To follow or not to follow? This is a problem!
An afterimage flashed by, and the whole plate of curry chicken wings disappeared instantly without a trace. The next second, a clean and smooth empty plate was put back in place.
Looking at the fork hanging in the air in his hand, and looking at the empty disc in front of him, even reflecting her face, CV-16’s face suddenly stiffened.
“what is the problem?!!”
Suddenly, Bell McCann looked at a plate of roasted turkey that had suddenly disappeared in front of him, frantically flapped his wings, and looked around.
“Who took my turkey!!!!”
“Huh?!!” With an indifferent hum, it suddenly sounded.
Looking at the turkey meat skillfully cut with a knife in front of him, and looking at himself with a playful face, Veneto looked like he was looking at a moving turkey dinner.
Bell McCann lowered his head, looked at his 20cm body, and suddenly gave a jerk, and hurriedly saluted.
“Sister, you can enjoy it slowly, it’s not enough, I’ll go to the kitchen and call!!!”
‘As long as you don’t eat me, everything is fine! ! ! ! ‘ Bell McCann growled inwardly.
“Yeah!” Veneto nodded in satisfaction while chewing on the turkey meat.
clack! despair! The suddenly empty chopsticks made Nagato blink in surprise. “Hey, what about the sweet and sour pork ribs in front of me just now?”
“Huh?! That dish just now, is it yours?” Bismarck, who was chewing something, looked at Nagato in astonishment, and there was a drop of bright red sauce on the corner of his mouth.
Looking at the bright and dripping sauce on Bismarck’s face, Nagato’s eyelids jumped, and his face suddenly became gloomy.
Seeing this scene, the corner of Mutsu’s mouth twitched, his blue eyes curved into a crescent shape, and he looked narrowly at Nagato, his words were full of teasing.
“Ahhhh~ Our seventh-generation combined fleet flagship was actually eaten by tigers? This is really surprising.”
The voice has not fallen, brush brush brush! A few times, the three dishes in front of Mutsu disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared.
The narrow smile on Mutsu’s face suddenly froze on her face, especially Nagato’s playful gaze that counterattacked, causing a nameless fire to burst into her heart.
Mutsu turned his head without laughing, and looked at Shimakaze, who was chewing on his bulging cheeks on the right, his blue eyes full of cold meaning.
Aware of Mutsu’s gaze, Shimakaze, who puffed out his cheeks, ducked his head away.
“Well… I didn’t take it, Shimakaze didn’t steal it~!”
However, because there was too much food in his mouth, Shimakaze’s tone was very vague, making him look extra cute.
But for Mutsu, who is also a woman, the girl’s cutesy offensive is obviously useless, even like adding fuel to the fire.
“Ah la la, I always feel that my eighth-generation combined fleet flagship has been provoked~~” Mutsu stood up with a smile, his blue eyes full of dangerous eyes.
At the same time, Nagato also stood up with a serious face, looked at Bismarck with piercing eyes, and said solemnly.
“It’s been a long time since I was provoked at the dining table. I’m fighting for food with the R-series ship girl? Who gave you the courage!!!!”
Bismarck snorted lightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and gently rolled up the cuffs of his uniform with his plain hands, revealing the healthy-colored wheat skin beneath it, showing a sign of disobedience to fight.
In the next second, wooden chopsticks and knives and forks flew together, soup spoons danced with porcelain bowls, and the sky above the dining table was like a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara exerting magical powers. Looking around, all arms were dancing.
“That…” Lexington raised his hand, as if he wanted to stop the farce in front of him, but after seeing the happy faces of everyone, he shook his head in disbelief.
“These children…really…!!”
Whoosh! ! !
A silver light flashed.
Looking at the silver fork that was inserted in front of him, the handle could not stop trembling back and forth.
Essex blinked blankly, staring blankly at the shadow of the disc and chopsticks in front of her, her red eyes staring blankly at Yu.
Standing beside Yu, a woman with orange hair in a black maid outfit was holding a stack of menus and stood obediently, as if she was accustomed to the disc chopsticks in front of her.
Beside her, many waiters are taking out dishes from the kitchen continuously, their faces are full of numbness, as if they are tired of seeing this scene.
Yu held a black pen in his hand,A vertical line was drawn on the name of the dish on the menu in front of him… and it was handed to the ship’s mother beside him.
“Give me a copy of all the dishes marked on the list!!!”
As soon as Yuu’s voice fell, Nagato and Mutsu’s movements suddenly froze, and the two turned their heads in astonishment, looking at the menu with vertical lines in the maid’s hand, and the corners of their mouths twitched.
As frequent guests of Mamiya Dim Sum House, the two of them still don’t know the price level here, which is completely out of the ordinary economic level.
Only those superintendents above the school level can occasionally make a super high consumption once or twice a month.
For Nagato and Mutsu, who are now on civil service salaries, it is a meat-opening celebration that only happens once a quarter.
However, even so, they only ordered a dozen side dishes, barely filling their stomachs.
In fact, if it wasn’t for the fact that Yuu directly paid 2 months’ salary in advance after working with them, it is estimated that they would not be able to be seen here until 2 months later.
“Have you ordered all 100 dishes on the menu? How much resources do you need to eat!!” Nagato sucked in a cold breath.
“Although the material is about 1,800 at most, the price is about 20,000 units of resources…” Mutsu made an estimate in his heart and said with a stiff face.
“It’s over, I’ll finish eating later, won’t you use us to pay off the debt?” Hearing the huge amount, Nagato felt a little relieved.
After this meal, she ate so many resources in one go. What if Yuu asks her to pay for the meat? From or not from?
“Probably not, after all, didn’t the little chief just get 300,000 resources? It’s not Akagi, should…probably…no?” Mutsu said twitchingly at the corner of his mouth.
Now Mutsu doesn’t want to take revenge for being calculated before. Just the resources he grabbed for food before, it’s all four figures.
After eating so much from the other party, she would be thankful for not being pursued.
Just when the two were stunned, taking this opportunity, Shimakaze and Bismarck took a few dishes in front of them, but when the two were concentrating on grabbing food, Veneto silently took away the dishes in front of them. .
“Okay, Mr. Yu.” After finishing the menu, Ms. Tachibana bowed to Yu with a smile on her face.
Afterwards, the girl put away the menu, took out a white-gold card with the LOGO of Mamiya Dim Sum House from the pocket of the maid’s skirt, and handed it to Yuu with a respectful face.
“In view of your recent consumption in this store, this is a VIP membership card given to you, and you can get a 30% discount~” The girl winked at You playfully.
“Oh?! This is a really nice gift!”
The corner of You’s mouth twitched, in line with the principle that it’s a fool to have free, cheap, not to take advantage of it, he accepted the membership card with a smile, and took advantage of the opportunity to touch the girl’s tender hand, which made the maid Fenniang laugh coquettishly.
“Then, I’ll retire for the time being. If you need it, please use the pager to contact me~” The maid ship girl smiled playfully and slowly exited the private room.
Until the door was closed, she could still see Yuna’s gesture of waving goodbye.
When the door was closed, the orange-haired girl took out a biological computer from her pocket with a smile on her face, and said with a smile as she walked to the kitchen.
“Boss, he accepted the card.”
“Well, I understand, treat them well.”

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