What ducks and hens do you want!
“Who!!!” At the moment when the pair of lotus arms wrapped around his waist, Yu’s eyes narrowed and he let out a low drink.
After a low shout, Yu suddenly remembered that the only people who could touch him silently seemed to be the only people who subconsciously thought they were close friends?
Even though his perception was outstanding, Yuu didn’t deliberately use close friends as people who needed to be vigilant, even though he might be used by the enemy knowing this.
But if even relatives and family members need to be vigilant, that kind of life is really sad, at least Yuu thinks this kind of person is very hard.
Therefore, Yu didn’t deliberately take precautions against candidates who were close friends.
When he was in a daze, there was a gentle touch from the back, and it was only when the cheeks were pressed against the back.
“Why didn’t you echo?” Lowering the picture, looking at the lotus arms around his waist, Yu said with some doubts.
The person behind him didn’t respond, but the lotus arm, which was hugging Yu’s waist, wrote two words on Yu’s lower abdomen with his index finger.
‘you guess. ’
When the other party wrote these two words, Yu showed a look of tears and laughter.
Facing the flirting behavior of the two, Liang Yizhi, who was standing on top of Yu’s head, kept hitting Yu’s head with that spherical body, venting her dissatisfaction.
“How dare you grab food, when the old lady doesn’t exist!!!”
“And you bastard, push this woman away for me, or I’ll hack you to death!!!”
It’s a pity that Liangyizhi is now in the state of the soul body, and not many people can hear her voice except for the abnormal person who has the ability to “go to hell”.
Feeling the collision of Liang Yizhi, Yu said helplessly. “It’s Mist Painting!”.
“Why don’t you guess it’s a flower or a Fujino?” Wutiao Mistue, who was holding your waist, smiled implicitly.
“Flower’s hands are not as white as yours~” With her rough hands scrubbing the slightly pale lotus arms painted by Wu Tiaowu, You said with a light smile.
“Flowers? Mist painting? Uncle, I think I need an explanation.” Bumping Yu’s head, Liang Yizhi gritted his teeth.
“Ori, Kirie and Flowers are the ones I met while you were in hospital.” Yu explained to the girl who was jealous of flying over her head with a wry smile.
“How long have I been hospitalized?” Liang Yizhi, who had just woken up and didn’t know the exact time, said in a suspicious tone.
“One month and two days.” Yu replied without hesitation.
“It’s only been a month since you found me two!!!” AngrilyThe fiery Liangyizhi crazily bumped against Yu’s head.
Wu Tiao Wue, who only heard You’s voice, was startled suddenly, and mistakenly thought that Liang Ri was awake, and hurriedly poked her head out to look directly at Liang Ri on the hospital bed. (PS: The Japanese word ‘weaving’ and ‘style’ are the same pronunciation.)
Seeing the two ceremonies in a deep sleep state, Wu Tiao Wuhui’s tense face immediately eased, and the girl heaved a sigh of relief.
What she is going to do now is too far beyond the moral bottom line in her heart. If it wasn’t for Naiyazi’s instigation, she might not even dare to come over, and could only stay in the room and feel sorry for herself.
However, if the two ceremonies were still awake, she probably would have turned around and fled the room immediately.
“Hurry up and get her out!!!” Seeing Wu Tiao Wuhui’s movements, Liang Yizhi shouted at You angrily.
Hearing the commanding voice, Yu’s expression suddenly became weird. Why is Liangyizhi so angry today?
A woman with a gentle personality like Wu Tiao Wuhui should not be disliked by the cheerful Liang Yizhi.
Forget it, just tricked Liangyizhi to let the girl feel a pain comparable to the pain of childbirth in advance, so let’s follow her now.
Thinking of this, You grabbed Wu Tiao Wuhui’s wrist, and after breaking away from her embrace, she turned around and planned to take Wu Tiao Wuhui out of the ward.
Yu, who had just turned his head, stared dumbfounded at Wu Tiao Wue in front of him.
What catches the eye is the pale skin with a touch of vitality, the eye-catching two touches of red are clearly visible, and the quiet and gentle face is full of seductive shyness.
The girl kept raising her hands, trying to cover her own scenery, but her face showed hesitation, and she refused to cover it all, giving people a hazy beauty of holding a pipa and half covering her face.
You finally understood why Liang Yizhi drove people away in a rage. This was obviously a scene of dedicating himself in front of her, so it would be strange if she didn’t lose her temper.
Seeing You’s stunned look, Wu Tiao Wue hesitated for a moment, then raised her slender and slender arms to wrap around You’s neck.
“……hug me!”
A female voice with a vibrato gently rang in Yu’s ear.
With inexplicable emotions, the watery light blue eyes reflected Yuu’s face.
“Wuhui, calm down, go back to the next door first.” Yuu swallowed, and said in a deep voice
It’s not that he doesn’t do anything, the Liangyi weave is furious above his head, he just got the permission for two people to travel together, if he does, the cooked duck will definitely fly.
Of course, Yu didn’t mean not to eat the overripe apple, that’s why he said ‘go back to the next door’!
“…” Looking at Wu Tiao Wu Hua’s gradually despairing eyes, the corner of Yu’s mouth twitched. It seemed that the other party didn’t understand the potential meaning of his words at all.
“I understand, you.” Wu Tiao Wuhui let go of her lotus arms with empty eyes, turned around slowly, swayed her body, and walked towards the door in a daze.
Seeing this scene, Liang Yizhi stopped hitting Yuu, and Wu Tiao Wuhui’s unloved expression stimulated her, but how could she be willing to suffer the baptism of NTR face to face.
But thinking of Wu Tiao Wuhui’s empty eyes, Liang Yizhi became inexplicably irritable. Forget it, anyway, there are already a lot of them outside, out of sight, out of mind! !
Thinking of this, Liangyizhi cursed in a complicated tone. “Get out, get out, you all get out of here.”
Hearing this, a flash of astonishment flashed across You’s understanding eyes, and his eyes rolled slightly, You raised his hand pretending to be helpless, grabbed the light ball on his head, and placed it beside the two rituals.
“You’re a good boy even though you’re cheap, don’t you want to die!!!” Seeing Yu’s helpless expression, Liangyi Zhizhi said angrily.
The obedient You glanced at Wu Tiao Wu Hua, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Forget it, ducks can fly. If a hen commits suicide, she will have a lot of fun.
You Tan stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around Wu Tiao Wuhui’s waist, and directly pulled the absent-minded girl into his arms.
“Hey!!!” Wu Tiao Wuhui looked at the big hands that locked her waist in astonishment, and turned her face in astonishment.
The corners of You’s mouth raised slightly, and he said with a smirk. “Don’t you want me to hug you? Are you ready to be hugged and cried?”
“…Mmm.” Wu Tiao Wuhui blushed in embarrassment, replied shyly, and then slowly closed her eyes.

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