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The ancient book in the egg body—the energy accumulation style, crosses the gaseous state, crosses the liquid state, and completes the solid state. Slowly turning a new chapter.
A brand new page appeared in YuIn front of the eyes, the energy accumulation style – the holy chapter!
Endless information poured into Yu’s mind, and blue veins suddenly burst out on You’s forehead, and the huge amount of information kept pouring in, compressing the nerves in Yu’s brain, causing obvious discomfort in the body that was enough to hang all mankind.
After the information poured in, Yu suddenly understood how to become a saint.
The premise of becoming a saint is control, absolute control of energy. To put it bluntly, it is actually micro-manipulation, fine manipulation of power.
The most important manifestation of the saint is that he has an energy core that reacts autonomously in his body, which is the most suitable way of practice for Yuu, which is deduced by the eggs through the autonomous operation of the universe and planets.
And how did the inner planet come from? It is obtained by combining rules with solid-state energy.
And the absolute control of energy is the premise of fusing rules and solid energy, because rules can only be understood and utilized at the level of Yu, do you want to manipulate? That’s almost impossible.
So the only thing that can be manipulated is energy! Through the selfless dedication of many gods, godslayers, and the Saya Palace family, based on the incantation system of the godslayer world, the ultimate way of manipulating energy has been newly released, and this is the holy chapter.
The material for the entry into the Holy

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