: The Redness of Pain is Forbidden
Some of the old street lamps exude an orange glow that provides a faint glow to the alley, through which the faint light shines.
Aozaki Orange took off his black-rimmed glasses and looked at the three people in hoods and cloaks in the alley ahead with a cold expression.
Without turning her head, Aozaki Orange also knew that the entrance at the rear was also surrounded by magicians, because a barrier with the effect of ‘repelling ordinary people’ had already been applied to this alley.
“It’s really a big deal. Only thirty designated seal executors sent three people to deal with me, a puppet emissary who is not good at fighting?” Aozaki Chengzi raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said in a cold tone.
“Correction, it’s the two of you, I’m not the executor.” The man at the front of the three pulled down his cloak, revealing the face below him, and said in a flat tone.
“Are you that magician in the evening?” Aozaki Chengzi frowned slightly, her face slightly gloomy.
“The winner of the ‘orange’, or the red Aozaki orange of pain. Let me introduce myself, I’m Kelar Barthemelo Verwinni.” Kelar gave Aozaki orange with a gentle expression. He gave a gentleman’s salute and said in a calm tone.
“The red of pain? Indeed, it is close to the ‘red’ of the three primary colors, but it is not a red orange. It is indeed a red with regrets and pain.” Cangzaki orange looked at Kailar with a smile. The originally indifferent gaze became extremely fierce.
Although she wanted to slaughter Kaylar in front of her, Orange Cangzaki was sober. She was not a magician of the main battle system, so she was probably not enough to deal with one executor, not to mention that there were three people. Now she can only fight with each other and try to escape. Chance.
“Then, can Miss Orange Cangzaki consider marrying into my Verwinni family? As the price, we will do our best to help you lift the seal.” Kailar straightened up, his eyes were cold, and his tone was flat. He opened his mouth with Aozaki Orange.
“Marrying Verwinni, a branch of Barthemelo’s subordinate, can lift the seal designation? It’s an irresistible condition.” Aozaki Orange’s tense face eased, but his orange eyes became more and more Fierce.
Aozaki Orange did not doubt whether the other party had the ability to contact her seal designation. Although the agency that issued the seal designation, the Secret Ritual Discipline Bureau, was an independent agency, it was ultimately subordinate to the Law and Politics Division.
As the monarchical family of the Law and Politics Division, the Bathermello family naturally has great power in this institution. Although Verwinni is only a branch of Bathermello, it is enough to lift a person’s seal designation.
Of course, the premise is that Canozaki oranges marry into the Verwinnis and become a family tool for fertility, yes, it is for the family. After all, Kelar made it very clear that she married into the Verwinnis.
“Then, does Miss Aozaki agree to this condition?” Kailar said gently. As soon as he heard from Yuu that Aozaki Orange’s doll skills had reached the level of magic, as a magician, his mind became active.
After consulting the old owner of Verwinni and getting the pardon, Kelar directly took the members of the Legal Affairs Division to find an excuse to ignore Enola’s protest and copied the magic workshop of Aozaki Orange in the Clock Tower, and got the research material.
After all, the aristocratic Barthemelo and the democratic Baru Yereta are hostile, and the puppet technology comparable to magic cannot be obtained through trading.
And the benefits brought by a magic-level technology are enough to make Verwinni offend Balu Yereta, even their master, Bathemello, will agree with this, no magician will dislike magic, there is a chance Get who will give up.
However, who would have known that this goddamn technology was actually a seal designation that could only be used by one person, and as a result, he took the risk of offending Balu Ereta but never got it.
In order to make up for this huge loss, Verwinni’s old family owner gave him a death order to get Aozaki Orange.
“Setup… start!” Aozaki Chengzi said silently, hinting to her heart, and the acute pain she had long been used to reverberated into her mind as the magic circuit opened.
The next moment, the blue light gathered in Aozaki Orange’s hand, and the twisted R character suddenly appeared in the blue light. It was the character named Ruidorun, which represented the meaning of travel and movement.
“Is it rune magic? Yes, after all, you are the magician who rebuilt this largely lost Nordic magic, but byWith Ruiduo Luen’s movement ability, it is impossible to directly transfer out of the range of the enchantment. ”
Seeing the flashing rune, Kailar stared, and then said calmly.
Since the opponent is Aozaki Orange, then he doesn’t know much about the magic that Aozaki Orange has refined.
Rune magic and puppet skills are the magic that Cangzaki Orange is best at. However, now that the magic workshop has been raided by him, and the accumulated dolls and props have been confiscated, the only thing the other party can show is rune magic.
Just before Kailar spoke, the two executors designated by the seal beside him suddenly made a move.
“The enchantment is strengthened!” One of them slapped his hands violently, and the invisible enchantment covering the alley suddenly appeared, exuding light blue brilliance.
The other squatted down suddenly, pressed his hands on the ground, and blended into the ground without a sound. The stone ground under Cang Qi Chengzi’s body suddenly softened, and two ten-meter-high stone hands grabbed towards Cang Qi Cheng Zi.
One person interfered with the movement effect of Ruiduo Luen to prevent Aoqi Orange from escaping the barrier, and the other directly captured it with high-level magic transformed from a material form.
The figure of Canozaki Orange suddenly disappeared, and appeared in front of Kailar in the next moment. The Kennaz Rune character symbolizing fire appeared in her palm, and the blue flames of thousands of degrees Celsius sprayed on Kailar’s body forward.
“Useless!” Kailar’s face was flat, his eyes were full of disdain for Aoqi Orange’s strategy of catching the thief first, but he quickly clamped the fingers of both hands, and the magic ring worn on the middle finger of both hands instantly played effect.
The pitch-black lines overflowed from the ring, covering Kailar’s whole body in the blink of an eye, as if wearing a pitch-black tights.
The azure blue flames engulfed Kailar’s body, and at the same time, the big stone hands enveloped the figure of Aoqi Orange, and they joined together suddenly, turning into an extremely strong cage to seal Aoqi Orange, and the dense sealing techniques suddenly Covered the surface of the cage.
“Target capture.” The executor squatting on the ground said with a cold expression.
“En? Mr. Kailar is dead?” The executor in charge of the barrier frowned. He felt the disappearance of Kailar’s life breath through the barrier, and now he discovered the fact that Kailar died in battle.
“…Blindly believing in the fate of my props, the other party has reproduced the newly promoted title of Rune in the age of gods. Report his death in battle.” The executor said indifferently.
“Huh? Cangsaki Orange’s breath of life dissipated!!” Sensing the message from the barrier, the face of the executor changed drastically.
Now even the executor in charge of the capture can’t keep his indifferent expression. It’s fine if Kailar is dead, as long as Canozaki Chengzi is caught.
After all, their task is to capture the seal designation. As long as the task is completed, Barthumello will be very tolerant to him.
But right now, Aozaki Orange was not caught, and Kailar of the Velvini family died again, thinking of facing the blame of the Velvini family. The two executors looked at each other, seeing each other’s pale face with both hands.
It’s a secret stronghold on the outskirts of London. This is the basement below a tobacco shop. In a room deep in the basement, in a container soaked in nutrient solution, Aozaki Chengzi suddenly opened his eyes.
“The Red of Pain? You gave me such a title. I won’t pay back. Do you really think I’m a soft persimmon? It’s decided. Anyone who dares to mention this will be killed in the future.”
With a cold voice, air bubbles gushed out of Cang Qi Chengzi’s mouth, floating in the nutrient solution.
“Red of Pain? So you just got this nickname?” A surprised male voice suddenly rang in Aoqi Chengzi’s ears.
Cang Qi Chengzi looked confused.

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