You Only Know!
“What what? Did something happen?”
Takaba Honogo saw Kasuga Yezome and Sonoda Kaimo opened the door and stopped moving, and immediately probed the private room curiously.
When Takaita Honoka saw Yuu, she raised her voice slightly and said in surprise:
“Eh? Isn’t this Mr. Yu! Are you here to sing here today?”
“…Well.” Yu replied vaguely.
And at this moment, behind the door, Nan Xiaoniao stuck his head out.
“Eh!! Is Mr. Yu also there?”
Nan Xiaoniao looked at Yu who was sitting on the sofa in the room, and then looked at the blonde girl who was sitting on Yu’s lap with her face turned sideways, and suddenly ‘Oh~~’, and at the same time she peeked at Kasuga Ye Qiong, Showing a meaningful smile.
What’s the situation… How did these few form a group? Yu looked at the door of the room, and the corner of his mouth twitched.
Takaban Honoka, Sonoda Haimo, and Nan Xiaotiao don’t matter, but Kasuga Yeqiong, who is jealous of the jar, is also here…here… Did he come to the wrong place this time, instead of the “Five Five Zero” Ktv, he went to the cremation field?
“You guys, why are you suddenly surrounding the door of someone else’s private room…”
The petite Yazawa Nicole squeezed and stuck her head out.
There was actually another… Yu’s face became even more rigid.
At this time, Nicole Yazawa saw the two people in the room, blinked, looked at the posture of the two, her face turned slightly red, and she turned her eyes away and said:
“Okay, okay, what are we doing around here, let’s go to the reserved private room… Wait a minute?”
Nicole Yazawa suddenly turned back, stared at Yuu inside, squinted, turned her head to look at Kasugano Dome again, and then showed a stunned expression:
“I see, it’s this guy’s brother!!”
“What do you call this guy?” Kasuga Yoshino glared at Nicole Yazawa in dissatisfaction.
Nicole Yazawa shrank her head subconsciously and hid behind Minami Kotori.
Then she realized that this seemed a bit cowardly, so she whispered:
“Don’t you just call me Yazawa? Not even a senior.”
Kasuga Ye Qiong glared at her again, then turned his head, looked at Yu in the room, and said expressionlessly:
“Didn’t I say I’m going to work on the TV all day?”
The words seemed to be accompanied by a low air pressure, causing the four girls around them to tremble.
“Ah this…”
Nicole Yazawa glanced at Kasugano Dome with some unawareness, and then asked Nan Xiaotiao in a low voice:
“That’s what happened to them.”
“Shhh!!” Nan Xiaoniao turned her head sideways, made a booing gesture, and then whispered three words: “Xiu! Luo! Field!”
Nicole Yazawa blinked, then turned to look at Yu, and then at the beautiful blonde girl sitting on his lap, and immediately showed an expression of sudden realization.
The Shura field of his girlfriend and sister… Nicole Yazawa who reacted immediately glanced at Kasuga No Dome, and showed a smile of eating melons and watching a play.
“That, Mr. Yu…”
Takaita Honoka, who was unclear about the situation, was about to say hello when Sonoda Haimo covered her mouth.
“No! No no no!!”
“I’m sorry, haha, hahaha…”
Sonoda Haimo laughed dryly, and pulled Honoka Takaban away forcefully:
“Come with me, idiot.”
“Hey God… (Why…)”
At this time, in the room, facing Kasuga Yezong’s somewhat angry expression, but not too angry, Yunhe breathed a sigh of relief, and said as calmly as possible:
“I left my job to the secretary.”
Nicole Yazawa blinked, secretary? !
TV station, secretary, high-level personnel?
She glanced at Kasuga Ye Qiong, feeling a little cowardly in her heart.
The eldest lady of the rich family…
“Xiaohui?” Kasuga Ye Qiong tilted his head and asked immediately.
The corners of You’s mouth twitched, and then she said with a subtle expression:
“Although I’m not surprised that you know each other, why is it such a close name?”
Yu knew that among these girls there was a private line group that he did not join, but most girls did.
So it’s not surprising that Yukio Kasugano knew about Megumi Kato’s existence.
But… Xiaohui’s name is very strange.
Ms. Kato Megumi, when did you brush the goodwill of Kasugano Dome, a vinegar jar, to the point where you can call your name? ! !
Are you too creepy?
“I want you to take care of it.”
Kasugano Dome snorted, but he didn’t pay any more attention to the fact that Yu left his work to Megumi Kato, and instead looked at the man on Yu’s lap.
Star name song…. Kasuga Ye Qiong gritted his teeth bitterly and said:
“Geba, didn’t you say that the type of man you hate the most is Yuu?”
Nan Xiaoniao said, and looked at Xing Mingge meaningfully.
This girl’s manipulation is very deep… She was so secretive in Chen Cang… which made Kasuga Ye Qiu careless and let down her vigilance… But then again, that profile face looks familiar, doesn’t it? However, I don’t seem to know the other side.
At this time, Nicole Yazawa pulled Ranan Bird and asked, “Does it feel familiar?”
“A little.” Nan Xiaoniao nodded.
“It feels… it feels like a famous star song…” Yazawa Nicole whispered.
“It’s a bit like it.” Nan Xiaoniao nodded, and then his expression was stunned for a moment.
She vaguely heard Kasuga Ye Qiong say that Xing Minggebai has a connection with Yuu at work… ah this…
Nan Xiaoniao reacted immediately, looked around and found that the waiter and the new customer were looking at it, and quickly said:
“All in all, let’s go first..”
Well-known idols are intimate with men on ktv. If such a thing is discovered, it will be bad… Nan Xiaotiao thought a little flustered.
“What?” Yazawa Nico was taken aback.
Beside him, Kasuga Ye Qiong also frowned with a puzzled expression.
“Alright, alright, let’s all go in, all go in.” Nan Xiaotiao gently pushed the two of them with both hands, and then said to Takaban Honoka who was pulled over by Sonoda Kaimo:
“Hai Mo, Suinuoguo, come here quickly! Hurry up.”
“oh oh!”
Sonoda Kaimo and Takaban Honoka glanced at each other, then walked in quickly.
Then, Nan Xiaoniao tried to close the door, but was suddenly stopped.
“…Can you let me go out for a while?” The employee who delivered the fruit said embarrassedly, holding the plate.
“Oh…” Nan Xiaoniao subconsciously looked at Yu and Xing Mingge.
Xing Minggebai glanced at Nan Xiaoniao, then waved to the employee and said:
“You go out first.”
After she finished speaking, she said to Nan Xiaoniao:
“The owner of this ktv is my family, so don’t worry about privacy.”
“Oh!!” Nan Xiaoniao was suddenly stunned, no wonder Xing Ming Ge Chan appeared on this Ktv, and it’s no wonder that Ktv’s name is Ge Chan.
“Sit down, sit down!”
Yu reached out and made an inviting gesture.
A group of girls looked at them and sat down obediently across from them.
The Ktv private room is a bit small, and the sofas on both sides can accommodate four people each without being too crowded.
And Sonoda Kaimo, Takaban Honoka, Minami Kotori and Yazawa Nicole all chose to sit opposite.
3.4 Kasuga Ye Qiong sat down beside Yu angrily, waiting for Xing Mingge to chant:
“Aren’t you coming down yet?”
“I’m sorry, my legs are weak!”
Xing Mingge Baili said calmly.
“Is your weak legs the reason you sit on Yuu?”
Kasuga Ye Qiong said angrily.
“of course not.”
Xing Mingge refuted, and in Kasuga Ye Qiong’s surprise, she smiled and said:
“But it can be the reason why your brother hugs me.”
So exciting… Minami Kotori, Yazawa Nicole, Sonoda Kaimo widened their eyes and thought to themselves.
At this time, after entering the door, Takasaka Honoko, who stared at Xing Mingge’s face, pondered for a long time, and finally clapped his hand and said:
“You! You’re not that…that…”
Takasaka Honogu blushed, and after thinking about it for a long time, she said loudly:
“It’s a famous star song!!”
“You just know!” X3
The three girls beside her immediately complained.

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