Press Conference
The scene of the press conference held by the Nozawa Office.
The small conference room was full of men and women with cameras.
They are sent by major newspapers, magazines and even TV stations.
The purpose is to take the “Nanase”Details of the press conference of Hana Rin’s first public appearance.
Hiroshi Ono is one of the reporters sent by Rising Sun TV.
Beside him are reporters from major TV stations such as Jingshi, TBD, and Dongdu.
In fact, don’t watch the big TV stations fight every day in the ratings, but the position of the buttocks is still very stable.
Like this small conference room that can accommodate at most fifty people.
People from big TV stations and big media sit in the middle and front row, old newspapers and media that have fallen out of favor are on the left and right, and those who are new, online media are sitting at the back with the worst angle.
This is an island country-specific ranking of seniority.
It hardly needs anyone to say more, as long as he is a professional, he can rely on his talent for reading the air to find his own seat.
At this time, Ono Hongzhang heard the whispers of a reporter from the TBD radio station next to him:
“Weekly people from Modern Times are here.”
Ono Hongzhang glanced at the imposing reporter who had just entered the venue, and couldn’t help but say sour:
“Nanase Hanarin has been supporting a lot of people from Weekly Modern recently.”
This is a shameless face that satirizes Weekly Hyundai’s use of Nanase Hana Rin’s affairs to create all kinds of lace news, and to cover up the situation.
However, some people just like to read such rumors for the sake of spreading rumors. You really can’t do anything about it.
Although the big newspapers are very good at blowing things up, they still need to have some basics. After all, the influence of the audience of readers must be considered.
As for Weekly Modern, its audience is the people who love to watch scandals, and they are professionals who eat rumors.
“As soon as Hanan Nanase’s apology comes out, the sales of Weekly Hyundai will go up again, right?” The person from TBD radio said with a little envy.
“That’s right, the most trafficked case in the past few days is the case of Nanase Hanarin’s father-killing. Yesterday, Weekly Modern published a wave of the gold owner behind Nanase Hanarin. Now is the time for the limelight.”
“Gold master? Nanase Hanarin still has a gold master behind the scenes?” A trainee reporter from a big newspaper pricked up his ears.
However, at this time, the old reporter next to him laughed and scolded:
“Oda also, other newspapers say that the behind-the-scenes financial master, we can dig a little deeper, but if the weekly magazine is modern, you can rest and take a rest, so as not to run for nothing.”
At this time, Ono Hongzhang couldn’t help laughing, and said playfully:
“After all, it’s a modern weekly, an old news media~”
When the newcomer heard this, he suddenly came to a realization, with a look of understanding.
When Weekly Modern passed, Ono Hongzhang suddenly saw the people behind them:
“Everyone from Chunwen Club is here.”
An old reporter next to him also recognized it and said with a little pity:
“The king of gossip magazines can’t stand it anymore? This little idol is really pitiful.”
Chunwensha is notorious in the performing arts circles of the island country and even in the news media.
It’s not that he likes to spread rumors like Weekly Hyundai, on the contrary, this news agency likes to post real news the most.
Members of Congress, actors, idol groups, well-known entrepreneurs, all kinds of people have been exposed by Chunwenshe, and then stepped down.
Because of this, it was rumored in the industry that the magazine cover of Chunwen Club was Chunwen Guillotine, which meant ‘whoever gets on the head will be cut off’.
And if it only reports the real hammer, it’s actually nothing. The key is that most of the reports of Chunwen News Agency do not accept reconciliation.
This makes a lot of people hate it.
The so-called reconciliation actually means contacting the parties and asking the other party to pay for peace talks before breaking the news.
Generally speaking, if a big actor has an irreversible scandal, the news agency will contact the other party’s economic company to settle after receiving the news.
Generally speaking, the final result will be that the big actor gradually fades out of the public eye, the news agency gets a lot of money, and the two sides settle down in a way that does not hold each other accountable.
This is the reason why some artists in the island country suddenly reduced their activities and gradually disappeared.
For the news agency and the parties concerned, reconciliation is a matter of mutual benefit for both parties.
However, Chunwen Club basically does not accept reconciliation, nor is it afraid of threats, and always prepares to look at the revelations to thank the remuneration.
In addition, Chunwen Society operates the most popular literary category in the island country of reasoning literature, which leads to the increasing influence of Chunwen Society.
And now, Chunbunsha sent reporters to come to Nanase Hanarin’s public appearance. Just looking at the number of reporters rationed, all the old reporters present knew that this was going to be a big surprise.
So, everyone understands that Chunbunsha is going to put Hanase Hana Rin on the ‘cover guillotine’ of their own magazine.
“Poor… Nanase Hana Rin obviously has a few TV drama collaborations with Taili, but now, it’s completely dead.”
Ono Hongzhang shook his head sympathetically, being targeted by Chunbunsha, Nanase Hanarin was already doomed.
What if this press conference, which seems to be an explanation of recent events, is actually an apology.
The trouble is so big, the other party’s acting career has been cut off.
Thinking of this, Ono Hongzhang began to organize his camera, preparing to take a decent photo of the other party.
And not long after, the proud Nanase Hanarin, dressed in a simple dress, sat in the center of the podium under the leadership of the new manager.
With the camera ‘kakaka’, many reporters have already started to write copywriting.
It didn’t take long for Nanase Hanarin to explain the recent events in a sad tone, with pear blossoms and rain, tearfully explaining the recent events, and then some words such as apology.
OnoHongzhang patted as usual, but it felt a little wrong when he patted and patted.
When Nanase Hanarin bowed her head and sobbed, she was holding eye drops, right?
It seems that there are peppers or something.
Isn’t this what you use to induce tears during filming?
Big news! Absolutely big news!
Ono Hongzhang quickly picked up the camera and took a picture.
The popular female idol used eye drops to induce tears at the apology meeting, saying that it was an apology, but in fact there was no sincerity?
This may be nothing in China, but in an island country where apologies are played with tricks, it is a very serious matter.
Actors kill, set fire, engage in multiplayer sports, and master time management. Islanders are not surprised.
This kind of thing, no matter how big you are, come out and apologize. Although you can’t continue to be an actor in the future, you can still live an ordinary life.
But if you didn’t apologize and pretended, it would be a big act, even more serious than killing someone.
Islanders are always especially sensitive in strange places, and Hanase Hanarin’s current behavior is extremely sensitive.
At this time, the newly appointed manager also saw Nanase Hanarin’s actions, and couldn’t help but said angrily:
“Nanase, what are you doing?”
Nanase Hanarin slapped the eye drops on the table in fear:
“Didn’t you make me cry more? I did it!”
The manager who was supposed to temporarily take over the hot potato, Hanase Hana Rin, was suddenly angry:
“What nonsense are you talking about, apologize to everyone.”
“It’s you who want to apologize, right?”
Nanase Hanarin sneered like Shibuya’s little sister:
“It was you who said I murdered, and it was you who asked me to apologize. If that’s the case, why didn’t you apologize?”
The agent was furious, and at this moment, the sound of kakaka cameras came one after another.
The agent’s heart suddenly became cold, and he hurriedly shouted:
“Don’t shoot, don’t shoot!!”
Yo ho~ Remember 3.4 people are more energetic, most people don’t want their previous manuscripts, they tore them up and start again.
Not allowed to shoot? When we uncrowned kings eat dry rice?
Seeing this, Nanase Hana sneered coldly, carried her bag, and walked away arrogantly.
When she walked out of the door, she also gave a thumbs up to the old man next to her manager, the president of Nozawa Office, and wiped her neck.
President Nozawa, who was still calm at first, couldn’t help but slapped the table angrily, and was photographed by reporters again.
The next day, the headlines of major newspapers reported the incident.
[Controversial actress committed the following crime, the president of Nozawa Office was hospitalized with cerebral congestion? 】
[Eye drops were used to induce tears at the apology meeting, and the controversial actress made trouble again. 】
[Nanase Hanarin speaks for the first time, the father-killing incident is suspected to be manipulated by the brokerage company? 】
When the big newspapers were about to spread the word, Chunbunsha silently released a new issue with the cover of Nanase Hanarin.
[Famous actress Nanase Hana Rin suspected of murdering her father? Let’s dive into the power scramble behind the scenes at a brokerage firm. 】

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