Go to Ktv and Sing
September 22, Friday, 4:10 pm.
Otonogizaka Academy, Idol Research Department.
“This is the idol research department, right?”
At the long table where the six desks were combined, Honoka Takasaka asked with a small face.
“Ah, that’s true.”
The girl with black hair and two ponytails, with a cute face, responded expressionlessly.
Yazawa Nicole, a sophomore in high school, is currently the head of the idol research department.
Takasaka Honoka propped up the table with both hands, kicked away the chair, and said to Nicole Yazawa who was opposite him with a desperate look:
“Then what’s the situation now?”
Takasaka Honoka looked at the workbook that almost covered the long table and asked frantically:
“Why is everyone doing their homework!!”
“Ah…you said this…” Sonoda Haimo stopped his hand holding the ballpoint pen and said calmly, “Isn’t tomorrow the weekend?”
“Eh? What happened to the weekend?” Takasaka Honogu said blankly.
“Every weekend the teacher assigns more homework. Didn’t we say we were going to the movies together last weekend?”
“So for the sake of watching movies on weekends, isn’t it convenient to finish the homework ahead of time today?”
“Although I say that, don’t we want to become campus idols!!”
Takasaka Honoka pursed her lips and said pitifully.
“Little bird, do you think so~”
“Ah, this…. I saw Honoka, you just took out your textbook when you went to the club, I thought…”
Nan Xiaoniao, who was holding the workbook, replied embarrassedly.
“Haha, I said it long ago, give it up, one-year-old, with your ability, you can’t become an idol.”
Yazawa Nicole sneered and turned her pen:
“Compared to becoming a campus idol and saving Otonogizaka Academy, let’s study honestly and go to university.”
“Oh, I almost forgot, you guys aren’t actually members of the idol research club.”
“Pfft, didn’t this even start? Give up as soon as possible.! ”
Takasaka Honogo turned her head and looked at her pitifully:
“Tsk, why are you looking at me with that expression, I didn’t bully you…”
Seeing Takasaka Honogo’s pitiful appearance, Nicole Yazawa, who was sitting on the chair, suddenly felt a sense of guilt and couldn’t help leaning back.
“But senior, you are also doing your homework!”
Takasaka Honogu pointed to the exercise class in front of Nicole Yazawa very naturally, and then she wondered:
“Furthermore, it seems that senpai was the first to come up with homework yesterday, and the day before yesterday too. Isn’t senpai the head of the idol research department?”
Yazawa Nicole opened her mouth wide.
Yazawa Nicole gave up thinking.
“Hui Naiguo has turned black…” Nan Xiaoniao muttered to himself.
“Ah, it’s really darkened.” Sonoda Kaimo nodded solemnly.
“Okay, homework done!!”
Kasugano Dome, who was sitting next to Yazawa Nicole, stopped quickly and pushed the homework over.
“Lend me to copy!!”
Takasaka Honoka raised her hand for the first time.
Kasuga Nozomi, who had just reached for the snacks, opened her eyes slightly.
“Qianjiang, can you lend me my homework for a while~~”
Seeing the coquettish Takasaka Honoka, Kasuga Ye Qiong sighed and pushed out the homework helplessly:
“I’m afraid of you.”
“It’s so fast… How could it be done so quickly…” Sonoda Kaimo looked at half of his homework left, and was a little lost for a while.
“Xiao Qiong has a good mind.”
Nan Xiaoniao looked at Kasuga Ye Qiong’s face, and said enviously:
“He’s cute, his grades are good, his mind is very flexible… I really want to take him home and keep him in a cage…”
At the end, the voice was already murmuring.
However, Sonoda Haimo, who was sitting beside Minami Xiaoniao, heard these words clearly, and his body trembled uncontrollably.
Kasuga Ye Qiu gave Sonoda Kaimo a strange look, took out a package of potato chips from the snack pile in the middle of the desk, opened the package, looked at everyone strangely and said:
“By the way, aren’t the club activities in the last few days a bit strange?”
“Yes, yes, it’s very strange, right!”
Takasaka Honoka, who was copying her homework, raised her head and kept saying:
“Everyone goes to the club to do their homework, or else they just play flying chess, catch ghost cards, and eat snacks together. It’s strange how you look at it, right?”
Sonoda Kaimo opened his eyes wide and said blankly:
“Compared to this, I’m more curious, Sui Naiguo, how did you raise your head to look at others and still copy your homework, can you not make mistakes?”
“Ah, I copied the homework by mistake!!!”
“It really was a soft copy…” Sonoda Haimo said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth.
“But then again, although it is said that I want to become a campus idol, no one knows exactly how to do it.” Nan Xiaoniao crossed his arms and said with some trouble.
“Hmph, he’s really a layman.” Yazawa Nico smiled disdainfully.
Hearing this, Takasaka Honoka immediately posted it and asked, “Does Yazawa-senpai know how to become an idol?”
“It’s too close!”
Nicole Yazawa stepped back in fright and almost fell to the ground.
After finally stabilizing her figure, she angrily grabbed the edge of the table and said angrily:
“”Even if I know, so what, why should I tell you?”
“That’s why I don’t know.” Kasuga Ye Qiong said calmly, “You wouldn’t say it anyway.”
Yazawa Nicole glared at him and said angrily:
“Don’t think she’s cute, her voice is sweet, she sings well, she’s good at studying, and if you have money at home, you can treat seniors, seniors… woo~~”
Yazawa Nicole said that the last sorrow comes from her heart:
“I’d better jump from here.”
“Senior, this is the first floor.” Nan Xiaoniao warmly reminded.
“Damn it!!”
Yazawa Nicole frantically rubbed her hair, then sat back to the main seat angrily and said:
“Anyway, don’t expect me to teach you, I won’t admit that you are my members, hum!”
“Textbook-level arrogance.”
Kasuga Ye Qiong stared at Yazawa Nicole, biting the potato chips calmly.
“It’s up to you!!” Nicole Yazawa said angrily.
Don’t these four guys know how to respect their seniors? (Li Ma Zhao) Anyway, give her some dignity! !
Wait a minute, that guy Kasuga Nozomi, it seems that I bought the potato chips?
“potato chips….”
“What potato chips?”
Kasuga Ye Qiong grabbed the potato chips alertly, then blinked and looked carefully at the potato chips in his hand.
Oh, she didn’t buy it, she bought a chocolate bar today.
She was embarrassed for a second, then changed the subject and said:
“By the way, although everyone doesn’t know how to become an idol, there is one thing that is one of the essential elements for an idol.”
Hearing this, Sonoda Kaimo, Takasaka Honoka, Minami Kotori, and Yazawa Nicole all looked over.
“Qianjiang, what is the element?”
Takasaka Honoka asked curiously like a baby.
Kasuga Ye Qiong slightly raised the corners of his mouth, with a smile on his face, he deliberately lengthened his voice and said:
“Of course it’s singing~”
When she said this, the black and white fox’s tail seemed to stick up behind her.
“Let’s go to Ktv to sing!!”

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