In the face of Ryoko Sakaki and Tiansuohui’s questions, Yuru said truthfully:
“Our TV station recently cooperated with Totsuki and wanted to record a new cooking program, and Ms. Tasuo Kei met my requirements for a host.”
Tian Suohui was shocked, host, she? Is this an April Fool’s joke?
She wanted to ask You to take back her thoughts on the spot. After all, she had no experience as a host, and nine out of ten she could not meet Yu’s requirements.
However, at this time, Ryoko Sakaki took the lead and pressed Tiansuohui’s shoulder.
Tiansuohui opened his mouth, but out of trust in Ryoko Sakaki, he did not choose to speak.
Seeing this, Ryoko Sakaki nodded towards her, then smiled and squinted, looked at Yuu and said:
“This kind of cooperative project should have credits, right?”
When Tian Suohui heard this, she suddenly looked stunned.
At this time, Yoshino Yuki, who was beside him, suddenly woke up and said:
“Yes! Xiaohui’s credits this year are on the pass line. With this cooperation project, you don’t have to worry about dropping out.”
Before she dropped out of school, her mouth was covered by Sakaki Ryoko.
Ryoko Sakaki glared at Yoshino Yuki with a black face of “zero ninety seven”, does this bear child understand how to speak? Is this something that can be said?
If the results of this crane tail were exposed, would Tian Suohui still win this cooperation?
Is this idiot trying to piss her off?
On the other side, Tiansuohui was a little sad.
It has been almost three years since she studied in Dongdu from the countryside, and she somewhat understands her own standards and her limits.
Her performance in Yuanyue was indeed not strong, and this kind of cooperation would obviously not be done by the weak.
Even if you don’t find Totsuki Shijie, who is the head of the high school, why do you have to find a top student?
And she, the tail of the crane that counts down, has no hope at first sight.
In this regard, she didn’t blame Yoshino Yuki for revealing her bottom line. She was not strong enough, so who else could she blame.
“Aren’t your grades high?”
Yu showed an air of just hearing about it, and then said indifferently:
“It’s nothing, after all, as an audience, the audience base is very poor, and it’s nothing if the chef’s skill is low.”
After saying this, Tian Suohui couldn’t help but looked up at Yu, without saying a word, but her eyes brightened a little.
“Yes! No matter what, my Xiaohui is much stronger than a beginner!”
Yoshino Yuki’s eyes suddenly brightened.
Anyway, they are all people with chef certificates. Although they are still students of Totsuki College, it is definitely not a problem to open a small restaurant outside.
In terms of level, it is also the level of a professional chef. It is obviously more than enough to teach some ordinary people!
And hearing this, Ryoko Sakaki couldn’t help but say, “What about salary?”
In fact, it’s okay to have no salary. After all, it’s worth the hard work compared to being dropped out of Totsuki Academy due to insufficient credits.
Yu replied very happily: “According to the calculation of regular employees, there is one show a week, try not to delay your studies.”
Hearing these words, Tian Suohui suppressed her emotions, got up and bowed solemnly:
“I’m willing to accept this job, please!”
Seeing the fish biting the hook, Yu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and extended his hand in a more relaxed tone:
“It’s a pleasure to work with.”
Tian Suohui looked at the hand stretched out in front of her, paused, stretched out her hand and held it tightly.
After notifying Tiansuohui three days later, she went to Dongdu TV to report and left her contact information.
Accompanied by Nakiri Alice, Yu walked towards the entrance of Totsuki Academy.
Accompanying him was Alice Nakiri’s unstoppable voice.
“Eh,It turns out that the little girl named Tian Suohui was about to be expelled from school? ”
“I guess so, otherwise I wouldn’t agree so quickly.” Yu explained casually.
The competition at Togetsu College is a knockout system.
Starting from the entrance of the junior high school, every year, some students who do not meet the standards will be eliminated, and a certificate of completion will be given, so as to maintain the students’ fighting ability in this way of competition.
This method is like raising Gu, there are good and bad, of course, this is Yuanyue’s way of cultivating talents, You don’t have the heart to intervene in the revision.
At this moment, Nakiri Alice muttered:
“But from the appearance just now, it doesn’t look like it. The calluses and scars on her hands don’t look like a weak person.”
Yu stopped at this moment, looked at her and said:
“Can you still judge the strength of others?”
Nakiri Alice was stunned for a moment, and then she showed an expression that I’m very good, come and praise me.
Just looking at this expression, you understood her details, and said with a casual smile:
“Looks like a wild guess!”
“Nonsense, this is obviously a woman’s intuition.”
Nakiri Alice immediately refuted, and then she suddenly woke up and said with a strange expression:
“Wait, what do you mean by that, the girl just now is very strong? Can you judge the cooking skills of others?”
Yu responded perfunctorily. Cooking is such a thing, if he can see through it at a glance, it will be a ghost!
Alice Nakiri puffed out her cheeks and tugged at Yu’s hand angrily, saying:
“I heard the secretary say that you also have Erina’s annoying tongue, how can you not judge the level of a chef!”
I have Erina’s tongue, and seeing what you said… Yuu suddenly had black lines all over her head.
However, Nakiri Alice’s rebuttal continued:
“Is it possible, where did you eat the dishes made by the little girl named Tian Suohui just now, and then you learned about her strength and heard that her grades in Yuanyue were not good, so you came to help?”
“??” There seemed to be a question mark on Yuu’s head.
At this time, Alice Nakiri, who has become a great detective, continued:
“Oh~ I see, there should be something wrong with that Tian Suohui. You don’t want a competent chef to be buried under Totsuki’s rules, and also because the TV station needs a show, so she chose her?”
“It feels more appropriate, but it’s actually a plan. You’re here for Tiansuohui? Is that so?”
Yuu couldn’t help but clapped his hands. He didn’t say anything, but Alice Nakiri basically guessed it right, which is amazing!
That’s right, he is the only one who is greedy…
“Did that Erina fascinate you that much?”
Hearing this sentence, Yu, who had a smile on his face, immediately stiffened…
At this time, Nakiri Alice looked at Yuu with a resentful expression and muttered:
“Just seeing that Tozuki might bury a talent and affect Erina’s reputation, so you go to help?”
The corner of You’s mouth twitched, and she said embarrassedly, “You think too much.”
However, Nakiri Alice didn’t believe it, she just said with a look of jealousy:
“Ever since I was a child, everyone has petted Erina, my parents, my grandparents, everyone regarded her as a treasure, even you, no one loves me?”
Yuu suddenly stopped when he heard these words, and stopped to look at Alice Nakiri.
Her eyes were slightly red, with some tears in the corners of her eyes. Her expression was half jealous and half heartbroken, like a tearful person.
Yu suddenly felt that she had underestimated the pressure Nakiri Erina put on Alice.
No, not only him, maybe even everyone in the Nakiri family underestimated the pressure.
Thinking of this, he sighed, half pity, half seriously:
“Otherwise, I will hurt you in the future?”
Nakiri Alice opened her mouth, her eyes gradually widened, as if she heard something incredible.
That feeling, as if he realized that the man in front of him was different in an instant, his mind was trembling for a moment.
Immediately afterwards, her face flushed red and she snorted:
“Who wants you to hurt!”
She mumbled, stopped, turned around and said:
“I’m going back! I just transferred and I haven’t done a lot of things, but I don’t have time to accompany you.”
Yu didn’t answer, just looked at her back as she left, waited until she disappeared, and continued unless.
Two or three minutes later, Alice Nakiri, who had originally left, returned, looking at the empty school gate, and stamping her feet angrily:
“He also said that he wanted to hurt me, but he clearly left on his own, liar, big liar, mad at me!”
She was instantly annoyed, picked up her phone, opened the chat software, and sent a text message to You.
On the highway, Yu, who was about to go to Dongdu TV to arrange a program, suddenly squatted, looking at the piles of news on the phone, the corners of his mouth curled slightly.
“Sample, do you still want to trick me?”
He smiled and replied with a perfunctory saying, “I have time to come out to play”, and the other side suddenly became quiet.
After a while, a ‘Okay! ‘ was sent out, then pulled back in seconds, and then began to bombard with complaining.
Seeing this, Yu shook his head with a smile and set off to return to the Eastern Capital.

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