Bremet Suppresses Everything (Funny)
Altma’s spider legs, which were blazing blue flames, spanned hundreds of meters in an instant, pressing down mercilessly towards Aertelluqi.
The terrifying speed that was completely different from the clumsy and huge body made Eltluqi stunned for a moment, and it was at this moment that she missed the chance to escape.
Obviously, the Diablo Six Kings, who knew exactly where the weak underbelly was, directly ordered Oort to strangle the black princess who eclipsed the moon.
Seeing this scene, Yu’s complexion suddenly changed greatly, and he was about to rescue him immediately. At this moment, a Qi Qi suddenly locked his body.
Yu looked at the Dark Six Kings with a playful expression on his face. Just as he was about to fight his injuries and resist the opponent’s attack support, a roar that shook the world suddenly exploded.
“Ow, ooh—!!!!!!!”
The snow-white giant beast suddenly appeared in front of Eltluqi, waving its sharp claws in the cold light of Lingling to slap Oort’s spider legs away.
When two incomparably gigantic beasts fought, a terrifying shock wave broke out, and the crystallized ground was suddenly blasted into a huge pit thousands of meters wide.
The ferocious white beast and the metallic spider of the opposite sex launched a savage collision.
“Tsk, the half-UO of Earth?” The Dark Six King Quanqing’s face was blue, with a trace of anger in his eyes, staring at the crazy white beast.
With the interference of the concept, he suddenly blessed the white beast.
Even if it is not a dead apostle, the White Beast, who has been hailed as the first ancestor for thousands of years, cannot help but be labeled as a dead apostle, so his movements inevitably slow down.
Can be called the first ancestor of the primate killer, the power of the nun’s body is almost the same as that of the UO. If it is not for the poor group attack ability, it will not be repeatedly hindered.
In fact, judging from the evaluation that it takes seven crowned heroes to deal with the Beast of White, it can be seen that even if it is a semi-finished product, the Beast of White has a combat power comparable to that of UO.
However, after all, this is a different world transformed by Mercury, without the support of the earth, and was gradually suppressed by the white beast under the black hand of the six Diablo Kings in the terrifying impact.
The crimson blood that burned like a flame suddenly splattered all over the earth.
Seeing this scene, Eltluqi was about to step forward to support her. At this moment, a sharp sword light flashed and cut off her long soft hair like the night.
Brad waved his knight’s sword with a sullen face, and his bloodshot eyes glared fiercely at the Six Kingdoms of Darkness.
“…Sir Brad!” Eltluqi escaped the sharp sword lights, her face extremely difficult. Because of the subordinates who have been with him for countless years, driven by emotions, he can’t help but seem a little restrained.
Seeing this scene, Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, taking advantage of the Six Dark Kings’ power to interfere with the White Beast, filling the battlefield with perception directly, connecting everyone’s thinking.
At the same time, the white beast fell into a downwind, and huge wounds appeared on the snow-white beast. The white fur was gradually covered by bright red blood. Due to the injury, the speed of the huge body was obviously slowed down. .
Suddenly, a spider leg covered with faint fire suddenly stabbed the neck of the white beast like a sharp knife.
The corners of the Dark Six King Quan’s mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Yu, who was about to move and seemed eager to save people, with a hint of joy on his face.
A solemn and solemn shout suddenly sounded.
Hundreds of glass-like transparent barriers suddenly appeared beside the white beast, silently guarding the incomparably huge beast body.
Arturia jumped on the back of the white beast and grabbed the long rabbit ear canals. “Leave the defense to me, attack with all my strength!!!”
“Involving the sixth dimension, the ideal land that cannot be touched by the five magics. At present, it seems that Alter can’t break through the six-dimensional defense.” The corner of You’s mouth twitched slightly, and he looked playfully at the dark six-kingdom road with a blue face.
“How is it possible, isn’t the King of Knights being held back by Stuart?” The Six Kings of Darkness had a gloomy face and suddenly looked towards Stulute.
Iskander ignored the sword wound on his body, swung the Cypriot sword that seemed to break with excitement, and shouted. “Come, come, the sixth ancestor, let me, Iskandar, be your opponent!!!”
“Why is he here?!” The Six Kings of Darkness said incredulously with wide eyes. The most miserable person on the scene should be Iskandar who faced the Chaos herd of Nero Kaos.
“Oops!!” The Dark Six King Quan’s expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly looked in Yu’s direction, where there was already no one there.
“It’s hard work.” Yu said with admiration, looking at Webber, who was covered in blood in front of him, and Gevira, who blocked Nero Kaos’ movement even if he was dead.
“Mistake, does the teacher still have the secret treasure to temporarily control the Chaos Beast’s Nest? I didn’t expect that it can be used in this other world!” Nero looked calmly at Guevilla, who had locked his limbs and was already dead, indifferent. accepted the fact that he was about to die.
“Then, there is no second chance this time, Nero Kaos.”Yu raised his right hand, and beside his clenched fist, the space distorted on a large scale.
His right fist exploded with enormous energy like a star nucleus. The enormous energy was concentrated on his right fist, and Yu suddenly swung his right arm to blast Guevilla and Nero Kaos together! ! !
“Don’t swing an attack that’s enough to destroy the continent beside me.” Webber let out a hoarse laugh. After laughing, Weber’s eyes suddenly rolled up and he fell to the ground with a plop.
Yu walked over to Weber’s body, his right foot glowed slightly with a white light, and he kicked it lightly. At the same time as the treatment, he kicked Webber to Qingji’s side with skill and sent him off the battlefield.
After doing all this, he turned around and looked at the Six Dark Kingdoms of Darkness who were smiling and applauding lightly not far behind. “What a good plan, to get Iskander to get my attention, so you can take your hands and deal with the most difficult Nero.”
Yu looked at the Diablo Six Kings calmly, glanced at it, and held Brad, Rita Rogerian, and Smiley’s Eltluki in hand-to-hand combat.
In fact, in this environment, Nero, who was able to summon 666 beasts, was indeed the most troublesome character present except for Oort, so he secretly used his perception to connect, and proposed Arturia and Iskan Dahl made that outrageous move.
“That kid named Weber is not bad. A mere mortal can actually cooperate with a magician to block Nero’s actions for a short time.” The Six Kings of Darkness looked at Weber who was helped by Qing Ji under the tree with admiration. The anger that the plan was destroyed by it.
“Although his strength is extremely weak, Weber is extremely good at observation. Without his observation, even Guevilla and Iskandar cannot block Nero in a short period of time.”
Yoo glanced at Webber and said in a tone full of appreciation. Even if it can be done, in a sense, Weber is also a daring man in the sense that a coward dares to participate in the action of blocking the ancestors of the Dead Apostles.
Perhaps this is why he will become a monarch with Iskandar, who dared to conquer the world.
Yun Yun slowly turned her head, looked at the smiling Dark Six Kingdoms in front of her, and said solemnly. “I’ve already guessed your purpose.”
“Oh?” The Dark Six King Quan narrowed his eyes slightly, with a playful smile on his face, a look of yours but it doesn’t matter.
You narrowed his eyes, the huge perception spread throughout the entire Crystal Valley, feeling the dense group of dead disciples, and said.
“Before, I wondered why the ancestors of the dead apostles could still use abilities in this other world where other than the abilities of the magic level, other ability coefficients were invalid. I think you, the dead apostle’s inhibitory power, is at fault?”
“It is also the purpose of converting the 15 million dead apostles in Tokyo into dead apostles, using tens of millions of dead apostles as an energy source to supply and maintain your power, which is why in this Mercury environment, you and the dead apostles The reason why the ancestors can still use their abilities.”
“The purpose is nothing more than to trap me in this different world, lose the power of divine power, and let you slaughter it?” You looked at the Dark Six Kings with cold eyes.
The opponent’s purpose is to swallow the gods and usurp the authority of the restraint, so the target is naturally Gilgamesh and Aozaki Aoko, who is the new god of destruction, and himself who has the personality of God.
To put it bluntly, the Dark Six Kings use him as a ration for promotion inhibition.
“Aren’t you afraid of breaking your teeth, Six Kings of Darkness!!!” You grinned, his sharp eyes piercing at Six Kings of Darkness like a sharp blade.
“For Mr. Yu, who still holds magic, my odds of winning are still not great.” The Dark Six Kings raised the Hungryue skirt and gave a lady’s salute with a slightly miserable smile on his face.
“So…” The Dark Six King Quan pursed his lips and pleaded softly with a pitiful expression on his face. “…Can you please not use magic?”

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