The world is so beautiful
Minato Keita was terrified
Obviously today should be a very ordinary day. I followed the boss to the old city to play the prestige of a bad group, find a sense of presence in the street vendors, grab some pocket money and go to Kabukicho to take drugs and have a good time.
As a result, at 6 o’clock in the evening, they temporarily received an arrest order from their senior dead disciples.
Last week, I was caught by some ‘seniors’ to feed my seniors, and after seeing those terrifying dead disciples, after being bitten by them, their unscrupulous group became as honest as dogs.
After receiving the order, they immediately followed the arrangement in the past and came to this dark alley where birds don’t shit, planning to kidnap passers-by who are weak.
Although the alleys in the old town of Guanbuzi are chaotic and slanted, this is after all a crowded Tokyo city. Every day, civilians pass by, so how can you catch 20 good people in one night.
As a result, as soon as I came here today, I saw a beautiful purple-haired beauty. The girl is still a student of that famous eldest lady academy.
Originally it should have been the same as before. After the boss was having a good time, he also had a HAPPY with his four companions.
but, but why, why is this bitch a monster! ! ! !
The exit of the alley.
Ryoji, who was wearing a cherry-colored kimono with sleeves, looked indifferently at the brown-haired boy with his legs twisted and crawling hard on the black-brown ground in front of him.
“Please, save me, there are monsters in the alley!!!”
“…call the police, hurry up and call the police, no, hurry up and call the Self-Defense Forces here!!!”
“No, the hospital, take me to the hospital quickly, stinky bitch, why are you not moving!!!”
The two ceremonies listened indifferently to the incoherent words of the brown-haired boy who exchanged tears and tears on the ground.
Seeing the other party’s scarlet dead disciple’s eyes, the two rituals narrowed their eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in their pitch-black eyes.
“Dead Apostle…?!!” The two rituals said in a positive tone.
“Yes, I’m a dead disciple, if you don’t want to die, save me now!!!!” Minato Kaita threateningly waving the sharp claws of both hands with a fierce face.
Under the old street lamp, Ling Linghan was shining, and the sharp claws like a machete were constantly waving.
Even in a desperate situation, a scum like Keita Xiang Minato, who is both physically and mentally rotten, has long forgotten how to communicate with people.
He subconsciously regarded the girl in front of him as a submissive street vendor on weekdays, threatening unscrupulously.
“I understand.” The two rituals said lightly.
Hearing this, Keita Minato, who felt that he threatened to succeed, showed an ecstatic expression.
A cold light suddenly appeared, like the cold moonlight illuminating the earth when the clouds and mist were pushed aside.
Minato Keita looked at his broken right forearm with a stunned expression.
The incision is as smooth as jade, and the bones, muscles and nerves of the content are clearly visible, as if it were originally like this.
In the next second, unparalleled pain entered his mind.
Logically, the pain couldn’t compare to the twisted legs under his body, but it wasn’t just his right hand that was cut off.
The soul is also cut off at the same time, and even if the right hand is restored with the regeneration ability of the dead, it is useless.
The power from the Demon Eye of Straight Death completely ‘killed’ Minato Keita’s right arm.
Minato Keita stared blankly at the broken right hand, raised his head tremblingly, and saw the indifferent and gorgeous eyes of the two rituals, the gaze from ‘death’, made him fall into an abyss.
“I ask, you answer.” The two rituals said to Minato Keita indifferently with their eyes of death.
The delinquent boy with a disintegrated complexion had a ferocious face, gritted his teeth tightly, and his instinct of fear of death made him ignore the severe pain on his body and watched the two rituals with trembling.
It seemed that she was very satisfied with Keita Minato’s honesty. The corners of her mouth were raised in the two rituals, and a cold smile appeared on her face.
“Is there an orange-haired man in your senior generation, in his 20s, who uses a short knife without permission? Well, he should be a murderer.”
The two rituals narrowed their eyes slightly, clenched the short knife in their hands, and used the tip of the knife to stab Minato Kaitai’s forehead, as if ready to stab it at any time.
Most of the Dead Apostles have a strong sense of territory. Normally, the Dead Apostles in a city are basically members of the same faction.
Therefore, the two rituals trying to seek revenge for Yusheng Ryunosuke will patiently watch Minato Keita play tricks.
Otherwise, given her irritability because of Liang Yizhi’s ‘disappearance’, she would have killed each other long ago.
“I know, I know, it’s Ryunosuke, Yusheng Ryunosuke, my senior!!!”
Feeling the torn skin on his forehead, Minato Kaitai’s pupils shrank, and hurriedly responded, for fear that the short knife in the opponent’s hand would pierce his head.
“Where is the person?” The two rituals opened their eyes slightly and said happily.
“Ogawa Apartment in Asakawa-cho, Nishicheng District, is a spiral building on the fourth road!!!”
“Very good.” The corners of the mouths of the two rituals were lightly raised, and they raised their short knives, preparing to kill the dead disciple in front of them.
Minato Kai’s eyes widened, his eyes were full of horror, he answered honestly, why did the other party kill him, he didn’t want to die! ! !
“Wait a moment, Shiki.”
The sudden voice made the two rituals stop the downward split.
Holding Asakami Fujino slowly, he walked out from the depths of the alley.
“I have a few questions that I want to ask.” Yu looked at Keita Minato with a gentle face, and raised his free left hand.
A milky white ball of light suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and floated into Minato Keita’s body.
As if turning back time, the twisted legs gradually returned to the original work, and the broken hands also regrew, but because of the power of the Demon Eye of Straight Death, it lost its vitality and drooped weakly.
10 minutes later.
“That’s all I know, I… I can go now.”
Looking at Keita Minato standing in front of him, Yuu played with the four bad souls in his hand, and after confirming that the other party had indeed disclosed all the information, he waved his hand.
“Okay, you can leave now.”
Minato Keita’s eyes widened, with an excited look on his face, he vaguely dismissed Asakami Fujino as the same as the two rituals, as if to remember the faces of the two.
The next second, Minato Keita turned around, first walking slowly, then trotting, and finally fleeing out of the alley like a mad dash.
On the street outside the alley, Keita Minato, who had just escaped from the alley, knelt on the ground and looked ecstatically in front of him.Pedestrians coming and going.
“Escaped, I escaped!!”
Minato Keita, who saw the sun again, never felt that the world was so beautiful and the air was so fresh.
Suddenly, dozens of furry claws pressed against Minato Keita’s body.
The ecstatic expression suddenly turned into boundless despair.
The next second, the sound of chewing and wolf howling resounded through the sky.
The people on the street seemed to be ignoring the tragedy in front of him. Even if Minato Keita hooked a pedestrian’s calf with a boneless arm that was bitten, he got that suspicious expression.
In desperation, the boy was eaten by ferocious wolves.

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