Cangzaki Oranges
(The picture above is when she was a girl, her hair was red when she was eighteen)
Aozaki oranges
The eldest daughter of the Aozaki family, a famous Japanese magician.
And the Aozaki family is one of the few families in the magic world that holds magic—the fifth law inheritance, and this means that the heir of the Aozaki family is the heir of the magician.
As the eldest daughter, the 20-year-old Aozaki Orange should be a magician at the top of the magic path at the age of 18 according to the normal route.
However, everything changed two years ago.
“Sure enough, the magic of the Aozaki family should be inherited by your sister Aoko.” said the grandfather who possessed magic.
“Then, what’s the point of me staying in the mountains and continuing to practice magic since I was born?” Aozaki Orange replied blankly.
“It doesn’t make sense.” The old magician shook his head, turned around, and said calmly.
Then her grandfather died and died under her sneak attack, but she understood that for this monster, physical death can be changed in minutes.
In order to avoid the angry ancestor after being resurrectedAfter her father killed her, she hurriedly escaped from home, escaped from Japan, supported a friend she met in magic practice, naturalized at the Clock Tower in the UK, and became a magician under the Clock Tower.
The reason why she became a magician under the Clock Tower is because she knows almost nothing except studying magic. If she doesn’t study magic, she doesn’t know what she should do. Dedicated to magic.
Fortunately, when she was studying magic at the Clock Tower, she discovered her real fun and goal—making dolls and pursuing the prototype of the flesh.
And he has a unique talent in this area, so he is worshipped by the monarch of the Creation Division, the head of one of the three great nobles, the head of the Balu Yereta – Enolai Balu Yereta Atolohom. Under the name, as her disciple.
This old lady, who always wears a green fur coat and calls herself a master, not only gave Aozaki orange great guidance in making dolls, but at the same time, like a kind elder, she is constantly taking care of her in life. Trained as the next monarch.
After all, Balu Yereta pursues a democracy where the able-bodied, and the extremely talented Aozaki Orange is naturally regarded as a candidate for the next head of the family.
Now she is sitting in the monarch’s office of the Creation Section, talking with the old lady on the sofa.
“Orange, I have done my best to compete for the three primary colors this year. I’m sorry, I can only give you the title of orange.” Enola’s old face was apologetic.
The so-called three-primary color competition is the competition for the highest honor of magicians, with red, blue and blue as the three primary colors, orange, white and purple as the subordinate colors, and the competition is held every twenty years. special magic skills.
“I understand… Teacher, after all, the other party is a magician.” Aozaki Orange’s plain white hands on her knees clenched slowly, and blue veins burst out on her white arms.
Her goal is the blue of the three primary colors, but this goal was taken away by her sister Aozaki Aoko.
He just became a magician and became a magician at the same time. Thanks to him, the judges of the clock tower flattered him and gave him the title of blue, just because the name of the other party has the word ‘blue’ in it.
“It’s like this again, there’s nothing to do, all the benefits come to her.” Cangzaki Chengzi gritted his teeth and murmured in a low voice.
“…” Enola’s face showed pity.
She learned about her sister Aoko from Aozaki Orange. Aoko, who was originally judged to live as an ordinary person, was identified as a magician by the old monster of the Aozaki family, and abandoned the Aozaki orange who had worked hard for her for 16 years.
And now, in order to please the girl who just became a magician, the jury gave her the title of “Blue”, the goal that Aozaki has been fighting for for many years.
Even if the other party knows almost nothing except magic, even if the other party doesn’t even know what the Magician’s Association is.
Looking at Aozaki Orange, whose face was a little gloomy in front of her, Enola raised her throat and said. “Orange, there is good news to tell you, you have been awarded the title of ‘Crown’!”
“The crown? Teacher, you mean!!!” Aozaki Orange’s eyes widened, looking at Enola in disbelief.
In addition to the special title of the three primary colors, the basic title of the clock tower is seven ranks, and the crown is the highest rank. The characters in the clock tower are already legendary, and some apprentices have never seen them in their lives. Such a big man.
Even her teacher, the monarch of the Creation Division, Enolai, only has the title of color below the crown.
“So, congratulations, in the history of the clock tower, there are fewer than 5 people who have won the title at this age.” Enola said with a smile.
“Thank you very much for the teacher’s teaching.” Aozaki Chengzi quickly got up and bowed 90 degrees to Enola.
Enola smiled and helped Aozaki Orange, and the atmosphere of the conversation between the two suddenly became pleasant.
Aozaki Chengzi walked out of the office with a soft face, and the moment she walked out the door, her face turned blue. “In order to please my sister, did I even give me a title!”
She is not stupid. Since the Magician Association has even sent out the three primary colors that need to be reviewed heavily in order to please the magicians, why would they care about a title?
With heavy anger, Aozaki Chengzi stepped out of the teaching building.
“Dolls?” A surprised voice came to Aozaki Orange’s ears.
The furious Aozaki Chengzi cast a cold glance at Yuu before striding out of the academy.
“Your Excellency, what do you mean by puppet?” Kailar asked Yuu in a puzzled tone.
“The girl who passed by before looked like a human in the morning, but now she’s a puppet? It’s a terrifying skill, this method of complete copying is enough to catch up with my fourth method, right? Wait, someone with this puppet technology In my memory, it seems to be Aozaki oranges, right?”
Yu looked at Aozaki Orange’s back and said suspiciously.
“Is it comparable to the puppet technology of the fourth method?” Kelar’s eyes flashed with a trace of light, and he repeated in a low voice.
At night, Aozaki Orange was in her residence outside London.
After smashing some furniture and venting her anger, Aozaki Orange squatted on the ground expressionlessly.
At this moment, a wave of volatility spread from her pocket.
Aozaki orange frowned slightly, took out the magic communication device in his pocket, and said with a look of surprise. “teacher?”
Aozaki orange gently squeezedTap the communicator and start the answering spell.
[Chengzi, now, immediately, immediately, let me escape from England! ! ! 】

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