Being suddenly questioned, Yu couldn’t help but turn his eyes to the clerk.
With orange-red student hair, blue eyes, and oval red-rimmed glasses, the round face looks very cute.
But the surprise is that there is not much expression on his face. Even if he takes the liberty of approaching the guests, he does not seem to be much shy.
Are all the girls so daring lately…. Yuu sighed and responded:
“Let’s call it an active light novel writer.”
Although Yu felt that he was delaying the manuscript every day, relying on his identity as the president, he suppressed the editor who asked for the manuscript.
But in fact, he does still have the important identity of a light novel writer.
“If you’re a writer, you should know a lot about people’s feelings, right?”
The petite clerk asked nervously while holding the plate.
Yu was stunned by the other person’s question.
Human emotions?
Who can figure out that thing.
Thinking of this, Yu looked at the girl in front of him with a strange expression, and said with some amusing:
“Don’t you think of those light novel writers who write romance novels as emotion masters?”
The other party let out an “ah”, and although he didn’t say much, Yuu still saw the truth from his expression.
“Isn’t it?”
The corners of You’s mouth twitched slightly, and she said with some humor:
“Although it may be too much to say that, in fact, those guys who write romantic comedies may have never been in a relationship, and there are even many people who are still virgins in their thirties, and they only dare to talk about helping communication. Flowers.”
“you say, Is such a person a so-called emotion master? ”
“Eh? Eh?!!”
The clerk’s face flushed red when he said this.
I don’t know if I was shocked by the truth, or if I was frightened by Yuu’s violent words.
At this time, Qianshou Village Zheng added expressionlessly:
“Although Izumi-sensei has already said it very clearly, let me add something.”
“I and Izumi-sensei specialize in combat novels, which are completely different from romance novels that describe delicate feelings.”
“If you can accurately describe it, it’s probably the gap between monkeys and orangutans.”
“What an intuitive description!”
The other party seemed to understand Qianshou Village Sei’s description, and quickly understood the difference between the two.
“Although I still can’t understand the specifics, I am very grateful for the answers from both of you.”
“In return, please ask the two of you to let me waive today’s fee.”
Seeing the other party’s polite response, Yu narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at the other party’s eyes seriously, and then changed her words:
“Although I say this, in fact, I have also met some writers who write romantic comedies, and I have some experience myself, but I don’t know what you want to ask, Miss clerk?”
“Have you encountered any emotional troubles recently?”
“If possible, can the clerk tell me your name?”
“Huh?” The clerk was stunned, as if he was a little confused by Yu’s sudden pick-up behavior.
But thinking about it carefully, it seems that this kind of behavior was the first thing she started.
And it seems a bit too much to not even say your own name after taking the liberty to ask others.
After thinking about it, the petite clerk replied calmly:
“Rizhu, Ogata Rizhu, this is my name.”
“As for the emotional troubles? I’m sorry, I’m not very clear about this, but I’m just studying psychology recently, so I’m curious what the authors of those books think.”
“The gap between the authors of psychology and the authors of light novels is even bigger than that of orangutans and monkeys.”
You groaned, then continued following the words:
“Psychology? I’ve read some of those books. I don’t know what content you are worrying about, Douzhu? Can you talk about it?”
“Ah, specifically…”
In front of the stove, Boss Ogata, who was still holding udon noodles, had blue veins on his forehead:
“What the hell? What does that white-haired boy want to do? What does it mean that the little girl from the Meiyuan family came to hook up with my daughter without getting the certificate? Do you want to die?”
“Pfft!! Get the certificate? Hey, Ogata, I never agreed to this matter. Whose daughter is going to get the certificate?”
With a pop in Boss Ogata’s earphones, Rintaro Umeyuan’s dissatisfied voice came.
However, in response to this, Ogata snorted with a twisted expression:
“I’ll take care of you, take your son-in-law to me, that little liar, it’s enough to lie to your family, but he dares to stare at my Lizhu, does he want to die?!”
“I’ve said it all, I haven’t admitted that this is my son-in-law!!”
Umeyuan Rintaro’s expression suddenly distorted.
However, Ogata didn’t care at all. He looked at the man who had a warm exchange with his daughter, and the more he looked at it, the more uncomfortable he became.
“This guy is so skilled at approaching the little girl, and he doesn’t know how to learn from that bastard.”
“Eh? I understand, Ogata, are you scolding me around the corner? Didn’t I make it clear to you about Tomoko-senpai?”
Boss Ogata sneered:
“Hey, if you don’t like to flirt with someone else’s crush, do you think this kind of person is mean?”
“I understand, you just want to quarrel, right?”
Meiyuan Lintaro suddenly stood up from his seat, smashed his earphones, rushed to the counter angrily, slapped the table and said:
“I’m right here. If you have anything to say, say it to your face.”
Boss Ogata tore off his turban and threw it on the table, angrily said:
“Just say it face to face, you scum who plays with senior sister’s feelings, don’t I dare to say it?”
In the store, a famous diner was attracted by a sudden quarrel.
Yu, who was still hooking up with the girl, turned her head in surprise, looked at the two who were already pushing each other and said:
“What happened to these two guys? Suddenly there was a quarrel?”
Ogata Rizhu, who was beside him, was stunned for two or three seconds, then hurried over and said:
“Dad, don’t fight with the guests!!”
“Lizhu, don’t stop me, today I’m going to teach this guy who cheated on your mother’s feelings a lesson!!”
After being shouted, Boss Ogata didn’t calm down, instead he waved his fist and went up like that.
Hearing those words, You suddenly said strangely, “The situation seems to be very complicated.”
Qianshou Cunzheng, who was beside him, was stunned for two or three seconds at the man whose sunglasses had been knocked out, and said dumbfounded:
“Dad?? Why is Daddy here?”
You playfully lengthened the tone, and then said:
“Do you want to persuade?”
Qianshou Village Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said, “Then ask Mr. Izumi.”
Yu untied the top buttons of the suit, stood up, rubbed her wrists, her expression was playful:
“Explain in advance that I will use a little violence later.”
Qianshou Village Masi asked with a serious look:
“I understand, please do your best to protect yourself.”
Yu looked strange, but nodded, welcomingup.

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