I Didn’t Say Anything! !
The legendary ship girl.
Whether in the admiral or the ship’s wife, she (he)? They are all legends.
because,It is said that this boss is the only one among all the girls in the ship, who does not have a younger sister but has a younger brother, a younger brother, and a younger brother! ! ! !
In other words, he is a man, that is, a ship (cheap) man! ! !
The above is one of the eight mysteries of Jianniang, one of the eight mysteries of Jianniang recorded in the library of Jianniang College in Kukai City, the “top secret information” in the column of the legendary Jianniang.
In the face of Yukikaze, who has seen the news, only the ship girl can deal with the common sense inducement of the deep sea, and when she witnesses Yukong kill the deep sea with her own eyes.
It is understandable that Yuu is a ship man.
The above is the oral recording of the snow wind child.
“Shipman, right?”
Snapped–! ! !
A crisp and loud slap sounded, and it seemed to be the sound of a piece of meat, a place where meat collided with a slap.
“The legendary Kuroshio, isn’t it?”
Snapped–! ! ! !
Another crisp sound.
“Dare you say I’m a cute girl?!!”
“Woooooooooo~” The soft cry echoed continuously in the cabin.
Shimakaze squatted on the ground, hid in the corner with three battery guns in his arms, and timidly watched the scene of domestic violence.
“Lianbao sauce, Admiral…it’s scary~~!! Let’s go down.”
The blond little rabbit and the child shivered and jumped into the sea with trembling arms, standing on the right side of the patrol boat, escorting the patrol boat timidly.
After a while, the girl who regained her composure started running in the sea with a cheerful expression on her face.
Bismarck drove the patrol boat intently, scanning the sea with a serious look through the windshield in front of him.
However, she trembled from time to time, and the brown hair that described cat ears and the face with the slightest palpitations all showed the girl’s panic at the moment.
‘Oh, sir, you actually have such a hobby, if it were to be used on me…’
Bismarck was torn between whether he was “resisting” or “not resisting”.
On the sea in front of the patrol boat, Veneto was so petite that she was like an elegant lady, sitting leaning on her huge fortress, fiery red high heels stepping on the waves from time to time, leisurely patrolling boat escort.
The little white-haired Lolita turned around, picked up the coffee on the ship behind her, glanced at the patrol boat with a happy face, and then took a sip of hot coffee.
The hot coffee poured into his mouth, his strong body ignored the heat, and tasted the mellow beauty hidden under the fire and heat.
“Killing the deep sea with bare hands… Sure enough, the sense of crisis at the beginning was not an illusion.” Veneto whispered softly, and a charming smile appeared on his childish and mature face.
Veneto doesn’t care why her admiral can do such an extraordinary thing, in her opinion, it is a good thing that the protected object is strong.
As for that inexplicable ‘power’, who cares about him?
In fact, unless the admiral committed an ‘unforgivable’ serious crime, or made the ship’s mother disheartened, basically all the ship’s mother would not take the initiative to “sell” their own admiral.
After all, under the connection of the ‘contract’, the relationship between Jian Niang and the Admiral can be described as life and death.
“However, that guy Xuefeng, why every time he says ‘good things’, then something unexpected happens? What is the reason?” Veneto frowned and said with an embarrassed expression.
Veneto, who didn’t know the immunity of a certain prince Xiangrui, could only finally put the title of ‘Crow’s Mouth’ on Xuefeng’s head.
At this moment, the feedback from the radar made Veneto frown slightly, and the white-haired little Loli turned her head and shouted at the patrol boat behind her.
“1-2 has arrived, get ready for battle!!!!”
The slap that You just raised froze in midair.
The so-called ‘1-2’ refers to the large gathering point of the second deep-sea habitat ship on the first route, and the area where Yu was attacked before is the node named 1-1.
Similarly, there are 1-3, 2-1, etc., etc., all the way down.
The reason why such gathering points appear is actually caused by the sea, because each ‘point’ represents the node of the ocean current of the sea.
With the help of ocean currents, the movement of deep-sea habitat ships is faster and easier. Therefore, the number of deep-sea ships is extremely large in the ocean currents. For the purpose of division, these names are marked on the route.
Yu put down his right hand, lying on the seat with his face turned beside him, with teary purple eyes open, looking pitiful Xue Fengdao.
“Okay, since that’s the case, I’ll let you go for the time being and prepare to fight.”
Xuefeng nodded, neatly tidying up her messy uniform, the girl’s shy and timid look, dressed carefully, made Yu almost unable to help her on the spot.
Sensing that Daoyou was about to move, Xuefeng raised his head timidly, his little hands squeezed the skirt hem, and gently pulled it up.
“… Admiral still hasn’t calmed down yet?” A soft girl’s voice sounded softly.
Xuefeng blinked, the girl didn’t have the slightest complaint about her being punished.
After all, when she said that sentence earlier, the girl was keenly aware of the sign that she had activated her special ability, which was clearly called ‘Auspicious Royal Avoidance’.
Otherwise, how could a deep-sea perch ship just happen to be ambushed on the right side of the sea where there is no defense at all, and the thief’s gun muzzle is aimed at Yu.
The monster that looks like a whale is a deep-sea habitat ship, not a smart deep-sea habitat ship.
As I said, if there is an ordinary deep sea with this kind of sneak attack thinking, human beings and shipgirls will be finished by now.
So, aEverything is the fault of ‘Snow Prince’.
In this regard, Prince Xue can only express.
She, admit it!
You turned around and sat on the sofa, shaking her eyebrows, and said pretending to be serious. “Calm down, you go to the battle first.”
The moment Xue Feng tidied up his clothes and got up.
You narrowed your eyes slightly, and whispered in Xuefeng’s ear, “Come to my room at night.”
Bismarck in the front row was shaken, her pretty face flushed instantly, and there seemed to be steam gushing out of her head.
Xuefeng nodded slightly, then glanced at Bismarck, and jumped down into the sea in a little panic.
Under the escort of three ship girls, the patrol boat quickly broke through 1-2, and then broke through 1-3 two hours later. Four hours later, it finally arrived before the ‘abnormal’ 1-4.
Arriving at the edge of 1-4 on the first day of the new year, everyone immediately looked at the terrifying sky covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder in the distance with a look of astonishment.
That familiar scene made Shimakaze and Veneto, who were escorting him, immediately focus their angry eyes on Xuefeng.
Xue Feng covered his cherry lips in disbelief, and looked at his two colleagues tearfully.
“I didn’t say anything just now!!!”
Veneto tremblingly picked up the coffee on board, sipped his dry mouth, shook his head and said.
“Xuefeng, you should think about it carefully, did you say something you shouldn’t have said when you went out!”
“That’s right, that’s right, Crow’s mouth Xuefeng, hurry up and report the ‘good things’ that you secretly said, or Shimakaze will leave you behind and run away with the admiral.” Staring at Xuefeng.
Xuefeng shook his head, looked at the two ship girls who were glaring at him, and looked up to the sky with a sad face and sighed. “I really didn’t say anything!!!”
On the patrol boat, Yu put a walnut into his mouth with a relaxed expression, and said as he watched the two dark figures colliding ferociously under the distant sky.
“Bismarck, who are those two people in front of you?”
With a gloomy expression, Bismarck slowed down the patrol boat and turned around, explaining to Yu in a solemn tone.
“Deep Sea… Qi Ji!!!”

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