Time passes quietly
At the end of February of 1995, in this winter time that had just left, white snowflakes floated again in Guanbuzi City.
In the two ritual bedrooms, Yu sat cross-legged on the tatami, facing the window, looking out at the dense bamboo forest covered with snow, drinking warm green tea.
It has been nearly two years since Yu taught two rituals and Asaka Fujino at the same time. Although Yu’s teaching level is so-so, but the talent of the two female disciples is not high enough.
In the past two years, most of the knowledge Yu knew that was suitable for teaching the two had been emptied. In a short while, he had completely lost the beautiful daily life of blatantly wiping oil on the grounds of teaching.
Just when Yu felt that the good days were gone forever, a humming sound came from the bamboo forest outside the window.
With the buzzing sound, a large piece of the bamboo forest in front of him suddenly disappeared, as if it was bitten by an invisible giant beast.
“Crack! Crack!”
With a whimper, the bamboo fell on the snow, splashing piles of white snowflakes.
The rustling of the snow being trampled on gently sounded.
Wrapped in a white scarf and covered in thick black cotton-padded clothes, Asakami Fujino, who looked somewhat rounded, walked slowly into the cleared space.
The hollow eyeballs in the eyes, and the crimson and dark green spirals surrounding the hollow, showed the body that devoured the bamboo forest before.
“Sister Shi, are you still hiding?” Fujino Asakami said slightly sarcastically, with his deep and gorgeous twisted magic eyes, constantly scanning the surroundings, trying to lock on to the high-speed moving target.
Inside the remnant bamboo forest, several red phantoms flickered like electric lights.
“If you always run fast and dodge, can’t you fight head-to-head? Can’t you just shoot me head-on?” Asaka Fujino pouted and muttered softly.
“One shot from the front? Was it twisted into a twist by the twisted magic eye?” Hearing Asakami Fujino’s broken thoughts, Yu secretly complained as a bystander.
The current two ceremonies don’t have the bug ability of straight-to-death magic eye. They don’t rely on agility to move at high speed in the bamboo forest to confuse Fujino’s sight.
Having said that, this battle is the 12th time this year, and it’s basically the same every time.
One relied on agility to dodge, and the other glared desperately with those small, life-threatening eyes. Originally, he couldn’t help the other party. Why did he fight so diligently?
As for meddling? He hadn’t even thought about it, if he intervenes in a fight between women, helping anyone would be ‘death’, well, he would be killed by words.
Asakami Fujino sighed softly, and the white mist rushed out of his mouth. He raised his hands in the cotton sleeves, folded them gently, and rubbed them up and down, feeling the warmth generated by the friction.
“I surrendered. It’s already three o’clock. In half an hour, I have to go to a cram school with Yamada-san.”
Asakami Fujino blinked, the deep and gorgeous eyes turned back to the original wine red, the girl said weakly.
In this country, cram schools are basically a must for every student who wants to get good grades. After all, the teachers in the school only teach the general content step by step.
If you want to get excellent grades, you can only go to a cram school for further study, especially when Asakami Fujino is in the critical period of junior high school, she needs more tuition.
Although she has stepped into an abnormality, Fujino Asakami still remembers her mother’s wish for her to become an ordinary girl.
Therefore, as long as the conditions allow, she will not give up her studies and completely separate the boundaries from daily life.
Several red lightning bolts suddenly stagnated in the bamboo forest, and then came to Asakami Fujino in a few maneuvers.
The figure gradually solidified, wearing a pale pink kimono and a red leather jacket, appearing in front of Fujino Asakami completely ignoring the two ceremonies in the cold winter.
“Tsk, haven’t we found a loophole again?!” The two rituals pouted, feeling a little annoyed that they couldn’t find a loophole for one-hit kill again this time around.
After being annoyed for a moment, the two rituals focused their eyes on Asaka Fujino and said in a cold tone. “Which school are you going to go to?”
Asakami Fujino, who was accustomed to the two rituals, replied softly. “It should still be Reiyuan Girls’ Academy. Sister Akiba seems to be planning to hand over the student council president to me.”
Hearing the name of Sister Qiuye, the two rituals turned their faces and sat calmly in her bedroom, ready to watch their ripping drama, Yu, raised her brows slightly.
If it hadn’t been from Asakami Fujino’s mouth, or even seen those girls with his own eyes, the two rituals would not have known that Yuu even had several children, and also developed that kind of shameless relationship with his adopted daughter.
Thanks to him, the two ceremonies have been at war with Yu for nearly a year, and the usual contact with Yu is carried out by Ryoichi, who doesn’t care about this.
Although Liang Yizhi expresses contempt for this, they are all one body, is there any difference between her contact and shi-contact? To put it bluntly, it’s just that there are too many women who can’t accept a little favor.
He glanced coldly at Yuu, and the two rituals turned to face Fujino Asakami.
“The student council president? He took over that position.If you are in the position, I am afraid you will have to waste most of your practice time on school affairs. ”
“…Don’t let up, or it will be bad if I kill you in the battle that day?”
“If you can, don’t say such dangerous words even if you are worried that my strength will decline.”
Asakami Fujino’s face stiffened. Although she was used to the awkward gentleness of the two rituals, she was still a little scared when she heard this kind of murder declaration.
After all, in every duel practice, the two rituals are aimed at death. Thanks to their blessing, if you didn’t stay by your side to save your life, Asaka Fujino really didn’t dare to fight against the two rituals.
After all, Asakami Fujino is just an elementary school girl who is about to enter junior high school, and she is still a little nervous when facing the two rituals that put murder on her lips at every turn.
After sending Fujino Asakami away, the two rituals turned around and walked straight in the direction of Yu. When they were only one meter away from the bedroom window, the toes wrapped in the foot bag lightly tapped, and the two rituals got into the bedroom from the window. .
Looking at the two ceremonies jumping to his side, Yu waved his hand towards Asakami Fujino in the distance, and took a sip of tea. “By the way, sleeping again? It’s only after three o’clock?”
“Those who like to see me sleeping are not qualified to speak!” The two rituals cast a long glance, took off the kimono as usual, and burrowed into the quilt wearing a white lining.
Although it’s a little sad, the two ceremonies that you have been staring at for two years now may not even change your face even if you take a shower live in front of you.
Of course, while taking a bath, it is certain to draw a knife and stab someone.
Ten minutes later.
“…It’s been two years of observation.” You narrowed his eyes slightly, four inexplicable rays of light flashed in his golden pupils, slowly spinning, intertwined, trying to merge together.
‘No way, I guess we’ll have to observe it for a few more years. Of course, if you’re willing to use your long stuff to go in and out of the two ceremonies, it can save a lot of time~’
Nayiko, who was lying on the ground in her mind and watching the shoujo manga, shivered and laughed, hehe.
“In terms of style, I guess it won’t work, right? But for weaving, it seems like you can give it a try…” You shook his brows and said with a strange expression.
At this moment, the two rituals who had already fallen asleep suddenly got up and silently put on the kimono on the ground.

440 Chat with me
“Why did you get up again?” Yu, who had her back to the two rituals, raised her eyebrows in surprise.
Even though the girl stood up silently, in fact, the room was always within his perception range, so the movements of the two rituals were naturally noticed by Yu at the first time.
According to the habit of the past. The two rituals have to sleep for three hours, wake up at six o’clock to have dinner, and then watch TV for a while, while in a daze.
At eight o’clock in the evening, the girl will continue to fall asleep, and then get up at one or two in the morning to wander around.
In addition to not reading comics and other ACGN behaviors, during the holidays when there is no need for school, the frequency of the two ceremonies is almost exactly the same as that of otaku.
Of course, it would be the opposite if it were replaced by Ryoichi-ori’s lively personality.
Therefore, Yu Cai expressed surprise that the two rituals now violated the law of activities.
“Good afternoon, You.” The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the two rituals smiled gently towards You.
You Duo was stunned by the gentle smile full of maternal breath, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in an uncertain tone. “Root style?!!”
It is impossible for the two rituals to show such a beautiful smile that is full of gentleness and maternity, and even if Liang Yizhi smiles, it is a kind of hearty smile that is a little silly.
Therefore, the only person who can show this kind of smile is the hidden third personality, the root form of the personality of the flesh.
“It’s me, but, speaking of which, why did you call me Genji?” As if out of curiosity, Gengen said with a smile after being stunned for a moment.
Yu’s face stiffened for a moment, she couldn’t say that she had heard of your nickname in her previous life, so she subconsciously called it that.
“…Aren’t you always connected to the root cause? That’s why I called you that subconsciously.”
‘It’s reasonable and well-founded, and I believe this conclusion myself. ‘ Yu took a sip of the hot tea and thought awkwardly.
“Although it’s a lie, I can barely believe that you’re good.” Gengyuan, who was dressed in a kimono, tidied up his clothes and smiled.
“Well, I almost forgot that you are all-knowing and all-powerful.” The lie was directly exposed, which made Yu slightly startled, and then he patted his forehead and said helplessly.
“No, after adding the variable Yu, I can no longer be fully omniscient and omnipotent.”
The delicate feet wrapped in white foot bags lightly stepped on the moderately soft tatami, walking gracefully in the root style, walking to Yu’s side with a bright smile full of temptation.
Obviously, the root type seems to be very happy about losing the power of omniscience and omnipotence.
“How happy are you smiling when you lose your strength? Well, how much can you guess your mentality.” You pouted, poured the last green tea, and then squeezed the brown teacup into pieces.
Omniscient and Almighty is such a high-level ability that it sounds handsome, but it is actually a very troublesome ability.
The thought of wanting to eat comes up, what to eat next second, what it tastes, and how to eat all the incidents are now in my mind, where will I think about eating again, I’m already ‘full’.
It’s okay to have it for a short time, but it will only make people feel unparalleled tiredness after a long time.
This is probably the main reason why the root type is unwilling to contact the outside world and sleeps all the year round. The outside world is not fun at all, so it is stillContact for what?
“So, what’s the matter when you come out this time?” You raised her eyebrows and said softly at the source of the snow standing beside her with some surprise.
“The last time we met was two years ago. I woke up this time to see how the world that you have influenced for two years has changed.”
Genyuan squatted down, turned slightly sideways, rested his head on Yu’s shoulder, pursed his lips, and smiled somewhat implicitly.
The sudden kissing action made Yu’s body froze slightly. He looked at the little head on his shoulder with a little surprise, and Yu pretended to be calm.
“Then are you planning to go out and hang out for a while?”
“No, I’ve seen all the changes.” A slightly regretful voice sounded softly in Yu’s ear.
“…You really worked hard enough.” You froze, and said with some pity.
The new things that have been saved for two years are gone after only a few seconds of reading. This is like reading the latest

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