Who Made the Money?
After signing the employment agreement, Nagato, who had a complicated expression, sighed softly.
If possible, she doesn’t really want to be paid. After all, Yu has helped her trip over the biggest ‘political enemy’ who has hindered her administration for many years.
Compared with this kindness, it is not a very troublesome thing to help you manage a steel shop.
However, Mutsu, who was standing beside him, had a very serious expression that made her clearly understand.
If you don’t sign this agreement, let alone help, it will be impossible to act alone in the next few days.
‘It’s time to return the salary. ’
Thinking like this, Nagato handed Yuu the biological computer the size of a baby’s fist in his hand, with a trace of apology on his face.
“It has been signed, the agreement should be passed on to my privatePeople mailbox, biological computer back to you. ”
Looking at the apologetic Nagato in front of him, Yu’s face was rather strange.
Although the bio-computer can’t see the information after it leaves his hand, judging from Nagato’s neat behavior just now, the other party probably didn’t read the agreement carefully.
So, he was a little tangled, wondering whether to inform Nagato of Mutsu’s tampering with the agreement.
Although, his idea of ​​this one is of a very serious nature.
Mu Ao, who was standing pretty beside Nagato, swept his eyes and smiled when he saw Yu’s tangled face.
The brown-haired beauty stretched out her hand in front of Nagato, smiling like a flower and taking the small biological computer down the aisle.
“Oh, this thing should be handed over to me now.”
Feeling the sense of weight disappearing from his hands, Nagato, who heard Mutsu’s words at the same time, was slightly taken aback, turned his head, and looked at Lu Ou with a stunned expression.
“Mutsu, what are you doing?”
“Sign the agreement~ what else can I do?”
His eyes were curved like a crescent moon, and Mutsu raised the corner of his mouth lightly, looking at Nagato, who was stunned, with a weasel-like snicker on his face.
“Agreement? What agreement did you sign?”
Seeing the snicker on Lu Ao’s face, Nagato’s face froze, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.
Nagato, who has been with him for many years, is very clear about the meaning of Mutsu’s expression at the moment.
That was the smile that Mutsu showed whenever he succeeded in tricking her with a ‘prank’—the tricky trick.
The plan has been reached, and Mutsu naturally won’t keep it as secret as before. She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Nagato Dodo narrowly.
“Of course it’s an agreement to become the island chief~”
“Uh… huh?!!!” Nagato was stunned for a moment, and then shouted in astonishment.
“Signing completed~~” Mutsu gently tossed the bio-computer in his hand, then handed it to Yuu, and said with a sweet smile.
“Please give me more advice in the future, my little sir!”
“If this is the scene where the ship’s oath is signed, I might be happier, my island captain.”
Yu took over the biological computer in Mutsu’s hand, dumbfounded, and rubbed his fingertips lightly against the soft palm, revenge for the girl’s previous calculations.
If it weren’t for the content of the last-minute agreement, he really didn’t know that the real purpose of Mutsu’s long-winded salary package was to make Nagato step down.
Ping Bai was dragged into the water, although it was innocuous, but a small reward (tune) and recovery (play) were necessary.
“Huh!” Mutsu shrank his fingers sharply, realizing that she was being molested, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he squeezed Yuu’s hand lightly as punishment.
However, with the force that was enough to make an adult scream in pain, facing Yu’s tyrannical body, he hesitated and scratched.
Yu’s face was slightly stunned. He was no longer the first brother, but he clearly understood the provocative meaning represented by the woman’s behavior of scratching the boy’s hand.
The corners of Yu’s mouth twitched slightly, and her fingertips lightly scratched the palm of Mutsu’s huhu, and it was all over.
Lexington is still there. If you want to tease Mutsu, you should continue in private. Compared to Mutsu who met for the first time, Yu is more concerned about the feelings of Lexington next to him.
Lexington raised the corner of his mouth lightly, and the girl’s slightly narrowed blue eyes had already seen through the small movements of the two in private.
However, she had no intention of blaming her at all, instead she hugged Yuu’s arm slightly, expressing her intention of ‘seeing through but not breaking through’.
Hearing Lexington’s movements, Yu’s body froze slightly, but in the next second, he felt relieved when he realized that Lexington didn’t lose his temper.
However, he was forgiven for teasing another girl in front of a girl who had a crush on each other, which made him feel a little guilty about Lexington.
“Don’t do it next time…”
Seeing Yu’s guilty expression, the curvature of Lexington’s mouth became more and more obvious.
Looking at Nagato, who was talking to Yuu and Mutsu, in awe, he finally came back to his senses and said with a stunned expression.
“What the hell does this happen?!!!”
Looking at Nagato’s expression of who is going to tell me the truth, You raised her hand calmly and coughed twice.
“Cough, it’s very simple, Miss Nagato, with a monthly salary of 120,000 yuan, you have become the person in charge of the shop under my name, and your previous position as island chief was handled by Miss Mutsu.”
“Simply put, it’s you who stepped down, Miss Nagato!” At the end of her speech, Yu spread out his hands in a funny way.
After listening to Wan You’s explanation, Nagato blinked blankly.
After a full minute, Nagato, who came back to his senses, asked with a look of astonishment.
“Wait, the island chief should be elected by the islanders, or directly appointed by the Governor’s Office. Why would I be ‘removed’ if I didn’t receive the election and appointment!!!”
Just when Yu frowned and was about to explain in detail, Mutsu interrupted with a smile, “Ahhhh~ let me explain to Nagato.”
Nagato turned his head and looked at Lu Ao’s face, full of confusion and astonishment.
Why did she step down out of nowhere? ? ?
“In the morning, when Nagato was rushing out to deal with the collapse of the house, the Governor’s Office sent a telegram, declaring that the ownership of Hong Kong Island had been given to the Hong Kong Island Governor’s Office.”
The corners of Mutsu’s mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Nagato with a smile.
“So, the current Hong Kong Island is the private property of the junior governor ~ as long as he agrees, isn’t it easy for the governor of Hong Kong Island to step down and replace him?”Hearing this, Nagato opened his eyes slightly and looked at Lu Ao with a shocked expression, as if he couldn’t believe that his sister would actually cheat on him.
“So, just after the agreement was concluded, I proposed myself to the little chief to promote myself as the island captain of Hong Kong Island, and it just so happened that Nagato took over the management of the store, so… Nagato, do you understand?”
Mutsu slowly restrained the smile on his face and looked at Nagato indifferently, with neither the joy nor the unbearableness on his face.
Looking at the two who fell into silent silence in front of him, the corner of You’s mouth twitched slightly.
In fact, when he saw the content of the agreement earlier, Xiao Jiujiu was in his heart.
Instead of telling Nagato that the agreement was changed, Mutsu would take the initiative to come to the door if he silently watched.
And with Nagato’s character, even if he is fooled into signing the agreement, there is a high probability that he will not break the contract.
Therefore, in the case of choosing one or two, Yuu of course chose to pack Nagato Mutsu away.
Although the two of them are only working under him, and they have not signed a formal contract with the ship’s daughter, are you coming to the ‘Sun’ party~!
Just as Yuu was thinking about it, Mutsu gently stepped forward, slender hands gently wrapped around Nagato’s neck, and put a smile on Nagato’s absent-minded face.
“Nagato… Do you still want to help those islanders who are in trouble?”
Nagato’s pupils shrank, she lost her position, and she has stepped down, what help can she take?
“Okay, Nagato, if you still want to help, I’ll allow it, but you must listen to my sister ‘obediently’~”
Seeing the dark and kind smile on Lu Ao’s face, he swallowed his saliva, turned his extremely stiff neck, and looked at Lexington, whose face was slightly pale.
Yu always felt that making Nagato “obedient” was the ultimate goal of Mutsu at the expense of himself.
Speaking of which, why did Yu always have the illusion that he would be wearing a ‘forgive cap’ by Mutsu when he saw this scene…
…that must be an illusion.

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