Talent is Interest

On the hallway of the mansion.
Wugeng Liuli held the manuscript and walked towards the entrance thoughtfully.
After receiving the task arranged by Yu, although she said to hurry up, Wugeng Liuli still didn’t have much confidence in her heart.
“Even if you can ask someone to help, but it’s impossible for me alone, right?”
“What’s impossible?”
Wugeng Liuli was startled by the sudden female voice, she jumped back holding the manuscript.
Wugeng Liuli held the manuscript and looked at the direction of the voice with some vigilance:
“Mr. Yamada…”
“Huh? Didn’t you just call me a goblin?”
Wearing a light blue patterned kimono, the Yamada Fairy who was walking off the line at the entrance said with a surprised expression.
“No, that, I just forgot about it for a while.”
Wugeng Liuli gave a simple explanation, then looked at the Yamada Fairy in front of him and said:
“Speaking of which, when I came here recently, it seems that I seldom saw you, the fairy.”
Hearing this, the Yamada Fairy’s face suddenly turned down, and she pouted and said:
“The “080” female bodyguard sent by my brother was caught by the publishing house to write a manuscript. Really, who told him the secret?”
“Ah…” Wugeng Liuli suddenly remembered.
A few days ago, I seemed to see Yu standing in the pavilion in the yard, chatting with Chris, the Yamada fairy brother.
Now, the prisoner doesn’t seem to have to guess… Thinking of this, Wugeng Liuli kept her expression intact and said:
“It’s really hard work to rush the draft.”
“That is to say, I was detained for seven days, really seven days. I could only move around in a limited number of rooms in the hotel, and every day apart from eating, I was typing on the computer. It was hell!”
When the fairy Yamada talked about the little black house, her whole person felt a little bad.
“That’s great…” Wugeng Liuli sighed softly upon hearing this.
Being caught by an editor and locked up in a small dark room to code words, this is a proper treatment for top writers, right?
It’s really enviable…
“What? What did you just say?”
The Yamada Fairy looked at Wugeng Liuli very alertly. She seemed to have heard a description like ‘that’s nice’ just now?
Was it something to celebrate when she was locked in a small dark room?
“No, I didn’t say anything.” Wugeng Liuli’s eyes swayed wildly.
“Yeah~~~” The Yamada Fairy deliberately lengthened her tone, looked at Wugeng Liuli suspiciously, and then narrowed her eyes and said:
“Black cat sauce, you are in a bad mood today!”
“Is there?” Wugeng Liuli hurriedly pulled out a hand in fright and touched her face.
“It’s not about the face, it’s about the mood, the mood!!”
The Yamada Fairy emphasized her mood, then put her hands in front of her and said:
“I always feel like you and I have to sit in front of the computer and write a novel after playing games for a day, but my head is empty.”
“Can’t you write it? The new book that Yu asked for?”
“Ah… that ah, it has been written, but it was rejected.”
Wugeng Liuli said with a somewhat embarrassed expression.
“I guessed it long ago.”
The Yamada Fairy said with an expression that I didn’t expect, and said triumphantly:
“Your talent is not in novels at all, why do you have to die in this boring industry.”
“Ah? Why do you say that?”
Wugeng Liuli was a little confused at the time. Her talent is not in novels? what’s going on?
Also, as a best-selling author, is it really okay for you to say that writing novels is boring?
Seeming to see through Wugeng Liuli’s puzzlement, the Yamada Fairy raised an index finger and shook it in front of her:
“It’s interest! Do you understand interest?”
“Isn’t it fun every time I, you, and Sagiri play games?
In the same way, when Sagiri taught you how to draw, and secondly, when you helped the big-chested girl in Kasumigaoka make game programs, it was better than when you were writing novels! ”
“When you wrote a novel, you gave me the feeling that you simply wanted to vent your negative emotions. As long as you are comfortable, everything else can be ignored.”
“How can it be possible to write interesting works in this state.”
“On the contrary, when drawing illustrations and playing games, you are more enthusiastic than me!”
“So, isn’t the bias of talent obvious?”
“So you’re talking about this kind of talent…” Wugeng Liuli said blankly, “I don’t feel it at all.”
But evaluating talent by interest? In a sense, it seems reasonable.
After all, what you are not interested in, how can you be the best.
“Hmph, you’re the only one in this house who doesn’t feel anything at all.”
The Yamada Fairy raised her chin and said proudly:
“I saw this from the very beginning, the next word should be Yu, and then Master Mashiro.
Although Gebai could see it, she didn’t ask any more questions. That guy, Touma, didn’t care about anyone except Yuu. By the end, even Sagiri should have noticed. ”
“I’ve never heard of this kind of thing.”
Wugeng Liuli replied blankly.
“Everyone is waiting. After all, it’s not easy to judge this kind of thing. You can only wait for your first manuscript to come out, and then check the quality. If it doesn’t work, just correct it and go to a place of more interest.”
Said the Yamada Fairy, she touched her chin and said:
“But Yuu should have thought about reminding you, otherwise he wouldn’t let you learn everywhere.””But brother seems to have told me to focus on one thing.” Wu Geng Liuli retorted weakly.
“But he didn’t stop you from developing in many ways, did he?”
Yamada Goblin snorted, shook her index finger and said:
“Yu, he’s not sure where you are talented. You’ve been waiting for the direction to be determined.”
When she said this, she pointed to the manuscript in Wu Geng Liuli’s hand and said:
“Let me guess, this manuscript is either FATE, which is going towards games, or Madoka Magica, a magical girl who is going towards animation supervision. Judging from Yuu’s recent acquisition of an animation company, it must be a magical girl!”
Fifth watch Liuli was stunned, then lowered her head to look at the manuscript, smiled, turned the manuscript around and said:
“Wrong guess, this is FATE’s manuscript!”
“how come!!”
Fairy Yamada immediately covered her head, and said with a look of despair:
“My perfect reasoning, how could I make a mistake in the last step!!”
“Yeah, what a pity, it’s only the last step…”
Wu Geng Liuli raised the corners of her mouth triumphantly:
“It seems that you, goblin, still haven’t been able to guess what brother is thinking.”
“Damn it…”
Grinding her teeth, Yamada Goblin said angrily:
“No, I have to get this account back. By the way, let’s play the new arcade fighting game with Sagiri today. See if I don’t kill her a hundred times today! I will take revenge for this arrow!”
“Why Sagiri? Shouldn’t you be looking for me?” Wu Geng Liuli said in a daze.
“You are talking nonsense!”
Fairy Yamada rolled her eyes and said:
“I can’t even beat you in games. Isn’t it self-defeating to find the ultimate big devil?”
The corner of Wu Geng Liuli’s mouth twitched. Is this why you bully the weak?
“No, I can’t waste any more time. I must play back the time wasted in the little black room today!”
Muttering this, Yamada Goblin took off her shoes, stepped on the ground, and headed towards Sagiri’s room.
“Wait a minute…” Just as Wu Geng Liuli was about to reach out to hold her back, the Yamada goblin passed her and said directly:
“Please send the clothes you asked for last time to the office in the next room. I’ll be leaving first!”
Hearing this, Wu Geng Liuli slightly opened her mouth and said:
“So I remember!”
When the Yamada goblin left quickly, Wugeng Liuli couldn’t help but sighed, picked up the manuscript in his arms, looked at it and said:
“I always feel, brother, is he too concerned about me?”
The more Wu Geng Liuli thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, the more she felt something was wrong at 3.5, the redder her face became:
“Forget it, let’s work first.”
She forced herself to change her mind, and walked towards the office of Fairy Yamada next door with the manuscript in her arms.
In the study.
Yuu sat at his desk, and in front of him was the meeting report sent by Megumi Kato.
When seeing the speeches of those directors, Yuu couldn’t help but imagine the scene where Megumi Kato was sitting next to the other party and recording sentence by sentence on the mobile phone.
Hiss…it’s inexplicably scary…Yu just thought about it, and felt that the scene was particularly scary.
If it were Takahashi Nanichi, if he found Kato Megumi watching the scene, his heart would probably stop in shock.
“Should it be said that it is worthy of being the Crown Assassin?”
dong dong!
At this time, there was a crisp knock on the door.
Yu put away the documents, put them aside, and said, “Please come in.”
The door opened, and a red-eyed girl with slanted bangs and silver-white hair poked her head in.
Then, eager to try, she smiled at Yuu:
“Brother-in-law~~ Would you like some dessert?”

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