:
“I’m asking you what is the reason for calling me back this time? And you won’t let me take the cold?”
“Do you know how hard it is to carry luggage alone!”
“Cool? Oh, you’re the valet you said you received in Northern Europe.”
Nakiri Senzaemon frowned at first, then suddenly looked surprised, and then said with a smile:
“I heard your father Zong Wei mention that little guy, he seems to be a good seedling, but this time, he can’t get involved.”
After finishing the four stacks of side dishes, Alice Nakiri, whose cheeks were like a small hamster, looked over with some doubts:
“What happened this time? Speaking of which, you don’t seem to have mentioned it, Grandpa? Dad didn’t mention it either. He just told me to go back to China soon?”
Nakiri Alice put down her chopsticks and said slightly dissatisfied:
“Speaking of which, what is the reason for me to come back? Could it be that Erina can’t solve it?”
“Well, she really can’t solve it. This is something only I can do.”
Nakiri Senzaemon nodded, and then without waiting for Alice Nakiri to ask a question, he said directly:
“.〃I want to re-select the heir of the Nakiri family.”
Nakiri Alice, who wanted to try other kaiseki dishes, suddenly stopped, and after a half beat, she posted.sound out:
She first blinked blankly, then looked at her grandfather with a strange face, and said in a strange tone:
“Although I don’t really want to admit it, didn’t the family decide that Erina would inherit it?”
Speaking of which, she paused for a while, and said with a little taste:
“After all, I didn’t inherit that ‘God Tongue’ physique.”
“God’s tongue…” Nakiri Xianzaemon sighed with a complicated face: “That kind of talent may not be a good thing.”
“Huh?” Alice Nakiri listened in a foggy voice.
Isn’t the tongue of God bad? Grandpa’s mother inherited that talent. Her aunt, Nakiri Erina’s mother also inherited that, and so did Erina. Isn’t this proof of the pure blood of the Nakiri family?
Otherwise, Nakiri Erina would not have been determined to be the heir to the head of the family.
Facing the suspicious gaze of his granddaughter, Nakiri Senzaemon did not explain, but continued:
“Alice, you have to know that although the heads of the Nakiri family have been top chefs in all generations, the head of the Nakiri family doesn’t necessarily have to be top chefs.”
Nakiri Alice’s mouth twitched, and she smiled awkwardly:
“Although I understand that you are saying that I can compete with Erina, Grandpa, I still feel so uncomfortable!”
“Are you sure that doesn’t mean I can’t beat Erina in cooking?”
“Well…” Nakiri Senzaemon was silent for a while, and then said:
“If it was before, I’m not sure, but if things continue to develop, Alice, you really can’t win.”
Nakiri Senzaemon said this with a serious look:
“Just a few days ago, I sent Erina to a place.”
“Where?” Alice Nakiri opened her eyes slightly, unable to restrain her curiosity.
Under normal circumstances, she couldn’t defeat Erina? How can this be done, she is the one who wants that arrogant woman to go to hell to repent!
At this moment, Nakiri Senzaemon gave the housekeeper Takagi a look.
The housekeeper suppressed a smile and nodded.

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