Good luck all the way~
200 kilometers away from Konghai City, it is a scenic spot called Erfeng Mountain.
In the villa resort located in the scenic area at the foot of the mountain, Eddie stared at the dark circles, his eyes narrowed to a small point, walking in the courtyard of the villa, towards the small lake in the backyard.
In this world where the admiral holds the military and political power, a mere resort villa is only a drop in the bucket in terms of the admiral’s worth, so almost every admiral is a real estate developer with a lot of real estate.
What they lack is only the ship girl, the powerful ship girl, the unparalleled prototype ship, and of course the ‘cute’ oil bullet steel aluminum!
It has been a week since the news in the Kukai City newspaper that “an old admiral forced a newcomer to dry the boat, and was ‘struck’ by the original ship, causing two madness and one injury”.
In these seven days, nothing can describe what happened to Eddie.
If it were forcibly defined, it could only be called… ‘unlucky’, right? ! .
He choked on drinking water, and was rescued by the doctor “Rejuvenation” for three hours, and finally saved his life.
He slept in the middle of the night, and a torrential downpour leaked from the bedroom that had just been renovated. It drenched him for a few seconds, but he caught a bad cold and was sent to the hospital.
However, this was not over yet. During the injection, the new nurse at the hospital just stabbed the needle into the ‘little brother’ under him and poured a potion, which is still swollen.
My own initial ship, the lovely Hibiki-chan, suddenly said that she would go to the big brother who stopped Yukikaze to say (cast) Sheng (huai) Xie (send) Xie (hold), and unilaterally rescinded the contract with him.
Eh, like Q like rice? After being together for nine years, the little loli, who he has never even touched, is actually going to find his enemy…? ! ! !
Now that’s all right, when Bismarck’s affairs were gone, he thought he had a green grassland on his head, so he didn’t need to think about it this time.
He is so green! ! !
All kinds of extraordinary things make Eddie’s heart like stagnant water now, as calm as the lake in front of him.
The sudden sound made Eddie immediately lower his head, and looked at the piece of shit that appeared under his feet despite having checked the ground three times. Eddie with a calm face rubbed the lawn as usual.
Walking to the front of the lake, Eddie deliberately found a wooden chair seven or eight meters away from the lake, and swept it, then sit down gently.
A bird hanging on a stick, a bird ready to build a nest flew by.
The moaning sound that was enough to make the girl blushed suddenly spread.
Red-faced and grinning, Eddie stretched his hands under his ass and hips tremblingly, and pulled out a small-finger-thick wooden stick from his ‘sunflower’.
Looking at the wooden stick in his hand, Eddie, whose face was flushed and red, roared, “TMD, where did this stick come from!!!!”
Eddie slammed the stick to the ground: “I checked it three times!!!”
After the fall, Eddie suddenly hugged his head and cried.
Thinking of what happened to him recently, Eddie wiped his nose with resentment and said with tears on his face. “Fuck, everyone else wins the lottery when they encounter prototype ships, why did I fall like this!!!”
The voice fell.
The sound of purring bubbles came.
Hearing the voice, Eddie raised his head and looked at the bubbling lake. The unease that kept pouring out of his heart made him swallow sharply.
The clear sky covering Kukai City suddenly turned gloomy, with faint thunder and lightning, as if a thunderstorm was about to come, explaining the apocalyptic scene where the dark clouds overwhelm the city and the city is about to be destroyed.
The torrential rain hit Eddie, who already had a cold, on the face.
Under the horrified gaze of this unlucky bastard, a figure slowly ascended from under the lake.
Wearing a black navy hat with huge cracks, as if losing its color, with pale waist-length hair, and a tear-stained face with lingering sadness.
The empty blue eyes reflected Eddie’s terrifying face.
“You… just… said the original… type ship?” As if he hadn’t spoken for a long time, the figure opened his mouth slightly and said slowly in a hoarse voice.
“Talking Deep Sea?!” Eddie’s eyes widened, tears and snot flying together, and he looked at the beautiful figure in front of him.
“—Sumihime Deep Sea!!!!!!!”
However, what frustrates Eddie the most is…
“Why is the ‘princess’ of the sea here… I, mother, and I are inland!!!!”
Ten minutes later, an earth-shattering explosion occurred in the villa area of ​​Erfeng Mountain. After a while, the entire villa area was razed to the ground.
Under the investigation of the security brigade who came later, all the ‘noise’ was suppressed by the gas explosion.
After a half-month voyage, the ship carrying Yu and his group gradually arrived at their destination – a giant island called Hong Kong Island.
Led by six escort girls, the ship slowly moored at the port on Hong Kong Island.
After the gangway was down, accompanied by Bismarck, who claimed to be the escort, and led by Shimakaze, Yun holding Yukikaze slowly stepped down the gangway.
As Yu took the next step, Xuefeng, who was held in Yu’s arms, shyly patted the big hand that was wrapping his waist, with a tone of shyness and helplessness.
“That, Admiral, can you let me go? I can go by myself.”
Yu pretended to have a broken face, looked at the petite thin purple-haired girl in her arms, and said in a desperate tone, “Forget Bismarck, won’t you even hug Xuefeng?”
Hearing this, Xuefeng immediately panicked, and the girl waved her little hand and kept explaining to Yu. “Well, that’s not what I meant, it’s just… just…”
Xuefeng glanced at him, looked around at his crowd curiously, and shyly buried his face in Yu’s Xiongyue bore.
An introverted girl, she is really embarrassed to hug and hug in public.
However, since his own admiral made a contract with Bismarck, Yukikaze offered to make Bismarck with stronger combat power and thicker armor to serve as a frigate to surround Yu.
Yu Ji kept her original intention in mind, hugged her tightly and didn’t let go, and even held her as a pillow at night in order to ‘sleep peacefully’.
Just behind Shimakaze and Bismarck’s constant admiration that you don’t like some trash admirals who like the new and dislike the old, is Yukikaze’s euphemistic moaning and moaning for the past few days and nights.
The admiral of her family doesn’t like the new and hates the old, he clearly just wants to ‘get on board’! ! !
“Admiral Admiral, hurry up, let’s go and see the Guard’s Mansion!!” Shimakaze, who had long run to the bottom of the gangway, turned back and walked down with Yu’s arm.
Hearing Shimakaze’s urging, Bismarck, who was somewhat used to the other party’s eagerness, immediately chuckled and said, “Sir, it’s almost noon, we should think about lunch compared to the guard house.”
“Oh, that’s right, lunch!!!” Shimakaze clapped his hands and said with an enlightened look.
“Okay, let’s speed up!!!” Yu nodded, hugged Xuefeng tightly and walked down the gangway quickly.
Guided by the map of Hong Kong Island that had been prepared, the four of them walked along the avenue of the port area, walked up a hill, and walked towards a famous Jianniang restaurant.
Walking on the mountain road at the top of the mountain, a loud whistle sounded.
The ship replenished with supplies set sail again.
Seeing this scene, Yuu and Bismarck both stopped, looked at each other, and quietly watched the ship that witnessed their oath travel far away.
“Have you left? Titanic?”
Xuefeng blinked, then smiled and waved his hand.
“Smooth all the way~~”
Boom—! ! ! ! !
A deafening crash sounded suddenly.
“Uh…” X4
The corners of You’s mouth twitched, and she said with a dazed expression, “No way? It’s difficult.Say? ”
After Huyou’s voice fell, an even more violent explosion sounded.
The huge ship named Titanic quickly sank to the bottom of the sea with this explosion, without the slightest struggle.
Bismarck, who had seen the situation of the Titanic clearly by relying on his sharp eyes and the enemy-finding radar, said in a bewildered expression: “…It seems that it hit the reef and hit the fuel depot and entered it, causing it to burn? The power furnace burned and triggered a chain explosion. ?!!”
Shimakaze blinked and said blankly. “Shimakaze… thinks so too.”
Xuefeng’s smile froze on his face.

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