The huge motorcade slowly approached the main gate, and stopped at a distance of fifty meters from the main gate.
Chad, who was in the passenger seat of the Lincoln car, raised his right hand, instilling magic power into the ring on his ring finger, and an invisible wave spread.
Feeling the fluctuation, Lorelei narrowed her eyes slightly, took a deep breath, calmed down her emotions, and said. “It’s Chad himself, open the barrier!”
Hearing the sound, several members of the chorus standing behind Lorelei hurriedly chanted the incantation in a low voice, and the words filled with magical power spread in the air, covering the magic barrier of the entire clock tower like an umbrella cover. After a slight shock, a hole large enough for the convoy to enter and exit was cracked open.
“Oh? The clock tower’s defensive barrier is pretty good. Who set it up?” Feeling the large barrier in front of him that was almost perfectly connected to the leylines, Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a chuckle.
Chad waved his hand towards the driver, motioning to move on, then turned his head calmly, and said respectfully to Yu in the back seat through the screen.road.
“Your Majesty, the original model of the defensive barrier covering the clock tower was set up by the dean, and the current alert function was added and modified by later monarchs.”
“No wonder, if it’s the old antique that has lived for two thousand years, it’s not surprising that there is such a means of manipulating the leylines.” You sensed the formation of the enchantment with interest, and said softly.
The vehicle slowly stopped moving, Chad got out of the car quickly, walked to the door of the back seat, and gently opened the door.
At the same time, Yoo turned around and looked at Elquite’s peaceful sleeping face leaning on the seat, raised his hand and gently patted his big white legs, and said with a light smile. “Get up, big slacker.”
Elquite frowned slightly, opened his eyes with some difficulty, and said sleepily. “…are we there yet?”
“It’s already here, let’s get out of the car.” Yu took the lead to get out of the car, stretched out his hand towards Erquite, and said with a light smile.
Looking at the figure walking slowly in front of Elquette, Lorelei’s eyes flashed with anger, and then she raised her hand expressionlessly, making a gesture of preparing to shake hands.
With a smile, Yu let go of Elquite’s hand, and when Lorelei couldn’t react in time, she spread her hands and stepped forward to give a very enthusiastic bear hug.
The sudden hug made Lorelei stunned, and then the unruly hands made her delicate face instantly turn blue.
A voice of exclamation came from behind Lorelei, and the magic apprentices who had not left before stared at the two who were hugging passionately.
“Hey, did I read it right? That big man who came from nowhere actually hugged the cruel queen?”
“That’s not the point, you see that the paralyzed girl didn’t resist, she was hugged like that!”
“Intellectually retarded, the point is that man’s hand, he’s caught Maobe!!”
Magic apprentices from all over the world looked at the big hands on Lorelei in shock, and then one of the magic apprentices in the crowd said in an uncertain tone. “Isn’t it true that all the recent lace news about Barthamello is true?”
Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air in unison, and said in a very excited tone in a low voice. “Magician!!!”
They couldn’t help being excited. There are at least one million people in the world who study magic. Counting the reserves, there are nearly 10 million.
However, how many magicians have reached the root? There are only five people, and two of them have disappeared for thousands of years, and their life and death are unknown. And there are only three people who often walk in the world.
How many magicians and even magician families have never had contact with a magician in their entire lives, but now they have seen a living peak of human beings in their eyes. This experience is enough for them to brag for a lifetime.
Almost all the female apprentices stared at Yuu’s figure with incomparably hot eyes, eager to swallow it alive. After all, according to the lace news, this is the sorcerer who even the Bathermelo family does not hesitate to stigmatize their own reputation, but also to get their bloodline.
If he can introduce his bloodline, it probably won’t take many years for their family to be directly promoted to nobles.
The beautiful magic girls threw a lot of winks at Yuu, but Yuu’s attention was all attracted by the noble lady with hair in her arms.
“…How long do you want to hug?” Lorelei frowned and said with a smile.
Yun shrugged and let go of her hands, her right hand turned to embrace Lorelei’s graceful waist, and said in a playful tone. “I’m new here, so please ask the ‘Miss’ of the Bathermelo family to introduce the clock tower to me.”
Hearing the word ‘Miss’ in a more accentuated tone, Lorelei’s pupils shrank immediately, almost killing someone.
After a while, Lorelei resisted the urge to kill, pushed Yuu’s hand away, and said through gritted teeth. “follow me!”
After speaking, ignoring Yu’s response, Lorelei turned around and walked forward with some small steps, stepping on unfamiliar high heels.
The corners of You’s mouth rose slightly, and she stretched out her hand to hold Elquite, who was curiously looking at the teaching building of the Clock Tower, and chuckled lightly. “Come on! Erquite, let’s follow the tour guide.”
Lorelei’s footsteps paused slightly, and then she accelerated her pace.
“The Clock Tower consists of more than 40 dormitories built on the spiritual veins and 100 teaching buildings. Basically, every eight teaching buildings constitute a subject.”
“The group of eight teaching buildings in front of them are the teaching buildings of the individual foundation (II) department in charge of the Solonia family, and the one in front on the right is…”
Ignoring the suspicious gaze of the magician who passed by, Lorelei let Yuu hold her hand, resisting the gaze of the other party sweeping her body, and said in a cold tone.
Yu stopped, took a slight test, looked at the landmark clock tower not far away and said. “Then, what about the tower in the center overlooking the whole area?”
Lorelei’s voice paused slightly and introduced in a slightly arrogant tone. “That is the oldest classroom in the Clock Tower, the Arcane Discipline Bureau responsible for issuing seals, and the Law and Politics Division belonging to my Bathmelo family.”
“Oh! That’s it!” You replied calmly.
Hearing Yuna’s indifferent tone, Lorelei’s face froze for a moment, and then her coldness returned.
Just as Lorelei’s face was cold and she was about to drag Yu to move on, Elquite covered her stomach and pouted cutely.
“Hey, Yu. Is it time for dinner?”

the first

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