I’m not sleepy anymore
The first one to pick up the microphone was Yuu and Kasuga No Dome, and the song was a love song for men and women picked by Kasuga No Dome.
Yoo had never heard of this song at all, so he could only hum along with the lyrics. Although he tried his best to sing it, he was actually out of tune several times, and the female voices around him kept laughing.
During the interval between singing the lyrics, Yu Zhao was struggling to hold back his laughter.The star song chant says:
“Laugh if you want to.”
“What? Am I smiling? No?”
The corners of Xing Mingge’s mouth twitched wildly, but he rejected it seriously.
“Did you see me smiling?”
“No, absolutely not.” Takasaka Honoka, who had just accepted the signature bribe, immediately shook her head.
“Honoka, it’s not good to tell a lie, but the lady didn’t smile just now.”
Sonoda Kaimo said solemnly. Xing Mingge is just holding back a smile, isn’t holding back a smile yet? Sonoda Kaimo guiltily avoided Yuu’s gaze.
“Eh? Was someone laughing just now?” This is Nan Xiaoniao, who is pretending to be stupid.
“Hahahaha~~” This is a smiling Yazawa Nicole.
However, when you turned around and stared at her, Nicole Yazawa suddenly got stuck.
“Looks like Yazawa-san is very confident in himself! Why don’t you come to the next song!”
Yu focused on confidence.
“Ah, this…” Yazawa Nicole was immediately blinded.
It’s over, he laughed so hard, it attacked himself.
“Oh~~” Takasaka Honoka exclaimed.
“Ah, I…” Before Yazawa Nico could say anything, the monitor for ordering songs was handed to her.
“Senior Nicole~~”
Nan Xiaoniao held the song-clicker and smiled extremely sweetly.
Especially after Nicole Yazawa’s face changed color, Minami Kotori’s smile became brighter.
This guy’s heart is black, right? It’s definitely black…. Yazawa Nico shouted in her heart.
“Yazawa, let me see the strength of the idol club president!” You smiled like a Maitreya Buddha.
He just learned about the situation report of the president of the idol club from Kasugano Dome.
An excellent backstab.
“I don’t have a throat today…” Before Yazawa Nicole finished speaking, she heard Takasaka Honoka’s voice:
“If it’s Nicole-senpai, it’ll be fine!”
Looking at Takasaka Honoka who was holding a small fist to cheer him up, Yazawa Nicole’s face turned green.
At this time, she looked around at the crowd, and in the pair of ‘expecting’ eyes, she saw a strong malice.
Except for Takasaka Honoka who really thought she must sing very well, everyone else wanted to watch the play.
Die if you die, you nasty bastards, if you laugh later, I will wear small shoes for you every day from now on… Inwardly, Nicole Yazawa blushed and tried hard to find her best on the karaoke device. The track that he is good at, and then picked up the microphone decisively.
After the song ended, Yazawa Nicole looked around the crowd with sweat on her forehead.
“What’s wrong? Suddenly you stopped talking?”
“That’s amazing! As expected of a senior.” Kosaka Honoka applauded loudly.
“Isn’t this a good song? Why was it so tangled just now.” Xing Minggebei said in surprise.
Although it’s not the level of a professional singer, it’s still the level of a KTV Maiba. She just saw Nicole Yazawa’s tangled appearance, and she thought she was out of tune.
“Tsk, what a pity…” You Ming blatantly made a disgusting voice.
Nan Xiaoniao, who was secretly videotaping with his mobile phone, stroked his face with one hand and sighed regretfully.
“It’s ruthless enough to even use video footage.”
Yu looked at Nan Xiaoniao, the corners of her mouth twitched, my dear, this bird’s heart must be black.
“Wait a minute, didn’t you secretly record it just now? I remember you were playing with your phone just now?”
“Eh?!! Is there any?” Nan Xiaoniao pretended to be stupid with her characteristic high-pitched voice.
“Yes, you’ve been taking pictures of the bird just now.” Kasuga Ye Qiong was always on Yu’s side.
“Eh?!! Why I don’t remember, it’s so strange?”
While Nan Xiaotiao was puzzled, she secretly sent the video to Takasaka Honoka’s mailbox.
“Huh? Who sent me a message?” Honogo, who heard the ding dong, took out her mobile phone in confusion.
“Guoguo, don’t you usually mute your mailbox?” Nan Xiaoniao’s expression became a little uneasy.
“Ah, it seems so.” Takasaka Honoka said strangely, “Why is it turned on again? Did Xue Sui secretly play with my phone again?”
Takasaka Xue Sui is the younger sister of Honoka. Since she is still in the exam sprint stage, her mobile phone is an old-fashioned flip phone that can only make calls and send text messages, so she usually plays on her smartphone with Honoka’s smartphone.
Recalling this, Minami Kotori expressed his surrender with great sadness.
However, the big stick was raised high, but he was slightly relieved.
“I’ll let you go this time, remember not to spread the video.”
“Hehe, you-kun is worthy of being a big brother, so gentle.” Nan Xiaoniao praised with a smirk.
“Of course! Yuu must be the best brother.”
When Kasuga Ye Qiong heard this, he raised his chin. You praised my brother and I won’t be sleepy~
“Why did you form a group to praise me?” Yu said speechlessly.
“Hehe!” Nan Xiaoniao giggled.
“Humph.” Kasuga Ye Qiong snorted quite arrogantly.
“Severe brother control.” Sonoda Kaimo said in a low voice, looking at Kasuga Yezong.
“There’s no help.” Yazawa Nicole shook her head, then stared at Yuu, taunting her face: “Look, this is the strength of the idol club president!!”
Yu couldn’t hold it any longer and shouted directly:
“Song chant, come on, play her!”
“I’m not your summoned beast.” Xing Mingge murmured and picked up some songs.device.
As for the order just arranged, don’t worry, everyone just has a good time.
Night, 7:55.
Everyone ate pizza at the ktv and took turns singing for 2 hours before paying the bill and walked out of the ktv to the street.
“Wait a minute, Senior Nicole, do you want to go with Xiao Qiong?”
Minami Kotori, who was about to go home, asked Nicole Yazawa.
Minami Kotori, Takasaka Honoka, and Sonoda Haimo have discussed going home together. Kasuga Yezong and Yu naturally will definitely go together. Xing Minggebei claims to have an agent to pick her up, so everyone don’t have to worry.
Then Nico Yazawa is the only one left.
“It’s okay, I’m fine by myself.” Nicole Yazawa waved her hands again and again and declined.
“Then be careful yourself.”
After speaking, Nan Xiaoniao said goodbye to You, turned around and waved away.
And Yazawa Ni bowed slightly towards Yu as she could see:
“Then, I’m also taking my leave. Today’s affairs are taken care of. Please be careful along the way.”
In the public, she suddenly became polite, but Yu and the others were a little uncomfortable.
“and many more.”
When Nicole Yazawa turned around, Yuu suddenly stopped her.
Nicole Yazawa turned her head suspiciously and looked at Yu.
“If it’s convenient, how about a hitchhiker? Just right, I want to ask my stupid sister if she made any mistakes in school.”
Yu pointed to the special car parked on the side of the road and smiled.
uh-huh? Nicole Yazawa raised her eyebrows, looking at Kasugano Dome, whose face instantly turned black, she suddenly became interested.
You said that if you want me to sue, I won’t be sleepy anymore! !

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