On the outskirts of Tours, a certain hall in a historic castle.
The surrounding walls are covered with pilasters, on which are slowed down the milky white candles, and the orange candle light from the burning wick illuminates the entire living room.
In the center of the living room, there are two mobile beds like hospital beds, with a figure lying flat on each.
“Ah—!” Brad, who was bound by gauze with the concept of healing, opened his mouth and let a dead apostle maid slowly pour sweet blood into his mouth.
“It’s not the blood of a beautiful boy, bad review!” Brad swallowed blood, frowned, and said with a look of disgust.
“Brad, why do you know that it’s not the blood of a beautiful boy, is your tongue and head better than my nose?” Bremet, who was squatting at the feet of Eltluqiyu, shook her tail, silently Tucao.
“Don’t say a word, Brad. If you didn’t spend too much time sucking blood before, we wouldn’t be so miserable.” Stuart, who was lying next to Brand, enjoyed it with indifference. The maid’s feeding slowly opened her mouth.
The two were caught off guard by Granzog’s special attack on the Death Apostle. Although the strong two struggled to survive with their heavily wounded bodies, they were later carried by Granzog’s Death Apostle for thousands of miles. It was a blessing to survive Elquite’s pursuit.
“Well, you can still dislike blood. It seems to be recovering well, Brad. Does that thing called Phoenix’s tears work quite well?” He lifted the coffee on the table, took a sip, and said with a chuckle.
“I’m sorry, Your Highness Ji Jun, I have troubled you and Mr. Yu.” Stuart said with a face ashamed. As a guardian knight, it is a serious dereliction of duty for Stuart to make the lord take care to protect him.
“Ah, dereliction of duty, obviously a contract knight… Sure enough, I should have stabbed Granzogg’s bird head with a sword, what a shame.” Brad closed his eyes and said weakly.
Although they were severely injured by a sneak attack, for the two of them, it was indeed a great shame for them to be attacked for a split second.
“Don’t worry about those details, it’s good to be alive, but you should thank that girl Elquette, she rescued the two of you.” Ertuluqi gently put down the black tea cup, the corners of her mouth raised slightly , a soft smile appeared on the pretty face.
For the two guardian knights who have been with each other for countless years, Ertuluqi treats them as family. In her eyes, the safety of the family is more important than the guardian knight contract signed.
“Speaking of which, His Highness Ji Jun. Where did His Highness Bai Ji and Mr. Yu go? After treating us a while ago, they seem to have disappeared?” Brad asked with some doubts.
“Erquette? That girl is probably sleeping. She won’t wake up until evening.” Eltluqi narrowed her eyes and said enviously.
If she hadn’t worried about the safety of the two knights, she would probably have waited for the evening on the soft and comfortable bed.
“As for Yu? After I made sure you were all right, I asked Yu for the key to the basement. I guess it’s in the basement now.” Ertuluqi tilted her head, her red eyes showing a thoughtful look.
In the cold and damp basement,He slowly put the white gloves on his palms, then put a white mask on his face, plus the white coat and white cap he was wearing, the whole person looked like a doctor who was about to perform an operation.
With a slight flick of the index finger of Yuu’s right hand, a magic project called Dust Removal was quickly activated. The basement, which had been in a state of abandonment for many years, suddenly took on a new look. The accumulated dust and spider webs gathered into a football and rolled to the side corner.
A rainbow-colored light flashed in the dark gray pupils, and then a standardized operating table appeared in front of Yuu out of thin air.
With a slight pull of his index finger, Grenzogpen, who was put into storage in a different space, fell onto the operating table.
“Hungry…you… fellow!!” Granzog, who had just recovered from the flesh mash through powerful immortality, was covered with yellow rose patterns, which was the materialization of the B-level curse concept.
Just like reducing the upper limit of blood volume in the game, the strong curse directly suppressed the power of Glanzog to the level of ordinary people. It can be said that Glanzog is at the lowest point of strength since he was born.
Yu silently took out the scalpel and pliers, and there was dark and deep negative energy on them? He was curious now, as one of the oldest dead apostles, Heiyi Gong’s power composition of the death apostle killing privilege and the power of the bird The body structure of the Dead Apostles, etc., etc., etc.
Under Glanzog’s horrified gaze, he was vivisectioned.
After a few hours, you silently took off his blood-stained white gloves, scrubbed his slightly beard chin, and said solemnly.
“A special kind of soul attack? It seems to have the concept of killing one’s own race. According to my situation, it seems that a magic modification can become a primate killer of any type.”
“And this special body structure, if it absorbs the advantages, will greatly improve the flexibility and coordination of my body.” Glanzog, who was being resurrected by the countdown, took back the space as research material, and walked out slowly. basement.
Instead of going directly to his room with Eltluqi, Yu came to a room that was cleaned up, because he noticed that his first direct death disciple had awakened.
His lavender waist-length hair was slightly bright red at the tips, and his already pale skin became even more flawless after he became a dead apostle. Through his skin, he could even see the blue blood vessels, and his sleeping face with his eyes closed. With a soft beauty.
Since she had just become a dead disciple, the girl was in a naked body at the moment, both the plump and full Hun Yuebu, and the thick forest with a dense forest, both directly entered Yuu’s eyes.
Narubalek’s eyebrows twitched slightly, and then he slowly opened his eyes. The already red eyes were now glowing with the scarlet red unique to the Death Apostles.
“Welcome to this cruel family, my ‘son’!” Caressing the girl’s snow-white skin, she looked at Narubalek with greedy eyes.
“Allah, there’s no poison on my body.” Feeling the scorching gaze, Narubalek’s pale face had a morbid ruddy, and he directly opened his feet, exposing the smear of powder. in front of Yuu.
“It’s so cute!” Yu touched Narubalek’s pretty face, untied his belt with a smirk, and with a collar on his waist, he went directly into the somewhat dry passage.
Bright red blood dripped on the sheets.
The whole house is full of spring.

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