The Magician’s Showdown
“It’s a pity that the effect is greatly reduced without the gluttonous banquet of the night.” Cangzaki Chengzi’s voice was full of coldness and ruthlessness.
Just like same-sex repulsion, the magic eye and the magic eye will conflict with each other, and in the face of the predicament of being blocked by the magic eye, the best way is to use the magic eye to unblock it.
Coincidentally, Aozaki orange is also a natural magic eye.
Click! Click! Click!
The magic power shackles that imprisoned Aozaki Orange suddenly made a strange sound, and in the next second, it disintegrated into balls of magic power and dissipated in the atmosphere.
The pupils of Kuonji Yuzhu, who noticed the strangeness of Cangzaki oranges, shrank, and immediately ran. While moving, she made the magic robin silently smash into the snowdrift, and the rustling sound of stepping on the snow was silent. The sound in the park continued.
When Aozaki Orange broke free from the shackles of the magic eye, Yuju Kuonji, who had already left her original position, ran to her side.
Aozaki Chengzi seemed to have no defense and let Kuonji Yuju run to her side, but in fact, this position was a common choice for both parties.
The magic eye is a secret technique that uses ‘seeing’ as the activation condition, and whatever you see is the scope of the magic eye.
And this convenient starting condition also represents a drawback.
That is, when the enemy is not looking at you, and part of the body is out of sight, the effect of the magic eye will be greatly reduced. Invalidate.
So when Kuonji Yuju started to run, Aozaki Orange did not turn her head to lock her direction and attacked.
The reason is very simple. When a person turns his head, his vision tends to be blurred for a short time, and this time is enough for Jiuyuanji Yuzhu to look at her and exert the effect of the magic eye.
This is something that both parties know, so Kuonji Yuju put most of his energy on not looking at Aozaki Orange, and at the same time waiting for the opportunity to activate magic eye magic, or even fairy tale magic.
‘And this is exactly what I want. ‘ Cangzaki Chengzi raised his hand, spread the brown-red hair that covered his left eye, and completely exposed the blue magic eye like a Wanhua mirror to the air.
Jiuyuanji Yuzhu frowned slightly, turned his eyes away, and focused his energy on guarding against the opponent’s magic while not facing Aozaki Orange.
She looked at the white snow on the ground, as if she saw the rune of the sun shining under the towering white snow.
An idea suddenly appeared in her mind, the fraudulent action appeared again, and the five night feasts appeared in the palms of her black gloves.
The next second, a picture suddenly appeared in the dark eyes. It was a scene where Aozaki Orange looked at her sideways and imprisoned her with magic eyes.
‘Ling Vision? Why is this scene? ‘ Doubt flashed by Youzhu at Jiuyuan Temple, and at the same time made her body pause for a moment, that is, because of this momentary freeze, she missed the opportunity to escape.
The azure Wanhua mirror turned rapidly in Cangqi Chengzi’s left eye, and then at the bottom of the eyeball, a surface of Wanhua mirrors appeared on the surface of the eye, overlapping with the original Wanhua mirror.
Aozaki Orange looked at Yuju at Kuonji. Due to the opponent’s quick movement, she avoided seeing Yuju’s back, but…
“Enough!” Aozaki Chengzi’s eyes widened, the magic power in the body surged out, and the crazy output magic power completely ignored the fragility of the eyeball, filling the violent power in the eyes, and then, the magic power was released with the eyesight. Out, the beads will be enveloped in an instant.
Jiuyuanji Youzhu was stunned for a moment, her black pearl-like eyes condensed into a small dot, and there was a lingering look of astonishment on Gujing Wubo’s face.
“…Can’t… move?!” Kuonji Yuju maintained a running motion with one foot off the ground, frowned, and said with great difficulty.
She only felt as if she was wrapped in tight cement, leaving nowhere to move. The familiar aura made her immediately aware that this was the effect of the magic eye.
Turning the only movable eyeball, since the action had been blocked, Kuonji Yuju looked at Aozaki Orange’s eyes without any hesitation, and activated the magic eye in revenge.
magic eyeShe can’t lose a match.
Even if she lost the assistant of the Night’s Tasty Banquet, as a witch, her level of magic power and magic eye is higher than Aozaki Orange.
“Uh–!” A painful humming sound came from the cherry lips of Youzhu in Jiuyuan Temple. The eyeballs seemed to be inserted by chopsticks. There was severe pain, and the body immediately became weak and completely lost physical strength. The consequences of a disastrous defeat in the Demon Eye duel.
“Sure enough, I was fooled.” Aozaki Chengzi said with a light smile with the corners of his mouth raised.
Jiuyuanji Yuzhu raised her head with difficulty, her vision was already blurred in the previous confrontation, and she only saw a patch of blood red, but relying on the induction of the magic eye technique, she saw Cangqi Chengzi’s overlapping left eye of Wanhua mirror .
“…A lunatic!” The curse was mixed with painful screams, Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu frowned, and the originally fair face was pale at the moment.
She understood that she underestimated the madness of Aozaki Orange.
There is a distinction between natural and acquired magic eyes. Oranges and Youzhu are natural magic eyes. However, Cangzaki oranges actually created magic eyes artificially in his own natural magic eyes, and there are definitely more than one.
To create a magic eye that excludes the same kind of magic eye, and there are more than one, which will burst eyeballs at any time, causing confusion in the magic power system. Cangzaki Chengzi has done it many times. This kind of behavior is not crazy or what?
“Oh, don’t be so surprised, I’m just learning from your mother, the big witch who transformed your eyes before you were born, but I can’t do the same as she did to seal high mystery into your eyes, I It can only do unlimited mass production.”
The corners of Cangqi Chengzi’s mouth were lightly raised, and her face was full of smugness. The mother of Jiuyuanji Youzhu, the great witch was a close friend who was both a teacher and a friend in her heart. She was naturally very proud to be able to win over that woman’s skills. thing.
“Then, General.” Aozaki Chengzi chuckled, stretched out his hand, and his fingertips drew a strange symbol in the atmosphere, which was the rune called ‘Wind’.
The next second, the atmosphere suddenly compressed, and the invisible air blade crossed a distance of ten meters in an instant, severing Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu on the spot.
Scree~ Scree~ Scree~ Scree~
The cry of the birds suddenly sounded.
At the same time, a cold voice sounded slowly.
“It’s time to end.”

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