Legal blindness is a must! 【Christmas Plus】
Black inch hair, rough face, right eye with a stab wound across the eyelid, and the tight muscles all over his body are full of explosive sensations like a giant rock Johnson.
Lu Zhenhao, the captain of the security brigade on Hong Kong Island, is simply the person in charge of a police agency such as the Metropolitan Police Department.
In this area of ​​1,000 square kilometers, he is separated from the island chief and the Admiral’s Palace, and is directly under the jurisdiction of the Governor’s Palace.
And the supervisors of the Governor’s Palace are naturally the all-pervasive members of the gendarmerie.
In fact, on this island, Lu Zhenhao is basically like a Tuba. Most businesses and individuals in the port area not only pay taxes to the Governor’s Office, but also 10% of the taxes are actually “tributes” to him.
‘You have to do things with money! ‘ This is the secret of Lu Zhenhao’s domination of Hong Kong Island.
And now, a steel shop that paid tribute to him has been inspected by the relevant departments. From the mouth of Mazi, who led the way, he learned that it was the mayor of the island.He was inexplicably relaxed.
Compared to Mutsu, the deputy chief of the island who hides his sword in a smile, Nagato, who strictly abides by the rules and regulations, is much easier to deal with.
Lu Zhenhao, who knew Jinbao San’s old fritter-like method of slaughtering only fat sheep, clearly understood that this time it was basically a trick to show his face.
Led by Mazi-face, Lu Zhenhao came to the back door of the steel shop with ease, and after passing the truck that blocked the door, he took the lead to glance at the faces of everyone present.
After scanning the flax-haired, gentle and virtuous woman, Lu Zhenhao’s eyes suddenly lit up. To be honest, not to mention the incomparably delicate facial features, just the gentle and pleasant temperament, he can conclude that the other party is the best candidate for his wife.
However, in this world where the ship girl is ‘raging’, the wise saying that the more beautiful a woman is, the less you can’t mess with has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the world.
There are too many examples of the second-generation ancestor who bullied men and bullies women by forcefully robbing the ship’s mother and being tied to a wooden stake by the other party according to the ship’s mother’s method.
So after just one glance, Lu Zhenhao looked away and fixed his gaze on the silver-haired man in Lexington holding hands (the corners of Lu Zhenhao’s mouth twitched).
“Little white face.” He cursed secretly, Lu Zhenhao’s face was faintly hostile, if it wasn’t for the inexplicable aura of detachment on You, his hostility might have been more obvious.
But looking at Yu’s slightly immature, even feminine face… In fact, if it weren’t for that obviously burly figure, Lu Zhenhao would have scolded him as ‘Master Rabbit’.
‘Damn, with a little white face and that kind of figure, it’s no wonder that you can eat that kind of perfect woman’s soft rice. ’
Although he was extremely disdainful in his heart, Lu Zhenhao didn’t show anything on his face. With a simple and honest expression on his face, he walked over with a big smile.
“It’s a coincidence. I happened to meet Miss Nagato when I passed by the door, but you are here because of your busy business. Did the manager of this shop, Jin, do something illegal?”
Nagato turned his head and saw Lu Zhenhao’s figure without the slightest surprise on his face. In fact, this kind of ‘accidental encounter’ was not once or twice.
The activities under Lu Zhenhao’s hands had already been thoroughly investigated by her and Mutsu, but it was because those ‘victims’ were completely voluntary, and Lu Zhenhao himself was tight-lipped, so naturally the other party couldn’t.
However, the trouble that Jinbao San made this time was enough to give the other party a headache.
“That’s right, Captain Lu, your security brigade is in charge of arresting the criminals. This store manager Jin has committed economic fraud, please take action.” Nagato said to Lu Zhenhao with a serious face.
Hearing this, Lu Zhenhao’s face changed slightly, his eyes swept across Jinbao San’s still-surprised face, following his gaze, the corner of his mouth twitched when he saw the steel on the shelf that was already considered waste.
He glanced at Jinbao three viciously, knowing how big or small this matter could be, Lu Zhenhao had to bite the bullet and go up.
He walked to the shelf, carefully looked at the steel on the shelf, and said with a serious face: “Looking at the appearance of the steel, is Boss Jin miserable in the goods?”
“I…I…!!!” Jinbao San, who was speechless, looked at Lu Zhenhao, then glanced at the “scrap copper and iron” on the ground, and nodded with a pale face.
“Who is the acquirer?” Although it was a question, Lu Zhenhao fixed his gaze directly on Lexington’s face.
Although Lexington, who was already used to the strange gazes of others, didn’t say anything, but Yu, who was keenly aware of the aggressiveness in the other’s eyes, flashed a hint of displeasure.
To show this kind of gaze in front of the male companion of the other party can be described as defiant.
Although he does not have the bad habit of killing people at a glance, small punishments are inevitable.
In return, Yun cast a light glance at the other party.
An inexplicable sense of chill poured into Lu Zhenhao’s heart, goose bumps all over his body suddenly rose, he just felt as if some incomparably terrifying existence was watching him, and hurriedly turned his eyes away.
At that moment, Lu Zhenhao only felt as if he had passed the deep-sea perch. The fear of being at the end of the food chain made him sweat finely.
At this moment, Yu said calmly. “It’s me who bought it, and the total amount of goods is one thousand tons. Is there any problem?”
Lu Zhenhao, who didn’t understand what happened to him at all, turned his head, suppressed the fear in his heart, and said in a spirited manner.
“Has all the goods been handed over?”
Hearing this, Lexington and Nagato’s expressions changed slightly.
Jinbao San’s pale face suddenly turned red, and he pointed at the ‘scrap iron’ road on the ground with excitement.
“The deposit hasn’t been delivered yet, and this batch of goods on the ground hasn’t been loaded yet, and this is not the goods I want to deliver, but the steel I’m going to scrap in the near future.”
“Oh?!!” The corners of Lu Zhenhao’s mouth grinned widely. Originally, he only saw the goods on the shelf, and he was just testing it out.
“The sale hasn’t been formally established yet? Does this constitute economic fraud!”
Hearing this, Nagato’s mouth twitched sharply, and he glanced at Yuu subconsciously. When the other party paid the deposit, wasn’t it because she was disturbed!
However, Nagato’s face was not flustered at this moment, she still spoke with a serious face.
“Then, you can’t deny the fact that some of the houses under construction collapsed and injured workers by selling inferior steel to the islander Liu Feng.”
Jinbao San’s face stiffened, and then he said with a philistine smile.
“IHe admitted that I sold him steel, but he didn’t buy construction equipment from my family. If he was about to be held accountable, he would have to go to the court directly under the Governor’s Palace. ”
As qualified traders, the law is their ‘weapon’. If they find a lawyer, an island court, a district court, or a governor’s court, for three to five years, how can those unfortunate people who are eager to compensate the workers’ medical expenses tolerate him?
Saying this, Jinbao San turned his head, his eyes were full of playfulness, and he said to You wantonly when he was overwhelmed.
“Also, Boss, although our previous transaction was negotiated verbally, it was also established. 3,800 tons of steel and 1,000 tons of steel, not less than a single piece. Otherwise, we will see you in the Governor’s Court.”
Jinbao San had a mocking smile on his face, and his face had already been torn apart. What was he afraid of? It was a blatant pit. According to the law, he was right.
However, seeing Nagato’s livid face, Jinbao San, who understood that this was a little unsafe, immediately gave Lu Zhenhao a wink beside him.
“Indeed, according to the laws formulated by our Governor’s Office, an oral agreement is equivalent to a paper agreement. This gentleman, please pay the agreed amount according to the law and take your goods.”
Lu Zhenhao looked at Yu with a serious face, like a judge who was unselfish and had a smack in his mouth.
However, in fact, he has been constantly calculating how much profit he should take, 3,810 tons, Jinbao San’s price this time is really ruthless.
He also understands the purchase price of 241 tons of steel. According to the usual 20% draw, he can get a rebate of nearly 300,000 this time.
What’s more, this time it was he who enforced the law in person, and he had to take 40% of the money no matter what.
Thinking of this, Lu Zhenhao immediately said to You righteously.
“This gentleman, if you refuse to deal, I’d like to trouble you and this lady to ‘walk’ with me to the police station in accordance with the laws of the Governor’s Office.”
When Yu, who had been indifferently watching the two grasshoppers jumping in front of him, heard the threatening words, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.
“According to the laws of the Governor’s Palace?”

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