Want to accompany you to chat?
On the balcony of the Jiuyuanji residence, Aozaki Aoko was lying on the stone balcony railing, looking up, holding a pair of binoculars in both hands, looking up at the large western-style mansion on the opposite hillside.
“Ah!!! The youngest left long ago, why aren’t the other three little girls going out!!!” Aozi Cangzaki said with an unhappy expression, holding a piece of grass in his mouth.
Aozaki Aoko’s purpose is to get rid of a few magic bullets from Yugi, who witnessed her using magic, and then finish her work and continue her ordinary daily life.
However, there are five people in the mansion on the mountain. Before going to school, Jiuyuanji Youzhu suggested that she rush to the mansion directly and use her violent behavior to smash everyone and solve this problem once and for all.
But it was rejected by Aozaki Aoko.
She’s not a perverted murderer. Because of the magician’s principle, she is uncomfortable enough to drive a duck on the shelf to kill an innocent person. Let her rush into the mansion and smash all the big and four small, she thinks she will go crazy of.
In the final analysis, although Aozaki Aoko stepped into the world of magic, but unlike those magicians who have destroyed humanity, she still has the values ​​of normal people in her heart.
According to Kuonji Yuzhu’s statement – falling into the darkness but maintaining the innocent heart, Aozaki Aoko is such a scholar who is not conscious of her natural personality.
“Ehhh, I’m going out!” Aozaki Aoko quickly straightened up and clenched the telescope in his hand.
In her field of vision, Yuu and Tono Akiha and the others walked out of the door and waved goodbye to their daughters who were heading to school.
“Finally fuck off.” The corner of Aozaki’s mouth rose slightly, he put down the telescope, rushed into the room, picked up the down jacket on the hanger, and ran down the stairs quickly.
“Lucky!! I’ll deal with the wealthy businessman in the mansion later, and then we’ll be done with destroying the corpse.” Aoko Aozaki, who was wearing a white down jacket, exhaled heavily, walked through the dirt path in front of the Kuonji mansion, and trotted. came to the slope leading to the top of the mountain.
“Ah?!!” Before stepping on the solid concrete road, Aoko Aozaki saw the figure of Yuu walking in front of her, and the smile on her face, like a hunter who saw his prey, disappeared without a trace.
“Let’s lie, why did the man from the western mansion on the top of the mountain come to the foot of the mountain so quickly?” Aoko Aozaki exhaled heavily, relieving the tiredness of running before, and looked at Yuu’s back in shock as he walked away. .
When Aozaki Aoko was stunned, Yoo walked slowly into the city, and she raised her eyebrows and said with a displeased expression. “It’s actually going out!”
After hesitating for a moment, she carefully followed Yuu’s pace, but, as she had never learned tracking skills, her poor tracking skills could not be concealed from ordinary people, not to mention that tracking was super intuitive.
Yu raised his brows slightly, and sorted out the black jacket that was on his body. He didn’t turn his head, but through the surrounding atmosphere, he saw Aoko Aozaki hiding behind a telephone pole.
Yu’s expression suddenly became strange, she thought doubtfully. “Yesterday, Jiuyuan Temple was followed by beads, and today it was replaced by Aozaki Aoko? What’s the matter with these two guys?”
The first thing that came to your mind when contacting Yu, who was being followed, was the exposure of her identity, but in a blink of an eye, if Aoko Aozaki and Yuju Kuonji knew their identities, they would probably hide as if they had encountered a plague.
After all, in this world, Yuu’s three identities, whether they are magicians, gods or even true ancestors, represent absolute ‘violence’ to both of them. Except for shaking~M, no one will want to get close to one. Tyrannosaurus, enjoy the pleasure of life and death involuntarily.
“Let’s wait and see what happens.” The corners of You’s mouth rose slightly, looking at the girl’s poor tracking skills with interest, and made a decision in her heart.
With the absolute lack of strength, Aozaki Aoko and Kuonji Yuju couldn’t jump out of his palm no matter how much they jumped around. If that’s the case, why not see what interesting moves they will make.
With a wicked smile on Yu’s face, he strode towards the supermarket in front of him.
“Ah~~~ Damn it, stay homeYou can wait until you die, what are you doing out to buy food? ! Aoko Aozaki suppressed her unhappiness, stood in front of the supermarket shelf, pretending to be hesitating about what to buy, and kept looking at the cashier with the corner of her eyes.
“Songhui 300,000 yen, thank you for your patronage.” The supermarket staff at the cashier bowed slightly towards Yu with a bright smile.
She couldn’t help but be unhappy, but the gentleman in front of her directly purchased high-end ingredients equivalent to 24,000 Celestial Dynasty coins. And the counter staff relies on the sales commission to eat, and this commission is enough for her half a month’s salary. Can you be unhappy?
Hearing the huge amount of 300,000 yen, the people around showed shocked eyes.
With a calm expression, Yu took out his wallet, flipped through the banknotes, took out 30 of them and placed them on the counter, picked up a plastic bag full of ingredients, and strode out of the supermarket.
When many beautiful women saw the bulging purse, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they followed behind Yu.
Seeing Yu’s departure, Aozaki Aoko immediately followed Yu’s footsteps, stepped out of the supermarket, and stood at the door looking around looking for his figure.
“Ah!” Then Aoko Aozaki was stunned for a moment.
Yu looked at the beautiful woman with bright makeup on her body with a calm expression.
During the entanglement, the plump Hun Yuebu rubbed against Yu’s arm intentionally or unintentionally, and even held Yu’s hand, and blatantly pulled it towards his own thigh.
“Handsome guy, do you need to accompany you to chat?” A charming smile came into Yuu’s ears.
The Japanese citizens walking around were no longer surprised by such a scene, and there were even many women who showed envious eyes.
In the early 1990s, after the economic bubble burst in Japan, Japanese women who were accustomed to spending a lot of money were suddenly restricted from the economy, which naturally produced all kinds of strange appearances.
And the aid of communication is the outstanding representative of these strange signs.
What’s more, this country is still a country where prostitutes and prostitutes are legal, so such communication activities are even more unscrupulous.
“Sorry, I like pure schoolgirls.” Yu pulled back his hand calmly, without saying much, Yu’s meaning was very clear, and anyone could hear what he meant was that women were not clean.
“Tsk, what’s so good about the chick!” The woman cursed in a low voice, and let Yu pull her hand away, she still wanted to have a face. If she posted it once in public, it wouldn’t work, and if she posted it again, she would be cast aside.
However, Yu, who was far away, stared at the innocent girl wrapped in a white down jacket in front of her with a twitching mouth.
“Uncle, do you want to chat with me?” Aoko Aozaki showed a sweet smile, but in the blue eyes, the hunter looked at his prey as cold and ruthless.

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