: The Heretic God Is Powering
“Want to try it, Loli’s delicate body?” The silver-haired evil spirit raised the corners of his mouth, with a strange smile on his face.
“Of course I do.” Hearing this, the corners of You’s mouth twitched slightly, and a wicked smile appeared on his face. He would not hide the wicked thoughts in his heart.
Besides, is it useful to cover up in front of an evil god like Nayiko? Rather than admit it directly.
“Hehehe!!” Naiyako laughed a few times, with an unusually evil smile.
As far as the evil god is concerned, harming the innocent big loli is all it takes to make her feel interesting. As for the consequences and influences.
If you care about this, the old rulers will not be called evil gods anymore.
In the final analysis, it is because the thinking cannot be understood and always harms innocent people, that the Cthulhu god system is so notorious.
“Huh?!” Kuro Tung Hua, who was using an ice pack to reduce Nayko’s head swelling, suddenly shuddered and looked around.
At this moment, Hei Tong Hua who turned her head happened to see Yu’s bad expression, the girl frowned her delicate eyebrows and said with a look of disgust.
“You seem to be thinking about something bad, with a look of love on your face.”
“You girl, she looks very similar to my daughter, but her personality is really not cute. It’s far worse than my daughter.”
The smile on his face suddenly froze, the corner of You’s mouth twitched, looking at the black tung flowers speechlessly, and said in a disdainful tone.
Hearing this, Hei Tong Hua gave You a vicious look, put down the ice pack in his hand, and slammed his tender hands on his hips.
“Is the guy who said that I’m not cute, just using the excuse of ‘you and my daughter look alike’ while sexually harassing the guy is qualified to say this?”
“In the end, does a guy like you have a daughter? Could it be imaginary? It’s disgusting to flirt with the fantasy object in your mind…”
Speaking of the end, Hei Tong Hua pulled Naiyako up and slowly stepped back towards the door, looking at Yuu with a wary expression.
Heitong Flowers was very suspicious. Could the man in front of him really be the kind of person who bought a doll and imagined that it was his daughter, and then hey hey hey, remember it was called Dead Fat House?
No, it’s obviously quite handsome from the outside. Black Tong Hua, who forced Naiako to the door, looked at Yuu suspiciously.
Sensing the suspicion of Hei Tong flowers, Yu put his hand into the pocket of his cotton pants, pretended to take out a photo from the pocket, and shook it a few times in front of the girl.
“Fantasy or something, it’s too rude, do you want to see the photo?” You narrowed the eyes of the dead fish and saidSaid calmly.
Although it was made temporarily with a spell, the content of the photo really couldn’t be more real. It’s more than enough to fool a black paulownia flower.
“Ah!” Hei Tong bright red blinked, and the girl with good eyesight could clearly see the family of four printed on the photo even if she didn’t observe closely.
The girl in the photo… really looks like me~~
Embarrassment flashed across Hei Tong Huahua’s face, and the girl who noticed that she seemed to have maliciously slandered others before hurriedly bowed.
“I’m extremely sorry, I misunderstood!!!”
In terms of politeness, Hei Tong Huahua is impeccable. The reason why she slandered Yuu was because she hated him inexplicably.
It seems that when she saw Naiyazi throwing off her hand and throwing herself into his arms, she hated him?
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Yoo waved his hand, he wouldn’t bother with a thirteen-year-old child, and when the girl’s appearance was very close to Rin, he wouldn’t even care about it.
After all, father’s love is like a mountain~~ (Crush her to death like a mountain.)
Hearing Yu’s words, Heitong Xianhong immediately breathed a sigh of relief, slowly straightened her back, and stared at the photo in Yu’s hand with a little curiosity. “Well, can you show me the photo?”
“Huh? Here!” You raised his eyebrows. This kind of small request was all right for him. With a flick of his finger, the photo between his fingers flew to the front of Heitong Huahua with a whoosh.
“Hey, how can such important family photos be thrown away.” Hei Tonghua hurriedly caught the photos, and said to Yu with a displeased face.
Yoyo stared at the ‘nosy’ Heitong Huahua speechlessly. Of course he would not say that the photo was forged, so he prevaricated in a vague tone. “That’s just a copy.”
“Who are you kidding, the replica will be carried with you?” Hei Tong Huahua, who took the photo, ignored Yu’s embarrassed face and murmured.
Holding the front of the photo in front of him, Heitong Hua carefully looked at the characters in the photo, pasted it on Naiyako, pointed to Rin on it and said in surprise.
“Wow, Sister Naiyazi, it really looks like it. If I hadn’t made sure that I hadn’t taken this photo, I would have thought it was me.”
“Oh, indeed, speaking of it, Scarlet and Xiaolin are indeed very similar.” Naiyako said in feigned surprise.
As early as when she saw Hei Tonghuahua, she had noticed that the other person’s appearance was very close to Rin’s. Otherwise, she would not have maliciously tampered with the breath of blood to see Yu’s jokes.
“By the way, are you sure that Scarlet is not your illegitimate daughter?” Naiyako turned her eyes away from the photo and looked at Yudao with interest.
“Eh?!!” Heitong Huahua’s face froze suddenly, and she looked at Naiyazi who spoke surprisingly.
“Of course I’m sure.” You shrugged, and as soon as the words came out, his brows frowned slightly.
He found that Heitong Huahua’s sense of hearing seemed to have been manipulated by the evil god, and his voice didn’t seem to reach the other party’s ears.
Heitong Huahua’s expression gradually became unnatural. From her perspective, Yu’s behavior of opening his mouth frequently but not saying a word (the voice was muted) was really suspicious.
No way–? !!!Mom so bold? ! ! ! Hei Tong Hua looked at Yu with horror on his face.
“Yeah, as a younger sister, I need to confirm whether the messy brother really left an illegitimate daughter outside.”
Naiyazi crossed his hands in front of Xiongyue, nodded repeatedly with a serious expression, and said seriously.
“Since when did you become my younger sister?” You raised her eyebrows and looked at Naiyako in astonishment.
Heitong Huahua, who couldn’t hear Yu’s voice, looked at Yu with dull eyes. The astonished expression, in her preconceived eyes, completely became a sign of guilt.
“Let’s go, Scarlet, let’s go for a DNA test!!” Naiyazi took out a bunch of silver hair from nowhere, grabbed Heitong Huahua and ran out the door.
Before leaving, the evil god turned his head and gave Yu a wicked smile.
The door slammed shut.

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